Danzo began to appease Uchiha Yoko, so as to achieve the goal of saving the country with a curve.

The high-level Konoha targets Uchiha.

It's not the time for these things.

If you want to talk to Uchiha Yoko, you have to wait for the right time.

Talking nonsense now will cause problems.

"As long as Uchiha mirror is successfully selected as the "Naruto Guardian", isn't it a breakthrough for the Uchiha clan?There are some things...you can't wait for others to feed you, to eat what you get, you have to learn to fight for it yourself, rights are earned by hard work..."

Danzo clenched his fists.

Added oil.

Start to guide Uchiha Yoko to think on the bright side.

In the past, the Uchiha clan could only serve as the police department.

What about after that?


Uchiha Yoko nodded vigorously.

A beautiful and lovely smile appeared on his face.

When Danzo said this, she felt more at ease.

It would be a good start if Uchiha mirror can become a Hokage guard.

Then, the Uchiha clan can slowly take on other positions and wash away people's fixed impressions.

No wonder...

Danzo was all nonsense just now.

Even if Uchiha mirror becomes the Naruto guard, he is also the second Uchiha Itachi.

Brainwashed by Qianshoubeijian, he became loyal.

Then suddenly one day, the knife rested on Uchiha mirror's neck.

It's like Danzo put a scalpel on Kyuubi's hmm.

"Come on, Uchiha mirror, choose one, will you die with Uchiha? Or leave your son and kill the other Uchihas."

Uchiha Mirror is the ancestor of Uchiha Shisui.

He has a son.

Not yet though.

It doesn't matter if Uchiha Mirror is not a proper Naruto guard.

The Uchiha clan don't even think about turning over.

It must be dead.

No chance.

It's that hopeless.


The premise of all this is that Danzo will not intervene.


Danzo loves to fight against injustice.

Danzo just refused to accept.

My favorite thing is to say NO to those self righteous guys.

If you are unhappy, you will fight.

Fight hard.


Danzo is waiting for an opportunity.

To put it bluntly, after his teacher Feijian passed away, Danzo turned around and had a bright future.

When the time comes, I have the rights, and Konoha is in my hand.

If you want to rehabilitate the Uchiha clan, you can rehabilitate as much as you want, and no one can stop it!

If you want to persecute others, you can persecute others!

Konoha's second in command, Hiruzaru Sarutobi is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Are you cool?

Of course it's cool~to~explosive!

Hee hee hee~~~.

Danzo also smiled this time, very happily.

During dinner, the atmosphere was very harmonious and enjoyable.


a week later.

Registration ends.

After a day of screening, the final quota was confirmed.

Danzo also prepared all props, ninja tools, medicine, psychic beasts, etc. within these 8 days.

The assessment location of Naruto Guards is divided into several sessions.

The first scene, in the Naruto Building.

What is the most important thing about being a Hokage guard?

It is loyalty, it is faith, it is the will of fire.

Strength comes second.

The three guards of Namikaze Minato, the Flying Thunder Team, explained everything.

The three of Shiranuo Xuanjian can only be regarded as bad guys.

Both hands were seriously injured several times and were stuck on the wall.

Daiyiwaxi is just a zhongnin, and he is terrible.

But even so, they became the guards of Namikaze Minato.

The location of the assessment is the room in the Hokage Building, which is similar to a classroom.

It is the classroom where Senju Tobema often persecutes and advocates the theory of guilt of the Uchiha race.

Danzo came here and found many familiar faces.

Sarutobi Hiruza, Sleeping Koharu, Mitomon Yan, Akimichi Haru...

Mayfly, Ikumi.

Long time no see straight man "Zhengomiya", Sensei Ri-senpai.

The second generation of dogs of all major families.

But I didn't see the Shimura clan.

The Uchiha family has only one Uchiha mirror.

Yo~~~, and the Hyuga Clan.

But they sent a symbolic one...Hyuga Chinatsu.

A separate family.

He only manages one-acre and three-quarters of the land, and keeps his ears to the outside world, leisurely jumping on the paper.

Not fighting for power, good, good...

In addition, the eldest nephew of Qianshou Feijian, the righteous middle school boy Qianshou Ang Xing did not see it.

That's right.

Qianshou Angxing had been at loggerheads with his second uncle, so he didn't bother to participate in the Hokage guard selection.

Chapter 508. Persecution, Hyuga Clan!

"Danzo, this way, this way!"

Li Goudan.

Oh, Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved at Danzo from a distance.

The brain is normal.

But under the head are all muscles.

Just like a champion bodybuilder.

It's so frightening.

Danzo no longer knows whether Huo Huo Sarutobi Hiruzen is right or wrong.

But as long as he thinks that if he doesn't care, Sarutobi Hiruzen will be beaten to death by Orochimaru in a few decades... Danzo will be relieved.

Let him go~~.

The peak of the ninja can be maintained until about 56 years old.

There is a premise to this.

Just a normal ninja.

Abnormal, fitness ninja.

For example, the third generation of Lei and the fourth generation of Lei, even if they are 6 or 70 years old, they can have a sturdy back and a muscular body.

Danzo looked forward to it very much, Sarutobi Hirizhan killed the unscrupulous disciple of Orochimaru with one punch.

Danzo passed.

Start chatting with former peers of the same age.

Danzo was very good at winning people's hearts before.

Plus he's handsome.

Naturally, there will be many friends around.


Danzo completely forgot that when he was 9 years old, he was accused by thousands of people in the ninja school.

The memory of fish is only 7 seconds.

Danzo's memory is only for a moment, but the stinky memory can last until buried.

After the conversation, everyone faintly led by Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Because of Sarutobi's figure... oh they mean, Sarutobi's grades are too dazzling.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I heard that you have completed several S-level missions, isn't it true?"

Hearing the questions from the friends, Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded very seriously, "Well, of course."


With a gloomy face, Mito Menyan supported the Wannian forgive color frame glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"I told you a long time ago, Xiaoharu, Sarutobi Hiruzen and I have completed several S-level missions..."

But Mito Menyan found a chance to brag.

He is eloquent and calm on the surface, but in fact he is not complacent.

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