Including orders such as patrols.

I am very satisfied.

The only problem is that it makes a rattling sound.

This can be solved by placing multiple golems.

Place at least one on each path.

Also, golems don't carry toxins.

This is no problem, as long as it can kill people.

If the single quantity is not enough, we will make up for it in large batches.

Next, Danzo started the magic reform again.

Utilize existing puppet technology at your disposal.

Start exploring and make new golems.

for example......

Do not use wood as the main material.

But with iron?

In the land of iron, there are warriors.

Wearing armor.

Armed with swords, samurai swords, axes and other weapons.

Danzang sent Mishima out and secretly purchased a batch.

The samurai armor has extremely high defense, and even the miscellaneous fish warriors cannot be burned to death by the merciful Amaterasu flames.

In the original book, Kankuro takes off his armor and breaks through Amaterasu, and he flies like crazy!

Danzo does not have a special brewing technique, which can turn wooden puppets into a frenzied defense like the rattan armored soldiers in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

That being the case, wouldn't it be enough to just make a puppet that is compatible with the armor of the samurai?

In many game works, comic works, and ancient castles, this kind of movable armor appears.

Chapter 462 Another year, Danzo is 19 years old, let's go, the country of craftsmen!

And most importantly...

How eye-catching!

Samurai puppets are more handsome than wooden puppets!

Practical is one aspect, handsome is a lifetime thing!

Following Danzo's groping.

Get rid of useless complexity.

In the end, there are simple wooden puppet skeletons and mechanisms such as hidden weapons.

Dress up this skeleton, put on samurai armor, and pick up standard equipment such as axes, tachis, and katanas.

Then put it at the entrance of the mage tower to solidify.

A puppet was created.

The advantage of the warrior armor puppet is that it has high defense and stronger attack.

The disadvantage is that it is not as flexible as a wooden puppet.

That's not a problem.

Children only do multiple-choice questions, and of course adults ask for all of them.

Danzo chose mixed doubles.

Combination of samurai armored puppet + wooden puppet.

In the remaining two months, it is processing, processing, processing.

More than 20 shadow clones are very busy.

The dark room in the mage tower came in handy.

Danzo solidified the large number of puppets produced, and then hid them inside.

Standby at ordinary times, reducing the energy supply of the mage tower.

When the enemy invades, activate it.

After some operation, it is stable.

The time has come to the next year.

Danzo...19 years old.The secretary is 16 years old.

New year and a new look.

After finishing working on the ground, Danzo returned his attention to Dabieye on the ground.

The puppet given by Zhuanzhu Xiaochun is a trouble.

Danzo thought for a while.

Spend a bunch of money and buy a lot of decorations from outside.

Decorate the whole Dabieye.

All kinds of furniture, vases, potted plants, hanging pictures, bottles and jars... In short, there are all kinds of home furnishing.

Then, Danzo placed the puppet that passed to Xiaochun in the hall, packed it in a glass square jar, and made it into a big figure.

It reads "Gift from Xiaochun, XX, XX, XX".

With a wave of his hand, several more samurai armors were brought over, also packed in large glass jars and made into large figures.

Randomly crease a few names with a pen.

For example: "Gift of Ice Rain", "Gift of Three Islands"...

I send myself.

What does it mean?

It means that this is just an ordinary gift, and Danzo treats it as an ordinary gift.

You turn to bed Xiaochun is not special.

Look, Mishima and Bingyu also gave me such a large figure.

hanging pictures.

Danzo personally wrote a few "dog" characters and hung them on the wall.

Having said that, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's calligraphy is also good.

The original Naruto manga, the first chapter, Hiruza Sarutobi writes calligraphy at home.

Therefore, under various hints from Danzo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi gifted him with several pieces of calligraphy.

The same hangs in the hall.

After Danzo's scheming boy's management, all kinds of mayfly, Ikumi, and all kinds of messy acquaintances brought some gifts more or less.

Danzo put them all in the living room and decorated them one by one.

And on top of each object, the name of the giver is written in font.

When Xiaochun came to pay New Year's greetings, she was overjoyed.

When he left, he was downcast.

"it is good!"

Looking at the back of Zhuanzhu Xiaochun leaving, Danzo shouted hello, and raised his hands, giving a thumbs up.

Don't waste your time.

This persuasion effect is really good.

The reason why the sun is the sun is because it shines everywhere, not just for one person.

Danzang hopes that Zhuanzhu Xiaochun can understand this truth.

After turning to bed and Xiaochun leaving, Danzo was in a good mood.

Even more forcefully, the scourge... oh no, the matter of cultivating Tsunade's sentiments was arranged.


Play some more divine songs!

Not just those three-dimensional ones.

We have to have the two stinging apes too!

Na na na na na na...! ! !

Be sure to train Tsunade to be a two-thorn ape!

Start with the old ones first.

What Jinkela, Chaowei Blue Cat, Lanlan Road, Soka Gakkai, Four Hundred Aunts...

Then go to Hatsune O Lai, V's Family Bucket, Zhong Yin, U's Family Bucket...

What Dongfang, Sister Pao......

At first glance, the second child is a stinging ape.

While Danzo harmed Tsunade in the middle of the night, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

That represents the lost youth of the two thorn apes.

After doing all this, Danzo is really comfortable.

He slumped on the sofa and became a useless Danzo.

In this way, Danzo lay down for a week.

No need to eat.

"Let me tell you how lazy Shimura Danzo can be, I'm starving to death! I don't even want to move."

After being decadent for a week, I gave myself a vacation.

Danzo jumped up, opened the small book, and took a look.

There are some plans listed above.

A part is crossed out, indicating that it is complete.

A part is marked with an asterisk, indicating that it is in progress, or a part of it has been carried out.

There is also a list of persecuted persons.

Tsunade, Sandai Rai, and Bingyu are all marked with asterisks, representing when the persecution is in progress.

Others were not born and could not be persecuted.


There is a third category for small books.

Research projects, practice projects.

One of them is to create ninjas similar to DDF armor.

Chakra ninja equipment such as DDF armor is beyond the ability of ordinary ninja villages and countries to build.

At that time, Senshou Feijian was specially made by entrusted people from the country of craftsmen overseas.

It costs more than money.

There are still 3 years left in Ninja War.

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