Murayama Ayano groaned and sobbed a few times, then said:

"It's the second Hokage-sama's disciple, Shimura Danzo~!"

Danzo: "?????"

Everyone looked at the innocent melon eater Danzang in unison.

The scene fell into a strange situation.

Danzo was a little twitching in his heart, but on the surface he was as stable as an old dog.

There is no such thing as "Secretary, listen to me explain" or "It's not what you think"... This kind of bloody plot.

Those are the reactions of naive, immature children.

I, Shimura Danzo, are so mature, how could I do such a thing that damages my own demeanor.


In the eyes of everyone, Danzo showed a standard commercial smile.

"Sorry...never heard of it."


Danzo said that he had not received any letters at all.


Murayama Ayano was taken aback when she saw Danzo at the scene.

Then there was embarrassment.

Still a little excited.

In the end, it turned into a pitiful lament.

"My, my family, but this morning, before dawn, I put the letter in the letter box at the door of your luxurious Dabieye."

"Not received."

Danzo said that he did not receive any letters.

Oh grass, could it be...

At the same time, Danzo also had speculation in his heart.

This morning, Xiaochun came to bed.

Could it be that she opened the mailbox and checked all the letters in her mailbox like a slut?

After discovering that someone wrote a letter, cut that letter into small pieces with a fruit knife?

The more Danzo thinks about it, the more likely it is!

That's right, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun must have done it!

Danzo said.

This world is too unsafe~~~~!

I'm squatting at home, and disaster can come from the sky!What is this called~~~.

If this woman is dead.

The pot must be mine.

I'm the pot king, right?

Danzo has decided!

When I got home, I opened the mailbox!

And carved a seal with a C-level finger on the wall, and wrote: "If you have anything to do, please contact me! Letters will not be accepted!"

That's it!

Danzo feels more and more that it is a good thing that his dog does not go out at home.

There are too many external pots!

Accidentally flew into the horizontal pot!

and also......

I really didn't consider it thoughtfully enough.

I didn't expect to be able to take the blame in this way! you want to fake an accident?

So Shimura Danzo is dead?

The one who survived was Shimura Danzo's younger brother, Shimura Vanzo?

In order to separate from the pot, Danzo has already begun to think about a suspended animation plan.

Speaking of suspended animation, Danzo thought of his sister.

How happy after feigning death!

It's nice to be free!

"How about..."

Danzo slapped his head, yes.

"At the end of the first Ninja World War, go to Yunyin for peace talks, and I will stay behind with Tokena-sensei! Use this to escape death!"

There was a heartfelt smile on the corner of Danzo's mouth.

And seeing Danzo's wandering mind, he didn't care about his smile at all.

Murayama Ayano's figure was a little wobbly.

It seems that the next moment will fall from upstairs.


Uchiha Yoko glanced at Danzo silently, and found that Danzo didn't put Murayama Ayano in his eyes at all.

Instead, he revealed...the kind of smile that he always reveals.

——a joy that only he knows.

And whenever Danzo showed such a smile.

It's like being separated from this world.

become out of place.

People come and go, it's all gray.

He's the only one in color...that's what it feels like.

He always feels a bit lonely like this...

The next moment, Danzo came back to his senses and shook his head at Ayano Murayama.

"I'm sorry, I didn't receive your letter, and you and I are not suitable."

Danzo directly rejected the other party and cut off the other party's thoughts.

"Oh~! That's really the case...Then I'll just kill myself..."

Murayama Ayano stepped over the railing and stood on the edge of the roof with both legs.

It was about to jump down.

"Let's jump, let's dance..."

Danzo was nodding, as if he was happy to see a scene of jumping off a building.

"Do you know what it looks like to jump off a building?"


Behind Murayama Ayano, a black shadow flew out.

No, to be precise, it was thrown out.

People fled.


There was a duller sound than the explosion of the detonator.

A stone... just fell to the ground.

It's Carmina.

Carmina threw a stone from the roof.

When the stone hit the ground, it fell apart.

"It's loud..."

Danzo's mouth curled up.

In his previous life, he had actually seen someone jump off a building.

That sound... how to describe it?

Bang!That's all...

I don't know, I thought it was a big truck on the road with a flat tire.

"If you jump off the roof, you will end up like this stone. It will fall apart, very curious, very curious...Maybe the scene of the accident will be photographed for future generations to learn and educate... ...."

"Look, Murayama Ayano, 17 years old, died of jumping off a building, her eyeballs fell out, tsk tsk..."


Murayama Ayano was dumbfounded and stiffened.


Danzo took out a handful of kunai and pointed it at Murayama Ayano.

Made a motion as if about to throw a dart.

"You, what are you doing?"

A feeling like a light on my back...

Murayama Ayano found her forehead hurting.

It was obvious that Danzo was aiming at her head.

" stop you from killing yourself..."

Danzo shrugged.

"Huh?" Murayama Ayano opened her eyes wide, obviously a little at a loss.

"You can jump down, but before you jump down, I will kill you first and make a hole in your head... If you can kill yourself, I will lose."


"As long as I blow your head off first, you won't be suicidal. How about it? Would you like to try jumping off the building? Is it because you fall faster, or because I kill you faster?"

Chapter 457. Ask the secretary to eat cake

What magical logic is this? !

In fact, Danzo didn't understand either.

We dare not say, we dare not ask.

This logic comes from the original book, The Death of Kakuto.

How did the horns die?

A bunch of people said: Killed by Kakashi.


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