A pink bunny one piece, and... two choppy ones!

Dedicated bunny ears add a pop of color.

But the problem is...

He is a man! ! !


The first Mist Ninja vomited on the spot.

The shining beard made him unbearable.


The second Mist Ninja froze.

The pectoralis major and exposed chest hair made him wonder why men can grow choppy.


The third Kirin covered his eyes and screamed.

He saw the elephant-like protrusion under his crotch, protruding high out of the bunny girl clothes.


The bunny girl muscular brother broke the neck of the man in his hand.

And Kakuzu's eyes flickered, as cold as steel.

The next moment, the bunny girl who threw away the corpse turned around and hacked to death the ninja of Wuyin village who covered her eyes and screamed.

There are two left.

"Pants escape...!"


The sound of something rattling.

A blue mask instantly appeared under Kakuzu's crotch, and opened his mouth.



The blue lightning spear spewed out from the mouth of the masked monster, and the pseudo-darkness comparable to the power of A-level Chidori penetrated the body of another Mist ninja.

There is one last left.

In the end, the guy finally reacted, he yelled, and slashed the waves of the bunny girl brother Gui with a big knife.


The waves exploded, spraying the glue all over him.

His eyes were sealed with super glue, and it felt like his eyelids were glued together.

In the next second, the bunny girl brother opened his big furry hands and buried him in his broken waves.

The misty ninja struggled violently.

All-purpose glue entered his nasal cavity, mouth, and respiratory tract.

His face was flushed.

Not long after, he buried his chest and suffocated to death.

Jiaodu has heard many people say it.

What... It's also romantic to die under the peony flower.

What else... It is the happiest way to die with a big breast.

This kind of.

Glancing at the purple-faced, suffocated Kirin.

Everyone believes that the above statements are unscientific.

To die in a big bosom is not happy.

Not only unhappy, but also quite painful.

After snapping her fingers, the bunny girl began to clean up the enemies in her chest.

All this happened in just 30 seconds.

It took Jiaodu 30 seconds to kill 4 elites of Wuyin Village like chickens and dogs.

One of them is an elite Jnin.

"Pants escape + women's clothing = efficient"

Since using the formula provided by Danzo, Kakuto's killing efficiency has greatly increased.

Most people are surprised, unbelievable, and vomit when they see women's clothing.

Even if a small number of people are determined, there will be a moment of trance.

Sometimes, a split second can determine a person's life or death.


The brother in pink bunny girl costume stood in front of Kakutsu, and had already picked off the unlucky guy on his chest.

It's like picking grapes.

Since it is a disguise, it must be completely disguised.

Kakuto has learned Danzo's ideas.

Teach the ground to blame Yu's avatar to speak.

In this world, the only reliable thing is money.

In a week, Di Yuanyu learned a title: "Boss".

Looking at the four corpses on the ground, Jiaodu gave orders to the Earth Kuanyu avatar.

Grab all four of them.

The bunny girl carried the two corpses on her shoulders, and put the two corpses under her armpits.

Jiao Du looked him up and nodded in satisfaction.

A clone of Earth Resentment and Yu was exchanged for extremely efficient killing.

In one battle, all that was lost was a bunny girl costume and a large jar of super glue.

Such a cost investment is completely cost-effective.

"Papa papa..."

Jiaodu took out a small abacus, did the math, and put it away very satisfied.

Turn around and take a step.

The bunny girl followed closely behind Kakuzu.

Target... an underground gold exchange.

Chapter 325. The Melancholy of Sarutobi Hiruzam

At the same time, Hidden Leaf Village.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was injured.

This news happened 3 days ago.

During an A-level mission, Hiruzaru Sarutobi suffered minor injuries and was admitted to the "Konoha Hospital".

In the past three days, there has been an endless stream of people who have come to visit.

Just no Danzo.

till the end......

When it became very deserted, Danzo came to visit with a basket of fruit.

On the white hospital bed, Hiruzaru Sarutobi leaned against the pillow.

The smell of disinfectant filled the small ward.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi forced a smile on his face.

Now he can be described as a small tank.

But even so strong, it still belongs to the concept of mortals.

Otherwise, the second generation of Lei was stabbed to death by Jinjiaoyinjiao in the back.

It's normal for ninjas to get injured during missions, so no one has any special opinion on Hiruzen Sarutobi's injuries.

But Danzo has.

"This isn't like you... Rizai."

Danzo sat on the stool next to the hospital bed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is 15 years old this year.

Although he has not reached the peak of later generations, it is not something that ordinary ninjas can bully.

Unless his opponent is an elite jonin, or a large number of people.

Many people have no concept of Sarutobi Hiruzen's strength.

In fact, it is easy to see the clue from the comics.

Uzumaki Baijue, after wrapping Captain Yamato, resorted to miniature real thousands of hands.

According to the description in "Book of Formation", Whirlpool Baijue is the bud of the sacred tree, the son of the sacred tree, born from the golem of the heretics by accident.

It is definitely not the same thing as those 10 mass-produced whites and unlimited monthly readings.

"The Book of Formation" introduces black and white together.

But Whirlpool Baijue, that is, A Fei, took out a separate page to introduce.

The whirlpool can be regarded as columbarium.

Orochimaru, Xianglin, Chonggo, and Shuiyue beat Baijue to the whirlpool for a while, and cast a curse seal, but they were easily eaten.

The miniature real thousands of hands used by Uzumaki Baijue are actually "the art of wooden figures" in "Book of Formation".

Yes, you read that right, Uzumaki Baijue's "Wooden Man Technique" is exactly the same as Senjujujian's "Wooden Man Technique".

What is the art of the wooden man?

Receive the complete Nine-Tails Beast Jade in your hand, and press it back.

It is almost equal to the full body Susano.

An NB technique that can compete with Weizhuang · Susano.

Sorry, being big is all about being able to do whatever you want.

In this way, the high-end goods that blocked a group of shadow-level players in the four battles.

Slashed by Sarutobi Hiru, an old man, he was blocked at 55.

The Sarutobi Hiruzen in its heyday may not be able to defeat the perfect Susanoo.

But [-]-[-] is really no problem.

I don't need to win, but you can't beat me either.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the title of "Strongest Mortal" on earth, is well deserved.

Jiraiya's base value is 71, Uchiha Itachi's base value is 71.

Jiraiya's total strength = 71 base value + fairy mode.

Uchiha Itachi's total strength = 71 base value + eye legend.

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