It is said that the rain in the Land of Rain will never stop.

Of course, that's just an exaggeration.

Is it true that it rains 366 days a year?

Danzo lowered his head and looked at the mud under his feet.

"The reason why Hyuga Chika chose the Land of Rain is that she believed that the Land of Rain is easy to hide her whereabouts."

And the continuous rain can also interfere with Baiyan's sight.

As a result, the original limit distance, due to the different purity of the white eyes of individuals, can reach a range of 1 to 10 kilometers, which is drastically reduced.

In fact.

The Hyuga Clan is not without exiled blood.

In the official novel "Itachi Shinden", there is a thin bloodline of the Hyuga clan who intermarried with other people outside.

Although not explicitly stated.

How did he live outside, but Danzo thought without malice that there must be warriors like Chinatsu Hinata who ran away because they were fed up with the oppression of the clan.

It's just that those who successfully ran away became the black history of the Hyuga clan and were sealed.

After all, it doesn't sound good to say it~~.

"It's not fun...Because of the rain, even the tracking skills such as the sense of smell are invalid..."

Danzo glanced around.

In other words, even if Gouzi Tiger Taro was here, he would not be of much use.

What's more, Danzo is not so crazy as to collect clothes with Hinata Chika's scent, which is a gentleman's behavior.

Therefore, looking for Chinatsu Hyuga in the Land of Rain is tantamount to a blind man touching an elephant.

"However, that's not a problem."

It's hard to beat the magical Doraemon.

"I can't find Hyuga Chinatsu, and I can't find the pursuers who chased Hyuga Chinatsu?"

The sun family.

It is certainly impossible to send only one person, or two people to track Hinata Chinatsu.

Maybe, a lot of people will be sent.

It is even possible to hire someone from the underground gold exchange halfway.

After all, Uchiha Setsuna did the same.

The Hyuga Clan, whose white eyes can see through at will, knows a lot about the mysteries of the ninja world.

The white eyes of the Hyuga clan are just so shameless.

You can see through other people's bodies at will, 屮.

"They all look pretty, but they're actually a bunch of beasts!"

Danzo was arranged for the Hyuga clan.

After all, in the theatrical version directed by Kishimoto, in Road to the Ninja, the limited monthly reading Neiji Hinata was magically changed into a see-through pervert.

Danzo can only say: Neji~~, you died so miserable~~~.

Carefully review the past and every bit of getting along with Hinata Chinatsu.

Danzo discovered that the girl Hyuga Chinatsu was actually not annoying.

Rather, it's quite flattering.

Know what to say and what not to say.

People are very clever.

More importantly, in the past few missions, I have helped myself a lot.

Especially when it comes to things like Naoto and Ikumi.

Really helped a lot.

and so.

Hearing that Hinata Chinatsu was persecuted to the point of defection, Danzo felt extremely angry.

Who can guarantee that the Hyuga clan is a good person?

No one can guarantee it.

Then, isn't it normal for the Zong family to have a few people with human faces and animal hearts?

But then Danzo calmed down.

Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

It is possible to speculate on the Hyuga clan with the greatest malice.

But before the facts are established, the anger must be restrained.

Based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, if the other party is really a beast with a human face, it will not be too late to persecute him.

But still feel uncomfortable.

Very upset.

So what if the members of the Zong family are all good people?

In other words, are they really good people?

Would a good person imprint a bird in a cage on his own people?

Evil is evil.

No matter how high-sounding the reasons are, no matter how beautiful the beautification is, they cannot conceal the truth of slavery.

If it's bad, just admit it honestly.

Like me, Shimura Danzo, I am a wicked person.

So simple.

The Hyuga Clan is corrupt from the root.

The most vicious curse seal enslaves the tribe, which is an unforgivable sin.

as a traveler.

Danzo has ten thousand ways to persecute the Hyuga clan.

But... that's not the point.

The key is now.

He just wanted to hack those bastards of the Hyuga Clan to death.

"It's almost time to go to the next location..."

Danzo checked his strength as he walked.

Base value "66.8"

The ninjutsu invention system shows Danzo's value.

It is not only Danzo who has become stronger, but also the system.

The number of digits after the decimal point can now be displayed.

Compared with a few months ago, the base value of the demon boy has increased by 0.8.

There is still a gap from the shadow level of 68.

However, the upgrade speed of this body is too scary, dozens of times that of the main body.

I believe that by the end of this year, I will be promoted to the movie class.

Soon, Danzo entered a small town.

Find the hotel and enter.

In the country of rain.

A hotel is usually integrated with a hotel.

Can provide accommodation, bathing, catering and other services.

And of course...the kind kids wouldn't let listen to.

As soon as Danzo entered the door, he found that the place was very lively.

"Boss, bring me a bowl of boiled water!"


Although the boss was a little confused, he still poured a bowl of water for Danzo.

Then, Danzo took out a large note and stuffed it in.

The boss's eyes lit up, and he accepted it immediately.

So, the next step is to ask for information, or to find services that children are not allowed to listen to?


Danzo just paid the boss compensation before the fight.

"Several of you, you look very familiar~!"

Danzo left the bar and walked towards a few tables.


Sitting in a row of ninjas.

One of them is a member of the Hyuga clan.

The other ones, in different attire, looked like they were hired.

What is this called?

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it?

Just walk into an inn, and you will encounter a bunch of pursuit teams.

Is this the protagonist's treatment?

Seeing that Danzo walked towards them with malicious intentions.

The team headed by the ninja of the Hyuga clan immediately became alert.

"Crack! Crack!"

Danzo squeezed his knuckles.

What to do

Of course, first use your fists to convince people, knock them down, and then use your mouth to persuade them to be kind and say what you want to know.

Chapter 525. I Can Send Waves~~~! !Waves are a man's romance!

"It's a demon man! Look at that blindfold! There are muscles! It's Angel Hunter Demon Boy Beorlandi!"

A ninja recognized Danzo.

It seems that he is Danzo's colleague.

That's bounty hunters.

Among the bounty hunters, except for the rebellious Mr. Kadotsu.

There are other people who have similar or similar goals to Danzo.

There are even ronin and samurai among them.

With the sound of the weapon, more than a dozen ninjas jumped out from behind the table.

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