
But he saw something coming towards him from below.


The blue chakra light appeared out of thin air.

It seems to suddenly extend from the space below.

The palm-sized sphere, with its tail dragging a beam of meteor light, struck towards him.

It is Danzo's magically modified spiral pill...

Turtle School Qigong.

normal version.

"Attacked by the enemy!"

As soon as this thought popped into his mind, he reacted very quickly.

Turning body violently, let yourself roll over, in order to avoid the shock wave from below.


However, the spiral pill fired by Danzo still hit his flank and exploded.

Smoke rose.

The ninja of Kongyin Village who lost a wing, like a headless chicken, hovered indiscriminately and fell to the ground...

"Hee hee hee~!"

After the attack, Danzo appears from the air.

Although the technique of camouflage can eliminate the smell.

Eliminate clothes and weapons, but after all, it only works within a narrow range of oneself.

Once a long-range attack is launched, the attack will be witnessed by the enemy with the naked eye.

However, it is enough to launch the first round of sneak attacks.

Maintaining the movement of pushing the waves with both hands, Danzo slowly retracted in satisfaction.

Roll the balls with one hand.

Guide it with the other hand, push it out with the first hand combined with chakra.

This is the essence of Kamehae Qigong.

In the next moment, Danzo quickly moved in the forest with a few teleportation techniques, and ran towards the direction where the Kong Nin fell...


"A subordinate has lost contact."

The base of Hidden Hollow Village.

A monstrous stone fortress.

Giant rocks with different expressions, like the stone statues of Easter Island, are combined to form a huge fortress base covering an area of ​​several kilometers.

This picture looks like a castle, but also looks like inside the base of a towering mountain. In a room on the top floor, several commanders of Kongyin Village are discussing matters.

The sunlight slanted down through the transparent glass overhead, filling the dark room with light.

At the same time, huge floor-to-ceiling windows are placed in front of this room.

Through here, you can directly see the mountains and small things, and see the things in the outside world.


Nun Ren sitting on the stone chair casually agreed.

On the surface of her protruding body, the blue chakra cyclone changes back and forth, as if she is practicing ninjutsu...or ninjutsu.

"Do you need to send people to search?"

A subordinate standing aside asked cautiously.

"Well, after all, it's a companion, so we can't just leave it alone, not to mention, it would be bad if the ninja was captured by the ninjas of Shiyin Village."

"So, send a team of four?" The subordinate asked again.

"One! One person is enough~!"

At this time, the female ninja who was practicing, poked out a head from another nearby stone chair.

She is also the ninja of Kongyin Village, responsible for serving as the commander.

Compared with the deep and dignified voice of the former, the tone of the second ninja is more...mature and charming.

She stood up and twisted her body. At the age of 25 or 6, it was the time when sister Yu reached the peak of her development.

Before and after walking under the department, she stretched out her slender fingers and pointed to the other person's nose.

"Don't hurry up?!"

"Yes, Master Peacock...!"

The subordinate wanted to say something, but seeing the dangerous light in his boss's eyes, he subconsciously swallowed his words back.


The peacock turned away and brushed his hair.

That blue and white short ear-length hair looks like a real peacock's tail feathers.

"These subordinates, why are they all so useless... They actually want four of them to find one!"


The woman behind the chair ignored her.

"What are you practicing? Is it ninjutsu, or Xueji limit ninjutsu? Hyuga Chinatsu."


Danzo stood in front of the Konin who fell to the ground.

Punch after punch, greet him well.

Ask and see his reaction.

If you don't say it, you will be beaten.

Until Ken said so.

Facing this kind of scene, Guanyue and other ninjas in Shiyin Village didn't have any special reaction.

Rather, they feel that Danzo's actions are purely too light.

A harsher punishment should be used.

"Taga, verbal wow."

Danzo said that he refused.

What if you kill him and there is no proof?

Don't tell me, let me confirm it myself.

Danzo believes that one cannot simply listen to Guanyue's one-sided words.

You say that the ninjas of Kongyin Village persecute you, maybe the ninjas of Kongyin Village say that you persecute them.

Is this true?

Only by seeking truth from facts and doing actual research can we have the right to speak.

Chapter 562. The old father who persecuted Hyuga Iori

Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

Only listening to other people's one-sided words can easily lead to tragedy.

and so.

Danzo, who has seen countless cups and utensils, naturally has to follow the most reasonable method.

"Don't open your mouth, right? I have plenty of ways."


Facing Konin with a bruised nose and swollen face after being beaten, Danzo pulled out a handful of kunai.

Seeing this interrogation scene, Guan Yue and the others did not say anything.

Hyuga Iori showed disgusted eyes.

Shouldn't a prisoner be treated like this?

Hyuga Yuki didn't go to see Hyuga Iori.

His gaze was on Guan Yue.

Suddenly, he said: "If you want to use his power... Please think carefully about the consequences of the power that is difficult to control..."

"Ha ha......"

Guan Yue just chuckled.

Indifference, rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Are you standing and talking without back pain? Your Konoha owns Nine Tails. It doesn't mean that other villages also have...!"


Hinata Yuuki frowned, a little confused.

many years ago.

At the Five Shadows Conference, the Tailed Beasts were divided equally among the Thousand-handed Pillars.

Only the four big countries know about this matter.

In the Land of Fire, the ninjas in Konoha Hidden Village didn't know about it.

and so.

99.999% of Konoha ninjas don't know that Konoha owns Nine Tails.

Just look at the reactions of Jiraiya and others in later generations.

Konoha's news was well sealed, and only a few high-level officials knew about it.

In the original book, it is clearly stated.

Know that Uzumaki Kushina is Nine Tails Jinchuriki.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Koharu, Mitomon, Danzo, Minakaze Minato, Kushina Uzumaki.

Lake Biwa, Snake Ci [Anbu], Kakashi [Anbe], and a few other Anbe.


Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, who left the village at the end of World War II, didn't know about it.

99% of the Konoha ninjas, including Jiraiya, and even the toads of Mt. Miaogi think that Nine Tails is a natural disaster.

This is very funny.

As a result of Konoha's high-level blockade policy, Hinata Yuki, Hinata Iori... and other Konoha ninjas don't know that Konoha owns Kyuubi.

and so.

At this moment.

Hinata Yuuki looked puzzled.

"Don't you know?"

Now it was Guan Yue's turn to frown.

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