It can prevent the ice rain from hiding in the underground base.

It is also more convenient for Zhuanzhu Xiaochun to persecute her.

Then, Danzo closed the entrance of the root underground base and closed the enchantment authority for the passage of ice rain.

"No, I have to think of a way."

Danzo felt that this was not perfect.

It doesn't fit his character of pursuing 100% success rate as much as possible.

So, Danzo took out five spells and cast the enchantment ninjutsu he got from Uzumaki Mito.

C-level ninjutsu five-seal enchantment.

Remember the Kawa no Kuni cave that Payne prevented Kakashi, Akai and others from entering?

This technique, unless five spells are revealed at the same time.

Otherwise, it will continue to run.

As for the chakra needed for this enchantment ninjutsu, it is naturally borne by the root base, the mage tower.

If the ice rain reaches the shadow level, maybe it can easily break through this enchantment.

But now she... can't.

Chapter 392. The enchantment turns, 9999 companies, the insane Danzo

Night, strong wind.

Shimura is the only canyon in the country of birds.

Here, a group of evil forces composed of ronin, fallen warriors, and ninjas have just been cleaned up.

Task difficulty level A.

To become Jonin.

You have to brush enough basic tasks.

C-level, B-level, and A-level each 100 times.

In addition, the nature of the two attributes changes.

Shimura's only attribute is "wind", and the second attribute has not yet been developed.

She planned to start practicing the second attribute after completing the number of missions.

Looking up, the sky is full of dark clouds.

Shimura Yui, holding a samurai sword in his hand, couldn't help thinking, what is the patriarch doing?


Danzo is sleeping.

I was in a freezing rain, and I was in a good mood.

I practice until 9 o'clock in the evening, wash up, and then go to bed.

Even my sleeping capacity is much better than usual.


Danzo had a dream.

Dreams are beautiful.

He runs freely.

Running and running, there was a sleeping Xiaochun in front of him.

Before Danzo had time to say hello to her, he felt a chill on his neck.

The next moment, his head was in Zhuan Sleeping Xiaochun's hands.

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun held his head, his eyes were dim.

Then, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun showed a smile, a satisfied smile.

"Uh uh uh~."

Danzo was awakened in the middle of the night.

Woke up to see, 1 o'clock in the middle of the night.

He touched his neck, and his head was on it.

Look outside again.

The night wind howled and the scenery hummed.

Danzo looked at those dark shadows shaking in the night, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt like Xiaochun who was going to sleep.


Danzo got up and ran from the bedroom in Dabieye on the surface, holding the quilt, and trotting all the way in his pajamas.

When passing through the underground root base and reaching the entrance, Danzo looked at the five talismans.

That is, the C-level five-seal enchantment.

After everything was working well, Danzo nodded and touched the entrance with his finger.

It was obviously air, but it produced ripples like water.

It seems that there is an invisible membrane here.

This layer of film is the barrier function of the five seal barriers.

If outsiders want to come in, they have to crack it violently.

Even Sakura's full strength punch could not shake it.

It can be said that it is immune to most physical skills.

Danzo then stepped forward.

The body was caught in the ripples of the water surface.

Entered easily, turned around and took a look.

Ripple gradually returned to calm.

Go down the stairs all the way down.

At the end is the gate of Root's underground base.

Danzo reached out and touched it lightly.

The door opened silently.

The internal vision suddenly became clear.

In this way, the first floor of the huge root underground base appeared in the eyes of Danzo.


The gate closes automatically.

On the wall, at intervals, a rune is engraved.

"Avoid detection".

The function is to evade perception ninjutsu.

It can even interfere with Baiyan's vision.

A large number of [focus] evasion and detection ninjutsu are connected in parallel, which is a kind of enchantment that can completely nullify Baiyan.

"Alarm Barrier".

The function is that when an unidentified person enters, it will automatically call the police.

It can be seen that in the first layer, the alarm barriers are densely arranged to the end and are complete.

To avoid detection, more than half of it has been engraved.

There is also a [under construction] sign standing there, indicating that the project still needs to continue.

Take a few steps forward to reach the central room on this floor, and Danzo enters.

"Perceptual room".

Inside the perception room, there are various books on divination, astrology, and metaphysics.

Most of them are used to punch the facade.

Bright curtains, stalls, all kinds of exotic decorations.

In the center of this gypsy-like room, there is a small cabinet.

The small cabinet is covered with a red tablecloth, which is laid down.

On the tablecloth is a box.

There is a big crystal ball in the box.

Danzo found a bright long scarf with many pendants and put it on his head, and began to perceive.


An inexplicable, actually useless chant after casting spells.

Danzo saw the veins of the entire underground root base, the Mage Tower, from the chakra-injected crystal ball.

A three-dimensional rendering similar to a 3D holographic projection emerged.

It's just like in front of Danzo's eyes.

The entire underground base, like the underground company under the umbrella of Biohazard, has all kinds of pipes, rooms, and barriers in Danzo's eyes.

Danzang saw that Qianshou Angxing stayed up most of the night and came out to pretend to be Zhang Wufei... Oh, it was for an experiment.

Danzo saw that there were a few more villains, experimental products, and mice captured by Qianshou Angxing in the prison of the Genbu underground base.

Danzo saw...



He breathed a sigh of relief.

Danzo felt more at ease.

However, the large number of [under construction...] signs still made him feel a little worried.

"The project must be expedited..."

Danzo muttered.

Rather than practicing, it is better to include the construction of the perfect mage tower first...

The project that Danzo is currently researching is "Composite Barrier".

Simple example: "Bagua seal"

The brain hole of the compound enchantment is learned from the gossip seal of Namikaze Minato in later generations.

Namikaze Minato uses two Sixiang seals to form the Bagua seal.

Danzo uses two enchantments to form an enchantment.

of course.

Currently there are only two.

In the future, three or four combined enchantments may be frantically researched.

basement one.

For the time being, Danzo's office, staff dormitory, perception room, anti-perception room... are located.

The composite barrier is also arranged from this layer.

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