Hyuga Iori froze for a moment.

20 years ago?

She carefully looked at Kiriyu, what do you think... This beautiful woman is at most in her early 30s.

"We experienced that battle together 20 years ago, so you should understand that this time...Shiyin Village is no different from the battle 20 years ago, and it is already a moment of life and death."

"Yeah." Erlei also nodded, and at the same time had a bad feeling.

"At that time...Shiyin Village paid a heavy price, almost...the whole village would be destroyed because of it, and all of that...was all because of the previous village chief. Injustice..."


Er Lei also swallowed, his throat dry.

It was a disaster.

Terrible catastrophe.

"But this time is different, we are not using that taboo power for selfishness, but for the villagers, for Shiyin Village, for the entire Bird Country... all we want is to survive. …”

and so.

Is that why you want to use that forbidden power?

Er Lei also began to sweat on his forehead.

He seems to...understand Elder Sen Luo's difficulties.

This woman is really not easy to deal with.

"However, Master Kirisame, we all know how terrifying that power is. If it gets out of control... I'm afraid it will be a double-edged sword."

Er Lei also sincerely persuaded.

Hinata Iori on the side was confused.

She couldn't understand more and more.

What forbidden power?What's out of control? What happened 20 years ago?

"Heh heh heh heh..."

Wuyu laughed lowly.

Her laughter is full of feminine charm, but at the same time, it also contains a sense of coldness.

"Er Lei, we would rather perish with the enemy than to be destroyed by the enemy unilaterally."

Er Lei also turned ugly.

The other party made it clear that they were ready to throw all their eggs in one basket, even at the expense of both sides.

Chapter 584. Only the dead can be emotionally stable

"Master Kirisame, I think this matter...you can think about it again..."

Er Leiye's words were a bit difficult.

"Consider? We have been thinking about it for a long time... The result is that our compatriots were killed and the motherland was invaded. In this case, what are you waiting for? Do you still count on us, talk about it with your mouth, empty Have the ninjas in Hidden Village stopped invading?"

Wu Yu's doubts made Erlei a little stuck.

"Er Lei too... speaking nice words won't do anything, it won't help to solve the problem. When you see your companions and innocent people fall one by one, can you still maintain your so-called reason ? With all due respect, maybe only the dead can be emotionally stable."

Wu Yu's last sentence directly borrowed a line that Danzo once said.

And Wuyu liked this sentence very much.

— Only the dead can be emotionally stable.

Her words made Er Lei frown again and again.

But I don't know how to refute it.

In the face of serious survival problems, any talk is pale and powerless.

"Master Kirisame, our Konoha ninjas believe in the will of fire and hope to protect the people or things we cherish, even if we sacrifice our lives."

Hinata Iori, who had been listening by the side, suddenly spoke.

Wu Yu looked at her without any impatient expression.

On the contrary, I am very happy to listen to what she has to say.

Kiritame nodded slightly, signaling Hinata Iori to continue talking.

The latter seemed to be encouraged, and continued:

"I believe Master Er Leiye must think so too."


Wu Yu glanced at Er Lei Ye, who had a straight face.

"Of course, everyone in Shiyin Village must have the same idea."

According to what I have seen and heard in Shiyin Village these days.

Hyuga Iori discovered that the ninjas here are actually not much different from the ninjas of Konoha.

Everyone fights for themselves, for their companions, relatives and friends, even the village and the motherland.

Hyuga Iori found something familiar to him from a strange foreign country.

"So, if that's the case, why are we arguing...Could it be that all of this is because of the relationship between you and the "forbidden power" that Mr. Reiya mentioned? "

From Hyuga Iori's point of view.

Whether it's her, Erlei, or the ninjas of Shiyin Village.

There is no need to argue at all.

Because the will of the three parties is the same.

They all believe that foreign invaders are unjust and should be spurned and resisted.

So, why are they still arguing with each other.

Perhaps, the so-called "Forbidden Power" is the key.

There are many "forbidden techniques" in the ninja world.

And the power listed as a forbidden technique must have its dangers.

"Well, you're right, kid..."

Wuyu nodded slowly, her tone slowing down.

"Do you know Tailed Beast and Jinchuriki?" Kirisame said suddenly.

"Slightly known..."

Hinata Iori blinked.

In Konoha, these basic knowledge can still be acquired for the time being.

Of course, the future is hard to say.

In the era of Sakura and Sasuke, Konoha's ninja tailed beast didn't know anything.

"The "forbidden power" hidden in our Shiyin Village is the presence of Renzhuli weapons and the like, which are contrary to common sense. "

"Is that so..."

Hyuga Iori was a little confused.

What she knows is that there are such things as Zhuli weapons in the world.

All countries are trying to use their renzhu power in wars.

For those who have not seen Renzhu Riki with their own eyes.

Hinata Iori, who has seen it but doesn't know it, talks about it.

Renzhuli is just a term for a distant land.

It is no different from things like kunai and shuriken.

"It should be no problem to use something like a renjuriki weapon...to fight against the enemy..."

Hyuga Iori looked like he was thinking.


The corner of Er Lei's mouth twitched.

this kid.

Are you really thinking about this kind of thing?

It seems that she doesn't know the meaning of the three "Inchuriki" at all...

Feared by the people around him, spurned by others, even the ninjas in his own village, he wants to get rid of them quickly.

It is a product of the hatred and sorrow of the masses.

Konoha's education.

Are you teaching the next generation to be stupid?

This made Erlei also worry about his little grandson who was born less than a year ago.

That is to say, the growth environment of "Jiraiya"....

Trying to use human strength to fight against the enemy.

This kind of thinking is inherently cruel and inhumane.

"Then, Mr. Wuyu, you firmly believe that the forbidden power must be awakened." Erlei also spoke directly.

"Of course." Wu Yu held up her noble head. "However, there is still a lack of some "final" preparations..."

Bingyu's mother, Wuyu, said meaningfully.


"Okay, okay, Mr. Daisuke, can you say goodbye? For example, you Hyuga clan, the weakness of Rouquan or something, how can you kill you quickly."

Danzo was a little impatient by Daisuke Hinata's continuous complaints and complaints.

Therefore, open your mouth and come.

"Oh, Mr. Beorlandi, you don't take it seriously. You see, you and we are under house arrest!"

Daisuke Hinata pointed to his family members who were members of the Salted Fish Families.

Himself, and Danzo.

These Anbu of Shiyin Village, in a good name, invite them to rest in this room, but they are actually under house arrest.

Didn't you see Anbu guarding the door and outside?

"Huh? Who can stop me?"

Danzo said indifferently, and walked out of the room.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the door of the room, he was blocked by a black shadow.

It's a tiger.

This tiger is about 3 meters tall. It looks a bit like Hidden Leaf Village, the 44th practice field, which is the huge tiger in the Death Forest.

The tiger walking back and forth stared at Danzo all at once.

The two big eyes are particularly scary.

"What are you looking at, you idiot cat."

Danzo raised his head and stared at the giant tiger.

Danzo forgot to say.

He is a dog party.

Just look at the dog Erha Tiger Taro you raised.

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