Kunai broke through the sky and flew towards Hyuga Iori's back.

Apparently, when Hinata Iori went to beat up Danzo, the attackers in the dark launched an attack.

Hinata Yuuki rushed over with a stride, waving her hands.

After a few slaps, he blocked these kunai with soft fists.

However, before he could catch his breath, more Kunai flew over.

Then, two figures descended from the sky, and the sword slashed straight at him.

Three-sided attack!

"This small-chested and brainless woman..."

Danzo pouted.

Teammate Pig, that's about it.

Poor Hyuga Yuki, in order not to accidentally injure Hyuga Iori behind him, obviously he couldn't use Huitian.

He can only desperately release a large amount of chakra out of thin air from the three attacked positions of his body to resist the attack.

According to the original book, Kidomaru's commentary to Neiji Hinata.

The continuous release of a large amount of chakra by the Hyuga clan is a very painful behavior.

Therefore, even if Hinata Yuuki was not beaten violently, he was still in extreme self-torture.

And at the same time.

A figure suddenly appeared from the shadows, and put the sword on the side of Hinata Iori's head.

If there is a disagreement, the latter's head will be poked.

"Don't move."

A deep female voice came from beside my ear.

Only then did Hyuga Iori, who was focusing on Danzo, realize that he had been attacked.

Hyuga Yuuki didn't move forward, nor did he retreat, he could only stand there anxiously.

As for Hyuga Iori, who looked dazed, his expression soon changed, and he wanted to resist the threat from beside him.

"You can give it a try... Is it your Hyuga Clan's "Return to Ten" that activates faster, or my swordsmanship is faster! "

The sharp blade flashing cold light beside his head, as well as the icy tone of voice, all showed the opponent's determination.

while talking.

The figure of the attacker slowly emerged, transforming from a transparent outline bit by bit into a normal human being.

"A-level earth escape · camouflage concealment technique, amazing..."

Danzo put his arms around his chest and was not in a hurry by the side.

Instead, he looked at the woman who suddenly appeared very comfortably.

A-level earth escape · camouflage concealment technique.

In the original book, in the third Ninja World War, Kakashi Gaiden, Iwagakushi Murakami Shinobi named Oishi used this trick to cut off one of Kakashi's eyes.

It is characterized by being invisible by refracting light, and can hide odor.

The disadvantage is that it can be seen by Sharingan and Baiyan.

of course.

Hyuga Iori was too eager to make moves against Danzo, and didn't even open his eyes.

So she was attacked naturally.

Danzo looked around, Daisuke Hinata and others rushed over, and quickly confronted the enemy.

"Uncle Dajie, you guys are too slow to come!"

Yuuki Hinata, who was facing multiple opponents alone, frowned.


Daisuke Hyuga was really going crazy.

"It's the two of you who insisted on leaving everyone and hiding in this remote place... And didn't the eldest lady say that? She wants to take a bath~~~~, everyone is not allowed to roll their eyes, oops... ..”

Hinata Daisuke was almost dying of sorrow.

You said... these two little ancestors are really...

"You are the ninjas of Shiyin Village."

Danzo spoke again and greeted the other party.

He is really in no hurry.

Because the daimyo of the country of birds and the daimyo of the country of fire have a good relationship.

In fact, this country has always remained neutral and does not favor any one country.

Their ninjas are not keen on making troubles either.

In a way, it's easier to be reassured.

On the other hand...


The ninja who suddenly appeared waved his hand, and those subordinates who were confronting each other slowly backed away, but the weapons were still pointed at Hinata Yuuki and the others.


Several people came behind Danzo, at a distance of 3 to 5 meters.

Holding kunai, Taidao and other ninja tools, beware of Danzo.

Apparently, they felt that Danzo was also dangerous.

The bamboo hat was taken off, and the ninja who held Hyuga Iori hostage showed her true face.

It's a beautiful but hard-cheeked, early 20's look.

Long chestnut hair is common, and the skin is normal white.

On the forehead, it is the ninja forehead of the "Stone Hidden Village" in the country of birds.

"You killed our companions...the ninjas of Konoha."

Ninja spoke.

"This is a misunderstanding! Please listen to our explanation!" Hyuga Yuki said hastily.

It looked like he wanted to rush over, but he was obviously unable to succeed as he was surrounded by four Shiyin village ninjas.

Chapter 544. The deal between Danzo and Guanyue

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! If you kill our comrades, you must pay the price!"

Ninja spoke again.

The tone was cold and firm, as if Hyuga Iori's head would be chopped off in the next second.

"Oh~~, this is really a misunderstanding~~."

Daisuke Hyuga waved his hands again and again, apparently understanding what was going on.

"We have just arrived here not long ago. If we really killed someone, how could we dig a hole and bury it? Isn't it good to just throw it where it is?"

He really took it.

Really convinced this time.

This life has been tossed this time, whether he can live to the end of this year is a question.

Seeing Daisuke Hinata's expressive and expressive performance, the other party's attitude softened a little.


The tachi moved away from Hinata Iori's temple.

"I am the elite Jonin of "Stone Hidden Village", watching the moon.Come back with us, be interrogated, and if you are innocent, we will make amends and apologize. "

"Apologize? If an apology works, what do you need a ninja for?"

Danzo looked like he didn't think it was a big deal.

Then, Danzo looked at Daisuke Hyuga.

"See, Mr. Daisuke, all of you from the Hyuga Clan are team members."

When Danzang spoke, he did not forget the persecution.

And separated the clan family and the branch family.

"You, bounty hunter, Angel Hunter Beorlandi, you have to go back with us too!"

After hearing the whispers from his subordinates, Guanyue sized up Danzo.

Obviously, someone recognized Danzo.

Black eyepatch cyclops, muscles, vest-style black belt...these all constitute Danzo's identification marks.

The reputation of Angel Hunter is already well-known in the ninja world.

Hmm...or rather, notorious?

After all, Danzo is too bad.

Even if you say you want to maintain a different setting.

But the instinct of persecution in my bones cannot be changed.

Those who have been persecuted by him once may remember Danzo's "good" for the rest of their lives!


Danzo touched his chin and thought for a while.

In normal times, he would definitely fight and maintain the reckless setting.

But at this moment, as long as he thinks that the noble and proud eldest lady of the clan will be shot and beaten by the ninjas of Shiyin Village, Danzo will be so happy that he can set off immediately and go back with them.

"Then let's go~?"

Danzo looked very happy, and was a little eager to try.

It seems that instead of being coerced away by someone, it's like going to a certain place for sightseeing.

The ninja of Shiyin Village paused for a moment on the large beheading knife over 2 meters behind Danzo.

Obviously, Danzo has updated the information on the equipment, but it has not been transmitted to the country of birds at the same time.

"Don't mind~~~~."

Daisuke Hinata couldn't take it anymore.

"We still have important tasks to do..."

It is the task of arresting Chinatsu Hyuga.

of course.

Daisuke Hinata actually didn't hold out hope either.

Because I still don't know where Hinata Chinatsu's child went.

But you have to match up his eldest lady and the bounty hunter, right?

"How about...we go back with you, you keep her, and he, he..."

Hyuga Daisuke refers to Hyuga Iori, Hyuga Yuki, and Danzo.

"Let the three of us who are the strongest help you find the murderer. How about we useless family members staying as hostages?"

Hyuga Daisuke recommended himself.

This trick is quite clever.

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