Become Qianshou Feijian's subordinate, an important chess piece to suppress the big families.

The patriarchs of the major families are all so YY.

But later found out...

It doesn't seem that way.

This Shimura Danzo suddenly fell.

In the midst of all the people, there is no way to make a splash.

If you want as much salted fish as you want, you will have as much salted fish as you want.

What is going wrong?

It was Senshou Tobima who abandoned Shimura Danzo after destroying the Shimura clan.

Or...does he have other ulterior motives?

Compare it with the other three disciples in the Qianshoubanjian.

Turn to Koharu, Mitomon Yan, and Sarutobi Hiruza.

They've all become jounin.

This one...has to be thought-provoking.

"I have my own sense of proportion in this matter! Today's meeting is over!"

Qianshou Feijian scolded Qianshouzhujian, then turned and left.

But the whispers in the conference room kept ringing...


That night...

Senshou Feima personally went to Dabieye in Danzo.

Chapter 397. My Disciple's Combat Strength is 57

Today the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the dark clouds are drifting quickly one by one.

With his hands folded between his chests, Qianshou stood in front of the gate of Dabieye.

"Is this... multiple barriers?"

Relying on his keen sixth sense, Qianshou Feijian noticed a slight difference between Dabieye and the past.

Stretch out your right hand, point your fingers on the wall, and the chakra perception spreads and ripples away.

"It's not an ordinary multiple enchantment..."

Qianshou frowned.

As the number of enchantments detected increased, Qianshou Feijian became more and more astonished.

There is no other reason...

"In the yard alone, there are more than 10 C-level five-seal barriers, and the 50 "forbidden" character spells are all staggered, making it impossible to distinguish the connection relationship...and also use 450 fake talisman papers, and the tricks of the fox's mind to confuse the public..."

What a...  

Dry sang so that the heart is beautiful and beautiful.

"As expected of the old man's disciple."

Qianshou Feijian let out a sigh of relief after being astonished.

This reminded him of the special detonating symbol he developed.

A normal detonator has only one word "explosion".

His detonating talisman has 5 characters of "explosion", and it is used with S-level ninjutsu and mutual multiplication detonating talisman, which can be described as insane.

The master and apprentice are surprisingly similar in this similar matter.


Found among thousands of hands.

"Normal people can only maintain one enchantment at the same time, even if you use the shadow clone, it is impossible to maintain two enchantments at the same time..."

"The reason why 10 barriers can operate at the same time here is that under the big tree, several small tunnels were dug, which aroused the leylines, allowing the chakras in the leylines to gather here, acting as a "battery" ...wonderful thinking..."

"It's a bit like the ancient country of Loulan..."

In the Great Sand Sea of ​​the Kingdom of Wind, it is said that there is a country called China, which is called the ancient country of Loulan.

There are dragon veins underground in the ancient country of Loulan.

His whereabouts are erratic, with the characteristics of changing time and space, and reversing time and space.

Many travelers claim that they have seen the ancient country of Loulan in the sea of ​​sand.

Unfortunately, no one has ever been able to truly confirm the location of the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

That country, relying on the power of the dragon veins, has achieved the ability to disappear like a mirage.

Qianshou Feijian stretched out his hand again, this time with his full palm, touching the ground.

Soon, Qianshou Feijian's expression became serious.

because he found out.

The 10 five-seal barriers are just a cover.

Under the 10 five-seal barriers that envelop the entire Dabie Field, there is a super-large three-dimensional underground cuboid space.

The surface is densely packed, and countless ninjutsu that shield perceptions are used to form a super-large enchantment, which is used to shield the perceptions of others.

"This level of enchantment, even the old man can't see through it..."

Thousands of hands are judged by a certain node on the surface.

A single shielding technique is only C-level.

But... Danzo frantically used 9999 shields and connected them in parallel.

The whole ninja world...

No, I'm afraid that even the Great Toad Sage or the Sage of the Six Paths may not be able to use perception alone to pass through such a frenzied combination of barriers.

"There is also a layer of enchantment for alarm..."

Tobirama Qianshou shook his head.

"Could it be that Danzang has been building an underground research base for the past two years?"

Thinking of Danzo's entry into his research institute, the shocked and envious expression of "Thousands of Hands".

Qianshou Feijian couldn't help but nodded.

"Perhaps that's the problem."

Qianshou Feijian understood it as that Danzang saw that the teacher had an underground research institute, so he built a larger research institute based on it.

"As expected of the old man's disciple."

Only Shimura Danzo is the one who completely inherits the mantle of Senshou Tobima.


Even the types of buildings built are exactly the same!

Underground research institute + surface building.

Even out of blue, a combined enchantment of shielding perception + alarm was designed.

Thinking of this, Qian Shou Fei was very pleased.

"For two years, keep a low profile and don't care about other people's opinions."

"Exchange the seemingly long but actually short time for a stable life in the next few decades."

"The proficiency of the sealing technique, I'm afraid...even surpasses the old man's sister-in-law. To a certain extent, it is the No. 1 sealing technique of Konoha."

"However, brother is right. I have been too busy these two years and neglected to guide you, but now it seems that it is not too late..."

next moment.

The front courtyard gate opened.

Danzo poked his head out from inside and saluted respectfully, "Hello, teacher."

Then, Danzo wiped his sweat.

It can be seen from the Qianshoubei that Danzo is very tired and consumes an abnormal amount of chakra.

It should be trying to set up an enchantment, or practice.

That's right.

Danzo had long thought that such a day would come.

So, he hurried on, constantly taking drugs + constantly shadowing clones + restlessly rushing to create an enchantment.

Finally, before the arrival of Thousand Hands, all the shielding techniques were rushed.

As long as you don't enter the Thousand Hands Door, you won't discover the secrets hidden in the root underground base.

And the matter of Qianshou Angxing's human experiments.

of course.

If anything happens.

Danzo will sell Qianshou Aung Xing without hesitation.

After all, Senju Aungsei is the half-brother of Shimura Danzo!

I'll take the blame, send you to death, do your best for Konoha, death is worth it!

"Well, I came out on my own initiative. I thought you were going to retire there, Danzo."

Qianshou Feijian said a very cold joke.

"Eh..." Danzo wiped his sweat again, unable to laugh.

"Are you not afraid that the old man will go in directly?"

Qianshou Feijian changed the subject, and his tone suddenly became harsh.

What are you doing in there?

Naturally, what is going on in Kangkang, what secrets are hidden underground, it is worth the trouble of Danzang.

"Fear, the disciple is naturally afraid..."

Danzo nodded slightly and bowed his head.

"But in fact, I just want to prevent some irrelevant people from coming to harass me and disturb my cultivation...such as Xiaochun."

Danzo looked up at Qianshoubanjian.

Sure enough, Qianshou Feijian knew about it.

Then, Danzo began to cry.

"Teacher, you don't know, Xiaochun is annoying, she can also blacken, and her combat power is directly 1.5 cards...I mean, at least 1.5 powerful elite jounin combat power..."

"If I don't make more preparations, I won't even be able to practice... er, teacher, please come in."

Danzo made a gesture of invitation.

He signaled Qianshou to go in and talk.

"No need, the old man came this time just to ask how your practice is going? Why are you still stuck in the special Jonin stage?"

Although the fighting power is the strongest among Jonin.

Qianshou Feijian looked at his disciple with his perception ability.

Combat strength is 57.

The standard for promotion to Jonin is 58.

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