Kunai plunged into the feet of Zhuanju Xiaochun.

Turning to bed Xiaochun opened the note at the back, it said "Bing Yu is currently looking at the little rabbit in the Konoha veterinary shop."


Turning to sleep, Xiaochun threw away the note, gripped the knife tightly, and left in a hurry.


The shadow clone made a fist, YES.

The orthographic characters on Bing Yu's body can only be used as an ordinary description, and Danzo has no way of knowing her whereabouts through this secret imprint.


Danzo has a C-level ninjutsu · detection.

This ninjutsu requires 1 crystal ball.

Requires continuous casting for 1 hour.

It is a ninjutsu that looks very tasteless.

It is equivalent to the A-level ninjutsu invented by Hiruza Sarutobi in the future, a weakened version of the telescopic jutsu.

Because the casting time is too long, Danzo has never used it once.

But now, it comes in handy.

In this way, after wasting an hour of his life, Danzo found Bingyu's location in Konoha.

Bing Yu was looking at the little rabbit in the Konoha veterinary shop.


How big is this heart.

How much do you like bunnies!

After Zhuanzhu Xiaochun left, Danzo began his grand plan!

In this way, a week passed in a blink of an eye...

Chapter 395 Lianliankan, the insane Danzo

"Is today the 10th day?"

After turning to bed, Xiaochun counted on his fingers.

I was a little confused for a while.

She scratched the back of her head.

I always feel that these 10 days are in a trance.

After coming out of the house, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun went straight to Dabieye in Danzo, holding a shining fruit knife in his hand without realizing it.

Come to the Dabieye of the Tuanzang family.

After turning to bed, Xiaochun found the door was wide open.

It's not closed today.

Suddenly, Xiaochun turned to sleep and smelled an unusual breath.

"Illusion? Or enchantment? It's a bit weird..."

Just like in the original book, Sakura quickly noticed the illusion set by Kokotetsu and Izumo Kamiyue, and Xiaoharu also noticed Danzo's little tricks.

Those who can become the disciples of the Second Hokage Senshou Kaijian are more or less special.

Although Zhuanzhu Xiaochun is not a god of learning, but this quick reaction is the fastest among all of them.

in the original.

The second generation of Raikage was assassinated, and in the process of escaping, the first one to raise an opinion, thinking of counter-killing, was Juan Xiaochun, quite a tiger.

The reaction is faster than Uchiha Mirror.

"Hmph! Is this not letting me in? I want to go in!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun stomped her feet and stepped in openly.

This is the ruthless person who wanted to kill Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao when he was young.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Mirror, Danzo, and Akimichi Torukaze didn't dare to think so.

Say something.

Although after getting old, the vigor has been worn away, but... at least the current Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has a big heart that can't lose to anyone.

"I'm a disciple of the Second Hokage Senshouboken, so I'm not afraid of such tricks at all!"

After Zhuanzhu Xiaochun entered, he looked ahead carefully.

"This should be an illusion that directly affects the environment. It is difficult to see the problem with the naked eye."

Turning to bed Xiaochun praised.

"However, judging by Danzo's strength, he can at most use B-level enchantments and illusions. Let me guess... Is this a C-level fox's art?"

Turning to bed Xiaochun nodded.

"I use too much Chakra, too much, and I feel it all at once. Even if I am not a perception ninja, I can still find the problem."

Then, Turning Sleeping Xiaochun curled her lips and snorted.

"It's just a C-level illusion, and you still want to hide it from me, an elite jonin?"

Turning Sleeping Xiaochun folded his hands behind his back, holding the knife tightly behind his back, and walked around while looking around.

The art of the fox's heart, C-level.

It is an illusion with an area of ​​more than 10 meters by 10 meters.

Similar to a ghost hitting a wall.

Make people go around in circles.

The power of this illusion is that it has a large range, but it does not require much chakra to maintain it.

The elite ninja level can last for hours.

The only thing required is a mastery of illusion.

One of the hallmarks of proficiency in illusion is a high IQ.

To put it in a bad word, it can also be bad, capable of causing trouble, and too thoughtful.

What Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi, Tayuya... are all such representatives.

Turning to bed Xiaochun is not thinking about breaking the illusion.

It's about whether Danzo can be found out.

"He and that bitch, Qingqing, I, and I... all want to buy a little rabbit back and treat it as a normal pet!"

Only men know men best.

Similarly, only women know women best.

Turning to Xiaochun, she can tell that Bing Yu is a bad woman.

And at some point, there was a saying.

It is called that women are not bad and men do not love.

Turning to bed Xiaochun thought of this, and his teeth itched with anger.

"Why do men like this kind of bad woman?!"

For a moment, Turning Sleeping Xiaochun vaguely had the urge to blacken again.

"I can't dawdle~!"

Thinking of this, Xiaochun turned to bed and closed her eyes, and started to walk forward.

This cracking method is quite ingenious.

Since the illusion is aimed at vision, shouldn't it be enough for me to close my eyes?

After all, no matter how powerful your illusion is, it is still a fake. Could it be that you can change the real landscape?

Of course not.

But Danzo said, I have special posture skills.


Turning to bed Xiaochun didn't take two steps before bumping into an invisible wall.

She immediately opened her eyes and touched them with her hands.

A poke is a circle of ripples.

"This, this is...?"


"Of course it's a C-level five-seal barrier."

Root underground base, inside the perception room.

The corner of Danzo's mouth formed a sinister smile.

This ultra-complex three-dimensional enchantment surrounding the Dabie Field on the surface is not a simple C-level illusion, the art of the fox's heart.

The fox's art of distorting the scenery and creating the illusion of direction is just a cover.

The real ultimate move is the C-level five-seal enchantment.

The magical effect of the Five Seal Barrier lies in that.

Use five spells with the word "forbidden" on them in five different directions to form an enchantment.

The maximum distance between each spell is 800 meters.

That is to say...

"My first talisman was pasted at the entrance, the second talisman was pasted 200 meters away, behind the roof of the fifth floor of Dabieye, and the third..."

Danzo looked at a small notebook beside him.

On it is the design map of the location of the "forbidden" character spell of the five-sealing enchantment, and a bird's-eye view of the entire Dabie Field + Manor + surrounding areas.

Use the C-level illusion art of the fox's heart to block the vision.

Intruders would not be able to discover the location of the spell.

"Unless he/she/it has white eyes, reincarnation eyes, or sharing sharing eyes..."

Danzo's expression gradually became exaggerated and joyful.

"Also, even if I found the location of the five spells, I want to use four shadow clones + the main body to break them, but here comes the problem... Please count, how many five-seal barriers have I used?"

Eyes turned.

On the floor next to Danzo's feet is the 1m x 1m map, densely packed with more than 10 five-seal barriers marked with different colors, lines, and letters.

That is to say...

"There are 50 "forbidden" character spells on the surface of my house, Lianliankan, which 5 are a group?Can you recognize it?Eh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ! ! ! "

Danzo's frenzied laughter echoed in Genbu's underground base...

on the corridor.

Mishima who was passing by stopped for a moment.

At this moment, the five bodies that admired Danzang fell to the ground.

He said: "To be so bad, you are worthy of being the Danzo-sama of "Ninja Darkness"! "


Outside, on the surface, in the courtyard of Dabieye.

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