B-level ninjutsu... Fire Escape·Bakuze Ranbu.

By distorting the C-level Fire Escape · Fireball Art and adding the shape change of rotation, an overwhelming flame tornado vortex is formed!


The flame spanned a distance of 5 meters in an instant, and the more it turned, the wider the range!

Because it is a rotating structure, even the trees in the forest cannot completely block the power of this move!

The additions to the body of Carmina are very special!

Most of the practice is placed on "rotation".

Don't ask, asking is the drill that breaks through the sky.

If the drill doesn't spin, it doesn't mean anything!

So...if the drill spins, the ninjutsu must spin too!

My Fire Escape·Hao Fireball is a spin that can break through the sky!


The two ninjas were hit, fell from the fleeing mid-air, and died.

Danzo flipped his hand.


The cloak fell.

Below, the body Kamina's bulging figure is revealed.

A new cloak was put on.

It just changed from pure black to pure white.

"Click it!"

With a slight movement of the left hand, the mask on the face was removed, and the same was thrown down.

With a flick of his right hand, a new mask was put on, this time it became a cat face mask.

Next, unlock the blank scroll.

With his hands pressing his fists, he slapped the ground!

Large-scale sealing technique...spread instantly.

B-level sealing technique · Liangyi seal!

Learned from Uzumaki Mito.

A weakened version of the Four Elephant Seal.

The function is to seal items in a large area, and pack and move in one package!

That's right.

Danzo has refined the process of collecting corpses.

Faster and more efficient!

If you stay still, you can collect the corpse perfectly.

In an instant... the spreading ghost symbols wrapped the corpse.

A puff of smoke rose from the four corpses, together with their weapons, the dog-head mask and black hood thrown by Danzo, they were directly sealed into the blank scroll.

The reason for the cross-dressing is because the opponent's blood was splashed on Danzo's body.

was mixed with the smell.

So change the mask and cloak.

Next, the psychic nightmare.

Wind escape · Take a breath of cool air.


The sound of the wind resounded like a vacuum cleaner, and soon, blood, fighting marks, ninja fragments and other messy and useless things were sucked in by the nightmare.

walking ~.

Before the bewildered nightmare had time to think about why Danzo had changed his gender, he was immediately dismissed.

Then, Danzo pulled up the scroll and tied it.

From killing to collecting the corpse, it took less than 2 minutes before and after, and it was done in one go.

Fast and well deserved.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and looked around to make sure there were no other attackers.

Then he quickly chased after the secretary in the direction of the secretary.

Danzo breathed a sigh of relief as the secretary's flaming orange-red chakra spot appeared in the vision of Sharingan.

In the next second, the scarlet in the eyes receded and returned to black.

In fact, the ninja's own Chakra comes in a variety of colors.

For most people, it's blue.

A few people, it is yellow/gold, such as the manga version of Naruto.

In the TV anime version of Narutoko, the color of Chakra is blue.

This is to be distinguished.

It can be understood as the comic universe and the animation universe.

There are also some special people with more different colors.

such as.

Uchiha Itachi is more orange-gold.

Shisui Uchiha is green.

Obito Uchiha is light blue.

Sasuke Uchiha is gay purple.

With the opening of Sharingan, and the change of pupil power.

The Chakra color of the Uchiha clan will change from blue to another color.

The above four Uchihas are examples.

And without revealing Chakra.

This kind of difference can only be recognized by the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, and very few classified perception people.

As for Uchiha Kamina's chakra color.

Naturally, it is blue-green.

Aquamarine, between green and blue, is named for its color close to the mineral turquoise.

"My drill bit is a drill bit that can break through the sky~~~!"


Chasing after the secretary and escorting her to complete the task, Danzo just walked outside.

When I returned to Konoha, it was already three days later.

4 days back and forth.

After Uchiha Yoko delivered the task, she went home to rest.

While passing the road, Kamina threw the "Scroll of Sealing Corpse" into a manhole cover.

Following the manhole cover, the scroll fell into the sewer.

a long time......

Danzo's clone and avatar appeared in Konoha's dark sewer, got the scroll, and returned to the root underground base.


Next door to the basement office, next door to the exhibition room.

Danzo began to pack up the corpses in the newly added "waste room", which is also the "loot disposal room".

Qianshou Angxing's shadow clone came over and turned around.

Check if there is any special blood inheritance boundary element.

If not, go right back.

Danzo is not interested in the corpse, but just strips off the equipment.

These will come in handy later.

What Taidao, Hidden Sword, Blade...

When doing things, you can pretend.

After picking up the equipment, there are no surprises.

Not every time you encounter a useful enemy.

Shu Danzang bluntly said that most wild ninjas are rubbish.

One poor and two white.

Because of this, it is easy to become ruthless and take risks.


Don't these guys know that the Uchiha clan is not easy to mess with?

I know, but people are cruel.

What if it succeeds?

Most criminals have this mentality, what if it succeeds?

What if I escaped from the sanction of the Uchiha clan and got away with it?

Bo Renzhuan, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, the combat power of the sixth level, let's hang it up.

But why are there so many villains making trouble.

Because people are just bad, they just want to make trouble.

There are also people who are not afraid of you.

At least... no tears without seeing the coffin.

"It's the same in this era."

Danzo sighed.

There is a bucket of paste among the pillars of a thousand hands, and it seems that peace has come.

But secretly, there are countless people making troubles.

Don't they know how powerful Senjujuma is?

Of course I know, but I'm going to fuck you.

Because I am bad.

And I'm also an idealistic villain.

This kind of thing made Danzo very helpless.

All he can do is to be as prepared as possible.

About the color of Susanoo

I saw a reader mentioning it in a post.

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