Qianshou Aung Xing would spare a few hours to conduct clinical trials of Bingliangwan No. 3 on these vicious ninjas.

In addition, under Danzang's suggestion, another mouse was given Bingliang Pill No. 3 orally.

a month later.

A total of 60 mice were tested.

The prison is almost overcrowded.

this day.

Qianshou Angxing picked up the small notebook, opened it, and wrote down the experimental records of the latest day with a pen.

A total of 50 successful cases.

Adverse reactions of foaming at the mouth occurred in 10 cases.

The success rate is 5 out of [-].

It doesn't matter if you fail.

The key is whether people will die.

Fortunately, under the medical ninjutsu of Senju Aung Xing, the medicinal properties of the patients in those failed cases were extracted by him using the "fine disease extraction technique", which is the ninjutsu that Sakura saved Kankuro. Come out, although this process will cause a lot of pain.

Generally speaking, the problem is not big.

As long as it succeeds the first time, it will basically be smooth sailing later.

If you can't succeed the first time, there is a high probability that you won't succeed later.

"It appears that individual differences are real here..."

Qianshou Angxing frowned.

Sure enough, humans in this era are different from his era.

Danzo also looked at the string of experimental data and nodded.

The success rate is acceptable.

"A No. 3 Bingliang pill, how much life expectancy will be increased? 100 years?"

The voice just fell.

Qianshou Angxing turned his head suddenly.

Dayou... You said you are a horse, Shimura Danzo.

100 years that can increase individual hair.

Eating one pill can increase life expectancy by at most 10 years.

"10 years is a lot..."

Danzang thought of a good business to make a fortune, and asked Qianshou Angxing to sell No. 3 Bingliang Pills.

But just thinking about it...

Otherwise, there will be ninja cultivating immortals everywhere on this planet, and it will be completely messed up.

"Is there no better way? Young Master..."

Danzo rubbed his fingers and motioned.

The effectiveness of Bingliang Pill No. 3 is quite amazing.

It is too strong to snatch time from the hands of death.

It is not an exaggeration to call this invention the highest masterpiece of medical ninjutsu.


In case the secretary eats it, ahem...

"The picture is not beautiful."

Danzo began to find fault.

Qianshou Angxing thought for a while, "It's not like there is nothing."

In addition to No. 3 Bingliangwan, he has other methods.


"I won't give you that method..."

At this moment, his expression became very serious.

"Even if it's me, I won't use it."

That was Qianshou Angxing's bottom line.

Evidence that makes him a human being different from those cosmic demons, the Otsutsuki clan.

"Shimura Danzo, you should die."

Facing Qianshou Aung Xing's resolute speech, Danzo became even more curious.

Is there any way to be better than No. 3 Bingliangwan?

At the same time, let Qianshou Angxing, the messenger of justice, refuse so resolutely?

"Ang Xing Ge Ge~, tell others~."


Qianshou Ang Xing clenched his fists, and the word "well" appeared on his forehead.

"Ahem, alright, alright, Qianshou Angxing, you will tell me what terms I will exchange."

Danzo waved his hands again and again.


Qianshou Angxing turned around silently and left here.

Looking at his back, Danzo thought for a while...


In the next few days, Danzo had another whim.

I went directly to the gathering place of a certain ethnic group...the Inuzuka clan.

The Inuzuka clan gathers at the edge of Konoha, and the suburbs are just outside the door.

This has something to do with the habits of their clan.

A ninja of the Inuzuka clan, he often takes his ninja dogs out for a walk.

In addition, the population of this group is very small.

Not to mention a big family like Zhuludie.

Even compared to the oil girl clan, the Inuzuka clan has very few ninjas.

Haven't entered the gate yet.

Danzo Shimura smelled... the smell of a dog.

When Shimuradan hid in the compound, there were all kinds of ninja dogs running around.

The animal trainers of the Inuzuka clan.

Yes, the ninja of the Inuzuka clan is part-time Konoha animal trainer.

and a family run veterinary shop.

If Qianshou Angxing is an expert in human beings.

Well...the Inuzuka clan are experts on animals.

Because of this, the ninjas of the Inuzuka clan generally have to be busy.

Veterinarians, animal trainers, train ninja dogs, deliver babies, take care of newborn animals, rations... and more.

Compared with other tribes such as Hyuga with many classes, the Inuzuka clan is more like a big family in a zoo.

These ninjas of the Inuzuka clan mingled with their ninja dogs and regarded them as their best companions.

It is a companion, a comrade-in-arms.

Emphasize one point: not a dog, not a slave.

This one makes a difference.

Chapter 308. Friendship of the Inuzuka Clan

"You stupid things, run away!!!"

As soon as Danzang entered the compound, he heard a very familiar voice.

The head of the Inuzuka clan.

I don't know if it's Inuzuka's great-great-grandmother or something.

The current head of the Inuzuka clan.

Inuzuka Shino.

The head of the house in his 30s.

He was standing in front of the corridor, pinching his waist, and yelling at the puppy... and children who were running in Nuoda's yard.

Be it a dog or a person.

In the Inuzuka family, everyone must receive equal physical training.

If you can't keep up, don't eat.

quite real.

"Xiao, it's almost there."

Beside Inuzuka Shino, a big purple dog with shiny hair, looks like a wolf, but Ninja Dog, who is more powerful than a wolf, spoke.

It is also eloquent, which proves that, like Kakashi's Parker, it is an extremely rare ninja dog.

It's Rikimaru.

Inuzuka Shino's partner.

Riki, who crouched down, was much taller than Goko Kotarou.

And Gouzi Hutaro is lazily basking in the sun, watching with great interest its younger generations running around in the yard.

Occasionally, Gouzi Tiger Taro would boo and bark twice.

But Rikimaru didn't look at Gouzi Kotarou with ill words.

This means that the latter is doing well.

"Cough cough!"

Shimura Danzo coughed hard.

Kotaro, the dog with sharp ears, jumped up all at once.

Then, like a happy Erha, it jumped and ran over.

After patting Kotaro's head, Danzo greeted Inuzuka Shino and Rikimaru.

"It's Shimura Danzo."

Rikimaru glanced at Danzo.

It is a ninja dog who is over 25 years old and has made great achievements for Konoha.

In terms of experience and strength, it is even higher than most ninjas.

A man who is immortal is a thief, and a dog who is immortal is a spirit.

The brilliance of wisdom in Riki's eyes made Danzo not dare to underestimate it.

Just like the group of toads in Miaomu Mountain, if you pick out a big one at random, it may be dozens of years old, or even over 100 years old.

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