It's not Danzang, in fact, Bingyu's internal and external dress may be completely different.

In this world, there is a kind of person called Mensao.

Kakashi, for example, looks normal on the surface, but in fact he is very boring. He never leaves his little yellow book, and laughs wretchedly when he has nothing to do.

No wonder people in middle age don't have girlfriends, so they can only be with Akai.

There is also Uchiha Itachi who looks cool on the surface but is also very boring.

In reality, that kind of perverted killer is a person who can't kick a fart with three legs. He seems very introverted, but in fact he has more drama inside than anyone else.

Everyone should be careful when they see this kind of person.

After talking about the male characters, let's talk about the boring female characters.


Yes, you read that right, the official formula book, Kishimoto's own "Book of Zhezhi", page 349.

There is a sketch of the setting after Konan took off Akatsuki's uniform.

From the appearance, Xiao Nan is very conservative and dresses very conservatively, right?

But actually...

Xiaonan's inner top is a naked apron and a magic-style top that exposes her belly button! !

That's right, the one that exposes the back!

Kishimoto said that Xiaonan's setting is a bit astringent.

Danzo silently gave Kishimoto a thumbs up...

"What are you going to do?! Stop!"

Bing Yu panicked when she heard that she was about to take off her clothes.

The bearded lady is not panicking.


Danzo waved and signaled.

The bearded lady stopped.

"Tell me, what is your belief?"

Danzo thought, I can't cure you?

After a moment of silence, Bing Yu's cheeks seemed to become even thinner.

"Eternal Dark Moon is the god I serve."

Mentioning his own god, Bing Yu's pretty cheek showed a fanatical sneer.

Even the attitude is much higher.

"He's going to bring new... change to the world."

Danzo frowned.

Generally speaking, the line should be "New Order".

Combined with the plans of Bing Yu and others, and the style of killing her own people, this proves that the god she believes in... should have nothing to do with "order".

Maybe it was the same kind of evil god that Fei Duan believed in, the type of indiscriminate killing.

That is... Mad God.

Danzo believes that he has read many literary works and Two-dimensional works in his previous life...

Although they don't fully understand God, they at least know a little bit.

Some gods like to encourage believers to kill, and even let believers kill each other, and I kill you.

These are generally classified as "chaotic evil" alignment.

To put it simply, it is a hammer to the east and a hammer to the west, one second to eat, the next second to shit, and the next second to copy guys and slash people.

They often do things as they please, regardless of interests and rules, and even deliberately go against the rules.

Sometimes for no reason, he would convulse and want to harm others.

For example, if you see a stranger by the pool in a daze, you will kick them into the water, regardless of whether they are dead or alive.

Although chaotic evil is lawless, it does not necessarily mean recklessness.

Depending on the individual quality, there is a flexible range.

For example, those who are less ill can plan and die, but try to preserve themselves.

Those who are more seriously ill will not plan at all, will get sick randomly, and will die without seeking any benefits.

Even at the expense of others.

If you want to say what they can get... probably, just for fun.

Bing Yu didn't know, when she said this, Danzo had already slandered all kinds of things a hundred times in her heart.

"I also heard about the evil god in "Yuno Country". "

Danzo suddenly spoke.

Bing Yu's expression suddenly became stunned.

Apparently, she didn't quite know.

That's right.

Hiduan was going to be born, at least for decades.

But now it's no problem to use a mustache.

After slightly adapting a version, Danzo told Bing Yu the story of Hidan's magic transformation.

After hearing this, Bing Yu shook his head, with an angry and disdainful expression, "That's a heretic! A false god! It's completely different from the true God we serve!!"


Good guy.

Danzo was taken aback, but it wasn't all the way.

"Let me go."

Bing Yu raised her fair neck and looked down at Danzo with her eyes.

Her tone was soft, even tinged with pity.

"You have no idea who you've offended. As a believer in the Eternal Dark Moon, you'd better let me go. In that case, the Eternal Dark Moon will appreciate you..."


Danzo nodded, then his expression changed, he stretched out his right hand, and rubbed his thumb and index finger in front of Bing Yu.

"You just said that it would be good to let you go... what good?"

"The good thing is that the Eternal Dark Moon won't trouble you... at least not for the time being."

Bing Yu smiled lightly.

"Before the brilliance of the eternal dark moon completely descends on the ninja world, you can live for a while... Danzo Shimura."

Danzo opened his eyes wide, "There are no other benefits?"

Bing Yu frowned, with disgust on his face, "It's gone."


Danzo snapped his fingers, "Pick off her clothes."

The bearded lady ordered, the ice rain was yelling, the bearded lady was in action, after undressing for a while...

Bing Yu's black robe with silver trim was taken off.


Inner garment embroidered with a bunny pattern.

"Oh oh oh, it's a little rabbit~, hehehe~, look, it's a little rabbit~, uh ha ha ha ha!"

Danzo immediately laughed out loud, as funny as he wanted.

The majestic villain girl who kills without batting an eye actually likes to wear underwear with a bunny pattern~.

What is this called?

Contrast cute?

And Bing Yu, whose underwear had been exposed, finally showed a trace of shame and anger on his frosty face.

She gritted her silver teeth and stared at Danzo, her eyes seemed to burst into flames.

And because Danzo felt too funny, he was already laughing and running around, as cheap as he wanted.

"Little's actually a little rabbit...!"

Danzo finally laughed and fell to the ground.

Bing Yu was so angry that his eyes went dark, and he almost passed out!

Chapter 365. Counting the Harvest

When Danzo laughed enough, he got up and continued the interrogation.

"'Dark Moon Eternal' is not the name of a god, tell me the name of the 'True God' you serve. "


Bing Yu turned her head away and refused to say anything.

Even if Danzo took good care of her, it would be the same if she gave her carrots as food.

But Danzo doesn't matter, he has plenty of time.

Then Danzo threw a carrot to Bingyu.

Rabbits love carrots, don't they?

Danzo said that the "root organization" is humanitarian.

Not brutal bandits.

Be kind to your captives.

Bing Yu likes to eat carrots, so we gave her carrots, look, how humanitarian this is.


After that, Danzo returned to his office.

Once seated, the loot scrolls from the shisha were sorted.

D-level, C-level, B-level...

Too bad there is no A grade.

This is easy to understand. Shisha is the ninja of Xiaonin Village, and some B-level scrolls are amazing.

"D-level water escape and water bomb technique...spit out a water bomb from the mouth...weak lethality."

This is understandable.

Any water escape ninja needs to learn the most basic techniques, even if it is a ninjutsu ninja enchanted by water escape.

"C-level water turmoil... this is a bad street."

If D-level water bombs are for preschoolers, then C-level water chaos is for elementary school students.

When Jiraiya taught Yahiko, it started directly from the C-level water turbulence and gourd baby spitting water.

Freezing Rain demonstrated the correct usage of Water Wave against Zoudanzo.

In addition, this technique can also be used as a fire extinguisher.

There is also this ninjutsu in the volume of water hiding between the thousand hands.

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