The question is, who the hell is so wicked to bury the trap in the ground.

Everyone looked around, and there was an adobe house in the grove.

At first glance, it looks like the kind where hunters live in the wild.

"You, don't worry about me... Hurry up and chase after me." The wounded hugged his thigh and gritted his teeth.


Several people looked at each other, nodded, and ran away.

Just as the ninja was holding the trap and trying to untie the trap, a figure strolled out of the hut.

Dressed up as a hunter, with a dog running around, and holding a crossbow in his hand.

In the world of Naruto, both bows and crossbows are very common equipment for ordinary people.

Ordinary people used crossbows for hunting, self-defense, and other purposes.


The hunter sighed, seeing that the traps hadn't caught the prey, he turned around and was about to go back to the house.

This hunter is precisely Danzo who used the transformation technique to pretend.


Using the C-level ninjutsu of "Shimura Danzo の Shelter", a temporary ordinary house with a length of about 6 meters is produced.

"Nine buckets of sacks!"

The injured Namikaze ninja stretched out his hand and called Danzo.

"Why?" Danzang greeted him from a distance, and said angrily.

By the way, according to the information in the head of the wave wind robot, Danzo learned the name of the dragon number two.

Wave door.

"You set this trap?" Enduring the severe pain, Bo Fengmen opened the trap.

Immediately, blood flowed.

"what happened?"

Danzo looked at him calmly, with as cheap an expression as he wanted!

Bofeng Damenhou~ made a strange sound in his throat, and almost passed out out of breath!

what happened?

How dare you ask me what's wrong?

While trembling, Namikaze Daimon took out emergency hemostatic medicine and bandages from the ninja bag, and bandaged himself accurately.

He swears that he will kill the hunter of Long Country in a while!

"Then can you help me?"

Bofeng Damen said, can Danzo help him.

After all, simply dealing with the wound does not mean standing up.

Because the trap was so big, the wound it caused was so frightening!

"It can't be done."

Danzo's head shook like a rattle.


"I am a hunter."

Danzo held the crossbow nervously, bowed his waist, and slowly~, slowly~ backed away.

"Hunter... must become an existence that deceives the eyes of the prey... If I pass by casually, it proves that I am not a qualified hunter..."

I can understand every word this guy said, but I can't even connect it.

"That...Mr. Hunter, please come and help me, otherwise I will probably die due to blood loss."

Bo Fengmen tentatively said.

Carefully hide the killing intent.

"Besides, without you, I will definitely not be able to stand up, so what should I do?"

"No, although I didn't go to help you, but I am here, I will cheer for you silently, for you, I am essentially... dark green, just like your ninja detonator, Things like kunai..."

"You are a hunter! You are just a hunter! Can you speak human language?!"

Bo Fengmen was about to cry.

What the hell is going on with this man? !

"NONONO, you are wrong... I am an existence beyond ordinary hunters, far away from man-made nature, a guardian in nature... That, just like Mu Dun, the god of ninjas Same......"

"What the hell-"

"Anyway, that's it. Then, come on, come over here, I will wait for you here."

The conversation is over.

Danzo was lying on the ground, holding a crossbow in his hand, and took a pile of grass from the side and spread it on his body.

Suddenly green.

No matter how Namikaze Damon shouted, Danzo didn't speak this time.

He just held a crossbow, stared at two piercing eyes, lay on the ground, and waited for the rabbit.

You don't come here, do you?good!Then I will go!

Bo Fengmen gritted his teeth, dragged his injured leg, and crawled forward.

When he worked so hard to climb up to Danzo...


Danzo pulled the trigger, and the crossbow shot out, hitting Namikaze Daimon's head.

I wore it directly to cool my brain.

Less than one meter away, close range lore!

"Call work~."

Danzo smiled slightly when he saw that this sentient ninja couldn't die anymore.


Untie the scroll, seal the corpse, summon the nightmare, wind escape · take a breath of cool air, release the psychic, the body emerges from the soil, the shadow clone passes things, and the shadow clone is released in one go.

Those who are proficient can hardly be more proficient.

In fact, this is a good habit accumulated by Danzo in the past two years when he received the reward task from the underground gold exchange.

This set of procedures has been verified by Danzang countless times.

Collecting corpses and destroying traces is a one-stop process, and no one can find any loopholes.

Even Uncle Jiaodu was amazed and amazed.

After all, we are all professionals.

It's just that the low-IQ nightmare always asks why it has to eat a bunch of messy things every time it is called out.


After easily killing the opponent, Danzo straightened his clothes, moved his body, and set off again...!


10 minutes later......

Danzo caught up with the opponent.

At this time, there were only 5 people left in the opposing team.

1 elite Jōnin, 3 Jōnin, and 1 Hiiragi.

"It's much easier to deal with this way..."

Danzang formed a seal, and the shadow clone appeared.

Transformation technique, wave robot, start.

Then, the shadow avatar hung on himself... about 200 detonating symbols.

This kind of power can blow a person alive into blood foam.

For details, refer to Hidan who was bombed by Shikamaru. Shikamaru used about 50 detonating charms to break Hidan into pieces.

With a wave of the cloak and a mask, the detonating talisman entered.

Then, the Namikaze robot rushed to the Namikaze Hiiragi.


Five people turned around and recognized their companions.

"Hey, robot, where did you go?"

"After cleaning up that kid, I went to see Didala." Said the wave wind machine man transformed from the shadow clone.


"Art is explosion, drink!"

The wave robot is printed.


Explosion, huge explosion.

Flames, smoke, bangs.

The whole forest trembled.

The intense fire spread out in an instant, and even Senju Rika and the leopard who was coming quickly heard it in the distance.

Chapter 385. Danzo's detonating symbol small lecture hall

6000 billion detonating symbols exploded for 10 minutes.

10 minutes equals 600 seconds.

Xiaonan exploded 1 billion detonating symbols in 10 second.

A grenade contains about 60 grams of TNT explosives.

We underestimated the power of detonating charms a bit, the power of "5 detonating charms" is equivalent to that of "1 grenade".

10 billion ÷ 5 = 2 million

It can be calculated that Xiao Nan exploded 2 million grenades in one second.

About... 120 billion grams of tnt.

The conversion is 12000 tons of TNT equivalent.

The earliest atomic bombs had this equivalent.

Detonate an atomic bomb in 1 second.

So, 1 atomic bombs in 60 minute.

In other words, Xiaonan detonated at least 10 atomic bombs in just 600 minutes.

Conclusion: Nagato is a fool.


"One detonating talisman is 1 taels, and 2 pieces cost 200 million taels..."

Danzo said that this is a tactic that only kryptonite can afford.

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