Danzo drew his tone and nodded.

"Then can we hit his brain hard when he takes the elixir and the moment the elixir takes effect, knocking him unconscious again? So as to prevent him from going berserk?"


Qianshou Aung Xing looked at Danzo sharply.

That gaze seemed to kill.

After a while, Qianshou Angxing spoke.

"Shimura Danzo, you are an out-and-out evil bastard!"


Danzo blinked innocently.

However, he can guarantee that this is the first time Qianshou Angxing has cursed since he was a child.

1 minutes later...

"One, two, three...eggplants~!"

Danzo, the bearded lady with a big stick in her hand, slammed down the sap at Setsuna Uchiha who was shaking violently.

"Bang! Bang!"

Uchiha Setsuna, who was still trembling and struggling violently after taking the elixir last moment.

The next moment, it turned off the flame directly.

Danzo and the bearded lady held the sap in their hands, observed for a while, and after confirming that Uchiha Setsuna was really silent, they slowly put down the chakra-enchanted big stick.

The two complained one after another, squatting beside them like this, carefully observing Uchiha Setsuna's reaction after taking the elixir.

"Nothing seems to have changed—"

Observed for a while.

As soon as Danzo said the word "change", the reaction appeared.

Uchiha Setsuna's body shook again, powerful chakra burst out from his body, and the whole person even began to float in the air.

"Oh shit."

Danzo stared at this scene dumbfounded.

what is this?

Star Wars Force?

In a burst of chakra agitation, Uchiha Setsuna's body began to show changes.


The sound of flesh and blood growing sounded.

It seems to start from the inside of Uchiha Setsuna's body.

Qianshou Angxing frowned, watching the scene without blinking.

At some point, there were several shadow clones of Qianshou Angxing...... in the room.

A group of Qianshou Angxing held small notebooks in their hands, watching the performance of the experimental subjects forcefully, and wrote down something in the small notebooks with pens from time to time.

Danzo doesn't know that much.

He just observed Uchiha Setsuna back and forth to see if there would be any mutations.

For example, grow four hands, or become a tentacle monster.

Otherwise, it will become a zombie or something.

Chapter 333. Elixir effects, side effects.The Disappearance of Uchiha Izumi

"The experimental subject is intact."

Senju Aung Xing pulled Uchiha Setsuna's eyelids away, and took a look.

It did not evolve into a kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And because of the pill.

Uchiha Setsuna's Sangouyu Sharingan has been opened.

At this time, the potency of the medicine gradually faded, and the scarlet in Uchiha Setsuna's eyes also disappeared.

It didn't take long before it changed back to normal eyes.

Speaking of this aspect, we have to mention Danzo's doubts.

The Uchiha clan can control the opening and closing of Sharingan by themselves.

But when Obito Uchiha withdrew his eyes from the eyes of his tribe, they couldn't all be in an open state.

Then why are the locked Sharingan always open?

instead of the black off state?

Danzang motioned Qianshou Angxing to write it down and study it later.

Sharingan on & off research topic.

After checking his whole body up and down, Danzo pointed to his ear.

"The ears... have grown..."

No horns.

But the ears have grown longer.

Becoming like... a brat?

Yes, the kid in the western movie.

With Uchiha Setsuna's fierce and ferocious face, he is really a kid.


Senju Aungsei, who was frowning tightly, nodded slightly, and signaled that it would take a complete cycle to detect Uchiha Setsuna's physical condition.

Danzang looked at the ♀ pill left in his hand, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

At the same time, my heart became more and more anxious.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed.

The time has come to the 8th month of this year.

The 30-day test results came out.

Uchiha Setsuna's physical fitness has been greatly improved.

If we say that the total strength of Uchiha Setsuna before is...

Basic value + Sharingan = total strength.

Relying on the Legend of the Eyes of the Sharingan, one can reach the Elite Jōnin.


Uchiha Setsuna who swallowed the elixir.


Relying on individual basic values ​​alone has already met the needs of elite ninja.

This is easy to understand.

Danzo said it before.

Konoha Ninja's strength division, as well as promotion level evaluation.

The base value of 58 is the road threshold.

Going beyond is Jonin.

If you don't cross it, you are extremely forbearing.

but......!To the point...but!

Certain hanging B.

Such as Renzhuli, Legendary Eye Ninja, Earth Resentment Yu and other special cheating methods.

It can make a person eligible to be evaluated as a higher-level ninja when the basic value is low.

For example, Yuhihong, who debuted in the first part, has just been promoted to Jonin, with a total value of 58.

In the second Shippuden, Ningji Hinata's total value is only 54, and he has already been promoted to Jonin.

This is because Neiji Hinata is a legendary ninja with eyes.

Hinata Ningji's total strength = 54 base value + white eyes/soft fist

The complete system of Baiyanrouquan will at least give Neji Hyuga a bonus of 4 values.

Achieved the promotion requirement of 58 total values.

For the ninjas of the Hyuga Clan, the higher the level of practice in the Baiyan Soft Fist system, the greater the added value.

For example, Hyuga Hichizu with a radius of at least 10 meters in the sky.

Obviously stronger than Ningji Hinata.

Then, even if Hinata Hinata's basic value is only a pitiful 60, he can still rely on the white eye/soft fist system plug-in to abruptly pile up his total strength to the same level as Kakashi and others.

There is one more notable example.


That is, Nagato.

Nagato's body shredded the golden prince and Rabbi Ricky, the perfect human being.

If it weren't for Uchiha Itachi, the two perfect Jinchuriki would be cold.

And the reason why Nagato is so powerful is because Uchiha Madara's pair of "Reincarnation Eyes" brought him a huge bonus to the cheat value.

Even if some netizens ridiculed him as the God of War in a wheelchair, the fact that the blood abused the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is still there.

The same goes for the Uchiha clan.

Total strength = basic value + Sharingan.

Why is Uchiha Itachi so strong?

The total value is even more terrifying than the elderly Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The first part, Kakashi 66 total value.

Elderly Sarutobi Sun Slash 68.

Orochimaru 70.

And Uchiha Itachi...is 71.

The total value of 71 makes Uchiha Itachi stand out from the crowd.


The normal Orochimaru can be hammered with the body alone.

Plus an additional value for Sharingan plug-in.

If it weren't for Uchiha Itachi's own disease...

"The pupil power has also been strengthened!"

Qianshou Ang Xing tapped on the small notebook.

Comparing this month's observations with the previous recorded values, Senju Aung Xing found that Uchiha Setsuna's pupil power has also been improved.

There are 1, 2, and 3 Gouyu in Sharingan.

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