With a fart drum, everyone knows that Senshou Feijian is conducting human research.

In other words.

In order to maintain his own majesty and integrity, Senshou Feima will kill Kakuto one day sooner or later.

Because he knows too much.

Taking advantage of this turmoil, let the top masters of Longyin Village die again, wouldn't it be great?

Dear brother, if I don't tell him these things, he will die sooner or later... But you want this guy to live.


In order to maintain the normal Naruto plot.

Jiao and I are both year-end friends.

After a while, Danzo spoke.

As a friend, isn't it normal to want your friend to live?

Even if he is extremely evil?

Shimura Kyuto leaned forward.

He is not evil.

Danzo saw Gouzi Kotaro carrying Xiaojing and Feimo on his back, and the two children yawned.

I wanted to find a place to sleep.

The human-minded Kotaro quickly trotted all the way and entered a room.

Kakuzu's cruelty is towards ninjas, not children.

There was still compassion in his heart.

Facing Xiaojing and Feimo, Jiao greeted them both very kindly, and eventually worried about their lives.

Kakuzu's evil was forced by this crazy ninja world.

It was this ninja world that was wrong.

Yoko Uchiha.

Shimura Jiuyuan suddenly mentioned a name.


the second.

Maybe Qianshou Angxing will be added soon.

The third.

These three people are the closest people to you right now.

My dear brother, you are lonely, very lonely.

Even if you have lovers and friends, you still cannot share this loneliness with them.

Of course I am alone!

Danzo was angry.

My sister came back from the dead, but I couldn't ask her: what happened to you all these years.

Why does she know so many things?

Seems like there's more to it than I know.

Why didn't I ask?

Because even if I ask, she won't answer me.


This time, it was Shimura's turn to be silent.

not the right time yet.

Shimura Kuto said.

I'll tell you everything when the time comes.

The next moment, Shimura Jiuyuan waved his hand.

The sky above the head suddenly opened up.

The original ceiling and walls of the palace disappeared... or became transparent.

The scene of Longyin Village is fully displayed in front of my eyes.

The slave ninjas and Longyin village ninjas who fought.

A rebellious ninja and former companion in Longyin Village.

as well as......

Bamen Dunjia · Shisha and Seven Tails Jinchuriki · Feiquan are fighting with the gods.

Of course, the most festive ones.

Danzo saw Kakuto, who was eating at the end of the corridor, and stopped his movements in a daze, which was very funny.

It seemed that Kadotsu hadn't expected this miraculous change at all.

Shimura Kuto, who was sitting on the stone chair, looked at him quietly.

Although Danzo had thousands of doubts in his heart, he still turned his attention to this real-life 3D projection.

The fight between Shisha and Feiquan was earth-shattering.

In the beginning, the two were just normal.

Later, the hookah began to play the eight-door dunjia...the fifth door.

Feiquan directly covered the tailed beast coat.

The two fought against each other, and various moves emerged one after another.

Afterwards, the two failed to fight each other, and the battle escalated again.

Shisha opened the sixth door of the eight-door Dunjia, and resorted to Chao Peacock.

Feiquan turned into a half-tailed beast, and six tails appeared.

Chao Peacock drove Feiquan into the abyss, and there was a violent explosion.

But soon, Feiquan flew out relying on his wings, and sprayed the Tailed Beast Jade towards the water smoke.

Six states.

It is impossible to resist the tailed beast jade.

Thus, Feiquan opened the seventh door.

With a shot from the day tiger, the tailed beast jade was barely resisted.

But the battle at this time is already a fight between gods and gods.

The aftermath of the explosion of Day Tiger and Tailed Beast Jade directly killed the people below.

Longyin Village is collapsing.

The artificial buildings and landscapes that were originally built collapsed one after another.

A large number of people are dying, whether slaves, ninjas, or civilians.

Chapter 354 Danzo is wiping the teacher's ass again today

"Stop it hookah, there's no point in fighting between you and me."

Feiquan with six tails has become a monster completely wrapped in a scarlet coat.

In this state, he can still maintain his sanity.

"Hmph! Feiquan, don't you think it's too late to talk about this now?"

The shisha who opened the seventh door endured great pain.

Every minute and every second, his body screamed.

The whites of the rolled eyes looked like Feiquan who had turned into a half-tailed beast in front of him.

Constantly exploding momentum, he continued to fight against his colleagues who were possessed by an abnormally huge chakra.

The seeds of the battle between the two had already been planted.

More than 30 years ago, when both of them were children.


Feiquan sighed.

"But...you can't win me because Kakuzu isn't on your side."

"But I didn't join your side either."

The shisha confronted him unceremoniously.

Today, one of the two must fall.

"Let me guess how long you can last in this state."

Each tailed beast has a special ability.

Nanao Shigeaki is a bug, and has a natural premonition about some things.

"It's enough to get rid of you."

Shisha unfastened a container from his belt behind his back.

He unscrewed the cap and gulped down the liquid inside.

And Feiquan's eyes, which were already wide open to the extreme, seemed to have expanded a bit.

"Water of Heroes..."


The hookah wiped the corner of his mouth and threw away the container.

The next moment, stronger Chakra gushed out from his body.

"Hahaha, power, I feel power coming up! The eighth door...open!!"

Under the extreme pressure of the hero water on the body, the hookah opened the eighth door.

The huge chakra soared into the sky, even covering the flying spring with six tails.

"This lunatic..."

Feiquan's mood turned bad.

He should have told this muscular head earlier that the side effect of drinking the hero water would be death.

However, it is too late now.

The water of heroes can burst out all the strength of a person.

What is squeezed is not only mental energy, but also physical energy.

Shisha's body was expanding, and in an instant, he turned into a muscular man.

"Go to hell, Feiquan! Xi Xiang——!"

Shisha swung his fist, hitting a beam of light that pierced through the sky and the earth.


Feiquan's composure could no longer be maintained, and in an instant, he untied his thoughts, allowing Shigeaki Nanao to swallow his consciousness.

The tailed beast's neigh resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Nanao Shigeaki's huge body replaced the body of a weak human.

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