Outside, someone came in with a torch, and seemed to want to take advantage of the chaos.

who is it?



Danzo was taken aback when he saw that figure.

It turned out to be the chick in the daytime.

The one who was almost blasted by Danzo's water flow.

At this moment, she walked in with a cold face, and beside her were more than 20 ninjas from Longyin Village.

These guys filed in and broke into the hookah's house.

Danzo took a look, there were several jounin, about 10 special jounin, and the rest were chunin.

"Master Feiquan and Master Shisha are dead, we must regroup as soon as possible while grieving."

Several jounin walked to the center of the hall.

Others held torches and lined up around them.

"The fight between the two adults has caused serious harm to the village. At present, important things must be recovered first."

Danzo thought.

A similar incident happened in Longyin Village 5 years ago.

That time, it was Jiaodu who defected, and all the senior officials of Longyin Village died.

Now, here comes another one, these guys are not nervous at all.

It seems that these guys have long been familiar with the road.

"Heroic water, and—"

"It's not a good virtue to want to have everything for yourself."

The jounin didn't finish his sentence.

Behind him, came a gloomy voice.

That Longyin Murakami's complexion changed drastically, and the next moment, he was pierced through the heart.

Well done!

Danzo almost applauded for that chick.

A special jounin who dared to assassinate the jounin of the village, and succeeded, NB!


what is this?

Fighting in the nest?

Didn't see it, girl.

Probably... this is called the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

It is understandable that there is a rebellious boss like Shisha, and his subordinates are [-]-year-olds.

The jounin's mouth trembled, and he fell weakly.

Blood stained the floor.

The others stared at this scene dumbfounded, as if they hadn't realized what happened yet.

"Ice Rain! You...!"

The other Jōnin turned his head and stared at Bing Yu.

So her name is Bingyu...

What a nice name.

Bing Yu, who was holding a Taidao in his hand, stared at the bleeding blade.

That pretty face was cold and heartless.


One of them, Longyin Village Special Shangren, took out Kunai and stepped forward.

Bing Yu shook his right hand, a cold light flashed, and the sword settled into his head, piercing through.

Throwing the Taidao with this hand is really wonderful.


The special Jōnin fell back, terrified of death.

The next moment, the mansion was in chaos.

The remaining Long Ren suddenly drew out his weapon.

More than half of the people attacked Bingyu, and the rest attacked their companions.

"Chi Chi Chi!!"

In an instant, 10 Long Ren died.

The last Long Ren clutched his neck and backed away in disbelief.

I didn't understand what was going on until I fell to the ground.

In the next moment, the nine Long Ren who were attacking by the pair of companions stood behind Bing Yu.

At the scene, in front of Bing Yu, only Longyin Murakami Shinobi with cold hands and feet was left.

"Hookah...the name is so earthy."

Bing Yu sneered, and took off her blue robe.

The inner black attire was revealed.

The same goes for everyone else.

After taking off the clothes of various colors, the inside is a black uniform.

It looks like the uniform of some kind of organization, and it also looks like cult clothing.

Danzo clearly saw the red moon logo embroidered on their clothes.

Chapter 356. Not against anyone, everyone here is rubbish

This change made the Longyin Murakami Ninja stand on the spot blankly.

He had no idea what was going on.

"For the Eternal Dark Moon."

Bing Yu raised his weapon and pointed at him.

"For the Eternal Dark Moon!!"

The nine black-clothed Long Ren behind him shouted frantically.

Danzo heard the name "Eternal Dark Moon".

what is this?some ninja?

Or a cult?Or an evil god?

At this moment, Danzo even thought of Kakuto's silly grandson, Hidan who believed in the cult of evil spirits.

Unfortunately, it took decades for Hiduan to be born.


The jōnin was trembling all over.

"You are Chi Guoguo's betrayal!!"

"Do it."

With Bing Yu's order, 9 special jnin rushed forward.

Even if it is a Jonin, it is impossible to resist the surprise attack of nine special Junin at close range.

So, in an instant, he died.

Be tied into a hedgehog.

"What a waste of time..."

Bing Yu curled her lips in disdain.

"Hurry up and find the Scroll of the Eight Door Dunjia!"And Hero Water! "

She gave instructions to nine subordinates.

"That bitch... When we find the Water of Heroes, we'll kill her and take back the temple!"

"However, Your Excellency Bingyu, the side effects of the hero water are still unknown..." one of the special jonin reminded.

After all, they all witnessed Feiquan and Shisha's gods fighting with their own eyes.

The body of the latter turned into ashes!

"As long as you pay attention to the intake, you'll be fine, one small mouthful per person... With 10 of us, it's enough to kill that bitch Shimura Kyuto—"

Bing Yu's body suddenly moved, as if moving sideways, avoiding a sneak attack.


Kunai was nailed to the wooden wall behind her, making a muffled sound.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Danzo slowly came out of his hiding place, showing his figure.

His tone was calm, even with a smile on his face.


Bing Yu and the others' gazes froze. They obviously didn't expect that someone would go there first and hide here all the time.



Danzo stretched out his hand, and slowly waved his right arm in front of him very kindly, interrupting Bingyu's fury.

"Don't be angry, I'm not targeting you alone, I mean...everyone here, it's all rubbish."


"Your plan is only aimed at Bingyu and the others?!"

In the temple, Jiaodu's face became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that Shimura Jiuyuan made a special trip here just to deal with Bing Yu and the others.

What does Shimura Kyuto know?

What is Bing Yu and others worshiping?

Jiaodu could only feel that the cold air flowed upstream from his five little livers, all the way to his brain.

The rebellion in Longyin Village, in the eyes of a girl like Shimura Jiuyuan, is nothing like fart.

And what caused the final rebellion was actually Bingyu's more than 10 inconspicuous special jounin.


Shimura Kyuto admitted frankly.

"I just happened to find something when I came here. Of course, Bing Yu and the others really want this thing."

She stretched out her hand, and a scroll emerged out of thin air.

The tyrannical Chakra suddenly appeared in the temple, wave after wave, bursting outward with the scroll as the center.

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