I can't see the meaning of killing at all!

"That is to say...the plan was successful?"

Danzo widened his eyes, as surprised as Kyuubi.

He is still ready for several hands.

If there is a disagreement, they will be stuffed with the medicine of resurrection.

Then, he passed through the four black mist arrays and sealed the black seal, and became a canned genius~.Oh no, canned swirl mito.

It seems.

The scientific experiment of pseudo·renzhuli has been successful.

"Mito-sama, if you feel uncomfortable...do you want me to take the next step?"

Danzo said.

I still ~~~ have a step back.

what is it then?

In the original book, Kirabi was pulled away from Eight-Tails, and finally survived by relying on one of Eight-Tails' tentacles.

Danzo's brain hole is.

Cut off one of Nine Tails' claws, or one of its tails.

Then, Uzumaki Mito used King Kong to seal the claw, or a tail of Kyuubi, sealed it with King Kong and then sealed it back into the body...

Although it is not beautiful, it is not good-looking, and it is not good to say it...but it can also be top-notch.

When it was cut off, it was indeed bloody, but it was no problem when it was sealed into the body.

In the spiritual world, the Nine-Tails hand or tail is theoretically turned into a chakra.

Chakra is incorruptible.

In other words.

Uzumaki Mito can obtain the same symbiotic Jinchuriki effect as before by relying on a nine-tailed tail or claws.

Danzo said.

We want to maintain rigorous scientific values.

If you are familiar with the original manga, you can do whatever you want.

The advantages of the traversers are culture, intelligence, and... copycats, just like the gourd...

copy!Copy him!

How Kishimoto draws, we will copy!

He let Kirabi survive with one tentacles, why can't I, Shimura Danzo, chop off one of Kyuubi's tails?

Hee hee hee~~~~~~.

Danzo used the phantom sound technique to transmit sound into secrets, and only told Uzumaki Mito.

His thoughtful preparations and many backhands made the corners of Uzumaki Mito's mouth twitch.

You have to be... how wretched, how capable, how insane, so that you don't have any sense of disobedience...

"Oh, Mito-sama, I'm not satisfied with this plan...Actually, I have another plan..."

Danzo shook his head and began to talk about the next plan to persecute Kyuubi and keep Uzumaki Mito alive.

"No need."

Uzumaki Mito waved his hand, no need.

If she continued, her heart would not be able to bear it.

Whirlpool Mito Fu forehead.


She doesn't plan to seal the Nine-Tails thing into her body anymore.


Uzumaki Mito raised his head and looked at Kyuubi who was lying on the bed.

The huge head of Nine Tails is showing a ferocious appearance. It bared its teeth and grinned, wishing to kill Uzumaki Mito on the spot!

It's a pity that the King Kong blockade maintained by Uzumaki Mito is rattling, and it doesn't appear to be weakening or dissipating at all.

"Uzumi Mito! Why aren't you dead yet?!"

Nine Tails roared, and a pair of animal pupils widened in disbelief.

The common sense taught by Sage of the Six Paths in the past seems to have been subverted.

in front of you.

This woman from the Uzumaki clan actually...

"Nine Tails, starting today, your fate and mine have been separated."

Uzumaki Mito said in a cool tone.

There is no feeling of reluctance at all.

Uzumaki Mito's only attitude towards Kyuubi is indifference and a little disgust.

It is impossible for her to turn to think that...the tailed beast Barabara should not be persecuted just because Danzang promoted a few words from the Animal Protection Association...

Uzumaki Mito has traveled more roads than Danzo has eaten rice, and it has its own set of three views.

"Danzo, let's start."

Uzumaki Mito said, Shimura Danzo, you can start your performance.

"Mito-sama, are you really all right?"

Danzo asked again, if Uzumaki Mito is bento, then a bunch of people will come to him desperately.

At that time, Danzo will have to pack up and leave.

Jinyi travels at night and escapes from Konoha.

Go directly to the one you have already chosen...to the country of craftsman...in the middle...the one under the sea...to build a mage tower .

Let me tell you, I, Shimura Danzo, have already thought about running away!

Seeing Danzo's wretched look, Uzumaki Mito nodded.

Signal him not to be a mother-in-law anymore.

"it is good."

Danzo nodded heavily, and then, with a wave of his hands, a man-machine...human-tower interface appeared in his retina.

Next, he will control the mage tower, solidify the "King Kong blockade" of Uzumaki Mito, and form the sealing technique between the seals.

Valid times: 1 time.

As long as the mage tower does not BOOM, the King Kong blockade will not be destroyed by the power of the six paths or other forces.

King Kong blockade can always exist!The seal is here, and the nine tails are here!

Chapter 480. I Shimura Danzo was dragged down by Kyuubi

The seal room lights up.

The chains locked by King Kong rattled, twisted, and moved.

Uzumaki Mito felt that his power was attracted by some other power...

simply speaking.

It's like casting part of your own chakra into an enchantment.

The mage tower absorbed Mito's spell and fixed it in the room.

this moment.

The character of this room has changed.

Chakra filled with magic called "Vajra Blockade".

As for Uzumaki Mito, he severed his connection with this part of Chakra.

Danzo moved over a chair with a wink, supported Uzumaki Mito to sit on it and rested for a while.

After observing and confirming that Uzumaki Mito is okay, his eyes turned to Nine Tails... and the wizard tower interface in the retina.

The room named "Seal Room" solidified this part of the chakra of Whirlpool Mito, and transformed the control skill "King Kong Blockade" into a maintenance barrier.

Countless chains pierced through the seemingly weak ground, walls, and ceilings, extending to nowhere.

And nine tails.

This large tailed beast was firmly fixed here.

Then, the Mage Tower gave four plans.

1. Keep it as it is.

In this case, it is equivalent to locking Nine Tails with a chain, doing nothing, and letting Nine Tails break free by itself.

2. Liberate King Kong blockade.

That is to release the nine tails.

3. Draw nine tails chakra (small).

The so-called fine water flows long, pumping it a little bit, sustainable development.

4. Extract Nine Tails Chakra (Large).

It was a one-shot deal, directly draining Nine Tails to the last drop, and there was nothing left.


Danzo thought for a while.

The first option must consume mana, and the mage tower is free.

The second option is simply ignored.

3rd and 4th...

How dare you scare me.

Of course, one by one in turn!First come the 3rd one!

Mage Tower Reminder: Idlers please exit.

It means that the job of drawing mana can only work normally if the "seal room" is closed.

Danzo nodded.

Can!I understand!

Closed work!

It's the same as turning on the microwave oven, putting food in, closing the small door, and pressing the switch.

walking ~.

After asking for warmth for a while, Danzo and Uzumaki Mito slowly exited the room.

Next, Dr. Senju Rika and Senju Aung Xing will conduct a physical examination for their cheap mother-in-law and cheap mother.

When Senju Aung Xing and Senju Rika learned that Uzumaki Mito was coming, they were stunned.

They didn't even know that Danzo and Uzumaki Mito had reached a secret deal♂.

They were even more ignorant of the Nine-Tails matter.

Danzo very insidiously set permissions for the convenience and corridors of the seal room.

Senju Aung Xing and Senju Rika couldn't make it through.

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