Only relying on the first step, the mystery of the rotation, the activation speed is even faster than the spiral pill!


The ninja who threw the kunai yelled, as if he had seen a ghost.

That is the Fudun Kunai who can penetrate even the earth-dun defensive ninjutsu~~!


Danzo stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the soil exploded.

Accompanied by the blue chakra cyclone and the release of physical strength, the whole person disappeared without a trace.


The next moment, he came in front of the ninja Fengdun: "The class door makes an axe! Yumen makes bitterness! The village door makes wind!"

Danzo laughed at the opponent for daring to play Fengdun in front of him.

I'll blow your dog's head off!


Seeing Danzo coming in front of him, the ninja subconsciously condensed an invisible wind blade in his palm.

He slashed towards Danzo.

"Fighting Skill God Shalan!"

Facing the attack, Danzo clenched his fists and threw out both fists at the same time.

The blue cyclone leaps and spins.

Two groups of storms are created between the arms.

One rotates clockwise and one rotates counterclockwise.

The closeness of the fists creates a terrifying vacuum effect.

The opponent's wind blade was annihilated in an instant, dissipating into nothingness.

And between the two fists, the powerful and abnormally destructive state is like tearing apart the space, like a wind and sand universe made up of gears!

Danzo's self-created A-level ninjutsu [actually learned from JOJO Part [-]]... Fighting technique God Sand Arashi!

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"


The head and body of the Fengtun ninja were smashed into pieces.


Blood dripped all over the sky.


The cruelty of Chi Guoguo.

The extremely impactful picture and the rain of blood scattered in a large area made the surrounding ninjas stunned, and their figures froze on the scene.

Danzo's mouth showed a disdainful smile.

Where is this.

Haven't used wind escape yet.

If it is "Wind Dun · Fighting Skill · Shensha Lan", the lethality will be increased several times!

Knowing how to make balls means that you can do whatever you want.

Although Danzo is not as good at rubbing balls as Prince Naruto, but based on the principle of balls, the power of the extended spells should not be underestimated.

"You can't kill without a weapon? Huh?"

Danzo was carrying a beheading knife over two meters behind his back, and he looked fierce.

It is so cruel without weapons, if you use weapons, you can't go to heaven?

Everyone definitely doesn't think the beheading sword behind Danzo is a good-looking ornament.

"If you don't come over, then I will pass!"

Danzo turned his ankle, and his movement caused panic among the crowd.


A stone was kicked out, split into countless fragments in an instant, causing an explosion like a shotgun in the crowd.

This kind of barrage-like attack cannot be avoided unless defensive ninjutsu is used.

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the barrage.

Danzo picked up a stone and threw it towards the temple of the person beside him.


The ninja twisted his body strangely to the side, his skull was dented and shattered, and he died instantly.

Since the Hyuga clan can hurt others through acupuncture.

Then why can't I, Shimura Danzo, hit the temple directly and kill him with one blow?

"The first law of Naruto: blunt damage reduction"

It's not uncommon to see some character smash a chunk of rock, or knock down a patch of trees.

But Leng is fine.

On the contrary, if a small kunai was wiped around the neck, that person died.

this means.

Humans in the Naruto world have great resistance to "bludgeoning damage".

Unless the strength is as strong as Tsunade's, it is difficult to penetrate the skin and smash the human bones and internal organs.

on the contrary.

Humans in the Naruto world have extremely low resistance to damage such as "slashing and piercing".

Namikaze Minato ran around and wiped his neck with a small kunai behind his back is an example.

Yahiko and Sasuke were not all stabbed to death by Ikunai or a single knife.

Danzo has a deep research interest in this topic.

Since bludgeoning damage is such a catch, can you invent some ways to not catch the chicken?

Hello, yes.

Danzo found that just punching the temple.

Even ninjas who are immune to bludgeoning damage have to meet the Sage of the Six Paths with a high probability.

Chapter 550. In fact, Danzo thinks that Yujie is also quite good


Danzo punched out and hit another enemy.

One punch.

At the same time as the eyeballs were smashed, the eye sockets collapsed, and the brain was squeezed and ruptured.

The guy immediately bled from seven holes and died on the spot.


The waist twisted and suddenly exerted force.

Danzo stepped on both feet, kicked violently, and kicked the third ninja directly in the crotch.


Everyone present only felt the cold in their crotch.

The ninja rolled his eyes and died twitching.

"Cervical spine!!"

There is no pause.

Danzo ran, and suddenly pushed away the hands of the fourth enemy who tried to resist.

In the next second, Danzo's two powerful arms grabbed the guy's head.


Like turning the steering wheel of a car, Danzo turned the opponent's head vigorously.

In an instant, accompanied by the sound of tooth acid fracture, his cervical spine was twisted abruptly.

"Blade armor [anti-armor]!"

The fifth enemy stabbed Kunai towards Danzo.

Danzo flashed suddenly, then put his five fingers together and slammed his forearm.

The stabbing attack turned instantly.


Kunai stabbed into his heart, I killed myself.


The sixth enemy.

Danzo moved in front of the sixth enemy, and the Inuzuka clan's unpopular physical skills, the claws of the Wolf Fang Fengfeng Fist protruded out.


Danzo broke the opponent's throat.


The crowd finally reacted and began to retreat rapidly.

They were afraid.

But it didn't work.

If they don't go to Danzo, Danzo will go to them.

Oroi and the others looked at Danzo who broke in suddenly, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Where did this thing come from?

"Who are you?!"

This one-eyed dragon wearing a black eye mask made Oroy feel a little nervous.

It was like being a hooligan who met a real killer.

Oroi is a ninja who has experienced countless fights.

But at this moment, I saw Danzo's ferocious, never-before-seen killing method.

His voice couldn't help trembling.

"I'm No.1 Bounty Hunter, Angel Hunter Alarak."

Danzo easily cut his way through the crowd.

At this moment, Danzo was holding a guy who had just died in his hand, and with a throw, the guy couldn't die anymore.

"However, that's not the point~."

Danzo turned around and walked towards someone.

It's Hyuga Iori.

The killing here helped Hyuga Iori get out of the siege.

It even made Oroi and others stop attacking Hyuga Iori and Hyuga Yuki 10 seconds ago, and instead observed him.

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