Er Lei also took a sip of the refreshing lake water.

Oh, normal people wouldn't say it smells like urine.

It's all Danzang looking for something to do.

"Maybe one day, I can retire here..."

Er Lei said the same thing, both of them had smiles on their faces.

But next second.

Erlei's complexion also changed, both his face and his tone became serious.

"Old friends, are you planning to... use the power of taboo?"

According to Miaomu Mountain, the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal.

Erlei also learned that something important and terrible will happen in Shiyin Village.

That's why he went straight here.

Chapter 569. Life and death, alone

Er Lei also.

A family has passed down the psychic book of the Miaomu Mountain Toad Contract from generation to generation.

This is fate's choice.

It was Immortal Toad who chose them.

Or maybe they chose Immortal Toad.

Due to the changes of the times, the identities of the people in the Zai clan are constantly swapping.

Ronin, ordinary people, pirates, samurai, ninja...

Although the identities are constantly changing, the family has one most important task.

That is......

Abide by the prophecy given by the Great Toad Immortal to prevent the occurrence of things that endanger the Ninja World and may lead to the destruction of the world.

This is the fate of the psychic in Mt. Miaomu.

"Worthy of being a contractor of Mt. Miaomu... Every time I get the news, it is surprisingly fast..."

Sen Luo smiled and refilled another glass of water for Er Lei.

"But it's a pity, old friend, your news is still not very accurate..."


Although the Great Toad Immortal can predict the future.

But only for vague things.

This leads to one thing...

It is easy for contractors to deviate in understanding.

for example......

Jiraiya first thought that Namikaze Minato was the son of prophecy.

That's why he was accepted as a disciple.


See Nagato's reincarnation eyes.

It is also believed that Nagato is the son of prophecy.

But in the end, the facts proved that Prince Ming was the son of prophecy.

"I don't deny that."

Er Lei was not dissatisfied at all.

After all, after living for more than 50 years, he also knows the nature of the big toad fairy's prophecy.

"Then, please send a message to the head of Shiyin Village to allow me to enter there. As the contractor of Mount Miaomu, one of the three holy places..."


Sen Luo's expression became serious.

And shook his head very seriously.

"Er Lei Ye, you should know that the political power of Shiyin Village is divided into two parts, just like Caoyin Village in the distance, or even Wuyin Village... I, the elder, is in charge of normal affairs, And some things... are under the surveillance of the village chief and the Anbu of Shiyin Village..."

After that, Sen Luo added another sentence.

"This is a tradition that has been passed down from thousands of years ago. Even I am powerless to interfere..."

Seeing his old friend shaking his head.

Er Lei also had a more serious expression.

"Old friend, I don't know if you have forgotten the disaster that happened 20 years ago, do you want to let the disaster happen again?"


Of course, Sen Luo didn't forget.

Twenty years ago, the tragic scenes of that scene would always wake him up from his dream.

Those radiant eyes became dim as they fell into memories.

Pain appeared on this old cheek.

Erlei also watched his old friend's expression, not giving up trying to persuade him.

他 说:

"That kind of power should not be used, and to this day, that power still causes an indelible curse... Sen Luo... As an old friend, and even more so The identity of the contractor of Mount Miaomu warns you, please re-examine this matter..."


Shiro closed his eyes.

After a long time, he opened it again, his eyes became firm.

"Sorry, my friend, ideals are important, but reality must also be considered..."

Sen Luo looked out of the window, as if traveling through time and space, to the battlefield on the other side.

"You should also know the situation in the past few years. Facing the attack of the ninjas in Kongyin Village, we paid a very high price..."

"The country is being destroyed and compatriots are dying. I have no intention of condemning the face of the invaders. After all, some people can even call the invasion "justice." "

"What I want to say is..."

Shinra stood up from his seat.

"First of all, I am a ninja of Shiyin Village, and even an elder of Shiyin Village. So I can't bear all this! I won't stand by!"

"But you can seek other paths, old friend!" Er Lei also stood up, and his tone also increased.

"Other paths?"

Sen Luo frowned, a trace of anger appeared on the calm old man's face.

"Has anyone ever helped us? The small countries around them take care of their neighbors flawlessly, while the big countries around them are stalking tigers and leopards! For them, we small countries are existences that can be trampled on at will!"

Sen Luo stretched out his hand and stopped Er Lei Ye from speaking.

"Don't argue with me, my friend, the fate of "Grass Hidden Village" is an example. "

Caoyin Village.

In the Warring States Period, he was beaten up by the Five Great Powers.

Then collapsed.

Later, he even became the little brother dedicated to the Five Great Nations, and anyone can step up and step on it.

"Ghost Lamp City".

A fortress used to imprison some special criminals from the Five Powers.

The establishment of this city also means that Caoyin Village has completely lost its right to speak in its own country, and can only depend on the five major countries forever.

"Seeking skins from tigers is very dangerous. It's not that I haven't tried to send envoys to the Five Great Nations. But Er Lei, my friend, do you know how the shadows of the Five Great Nations responded?"

Shinra's cheeks twitched.

"They are watching...! They are watching the strength of Kongyin Village! For them, whether it is our Shiyin Village or Kongyin Village, they are interesting objects of observation, they are jumping clowns! They even The reason why Anbu was sent to infiltrate the country of Birds is to observe the strength of the new ninja in Kongyin Village!"

Sen Luo is berating.

"What happened after the observation? Of course, it is to snatch the ninja equipment invented by Kongyin Village, so as to improve it into a more terrifying weapon and enrich its own strength! Take history as a mirror, Er Lei, there are not too many such things in history! "

It seemed that he had noticed his gaffe.

Sen Luo shook his head, calming down a bit.

"Since this is the case, then we can only find ways to protect ourselves... What's the difference between a devil and an angel? As long as I can protect my compatriots, even if I fall into the abyss, I won't hesitate... .”


Er Lei was also silent.

Obviously, the severity of the problem in Shiyin Village far exceeded his expectations.

After a while, Er Lei also spoke again.

"I understand your feelings, old friend. Therefore, as long as necessary, I, as a friend, can go through fire and water for you, even if I die in battle. But..."

"You should understand that the sword itself may not have the difference between justice and evil, and its use depends entirely on the person using it... However, power does have the difference between justice and evil... If you completely rely on evil, then How can the next generation have a future?"

In the past, Er Leiye's remarks would definitely move Sen Luo.

but now......

Sen Luo smiled wryly and shook his head, "Old friend, you probably don't know that our Shiyin Village has really reached the point of life and death..."

The old man took a package from under the table.

turn on.

Inside are some debris.

The wreckage of the flying ninja on the back of the ninja in the empty village.

as well as......

The weapons and prosthetic fragments of Charly and others.

"Look carefully, my friend."

Senra pointed to the fragments.

Chapter 570. Danzang kills and kills, wants to ride and watch the moon

"After our intelligence and investigation analysis, these weapons can all be traced back to the technology of a behemoth. Hidden Village's "Technical Support"! "

"Even Sand Hidden Village itself has the idea of ​​invading us!"


Er Leiye's figure froze on the spot.


Danzo had a great time killing all the way.

It's just that the mount under your feet is not easy to control.

Moreover, this guy is obviously beyond his capabilities.

The wings degenerate and the skin color changes back.

Foaming at the mouth.Oh, this one was hammered by Danzo.

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