Danzo didn't know if she was big-hearted or a tomboy.

But looking at the dress, it can't be said.

This wild beauty reminds Danzo of the Inuzuka clan.

"It can be." Danzo replied.

At this time, Guan Yue also came over.

She glanced at Amazon.

Looked at Danzo again.

Amazon turned away and walked up to the tiger.

The big tiger whimpered and got up from the ground.

It seems that Danzo beat it hard.

"It won't be so simple next time, bounty hunter."

Amazon then left with her pet tiger and her men.

"Haha! Me too."

Danzo greeted.

Amazon's figure froze for a moment before moving forward.

Obviously, Danzo's irritating ability can't even stand this kind of cold and arrogant type.

"Are you OK......"

Guanyue stepped forward and looked at Danzo.

"That's the head of Anbu in our village... You'd better not underestimate her..."

Guan Yue's eyes are a bit complicated.

Wait until it gradually goes away...

Amazon touched his right arm, which held the javelin.

Unexpectedly, he didn't see clearly when he got the "snapshot" mark......

What a man not to be underestimated...

However, so what.

It's just cannon fodder.

Chapter 586 Danzo is almost greedy for Bingyu's mother


Danzo lay on the roof, looking up at the starry sky.

"It's so beautiful..."

Danzo looked at the starry sky, thinking that if he had a chance in the future, he could bring the secretary over to have a look.

Although it is the same starry sky, it is obviously more beautiful than what Konoha observed.

In the next second, there was a sound similar to mouse activity.

Of course not real mice.

It was Daisuke Hyuga.

Daisuke Hyuga opened the door, and the dog was haunted. When he saw Danzo on the roof looking up at the starry sky, he quietly climbed up.

"If you say you want to look up at the starry sky with me, forget it, I like beautiful women, thank you."

Danzo crossed his legs and said without looking back.

"Of course, if you can tell me the secret of Hyuga no Tennin's bloodline, I will allow you to lie down next to me."

"Hi~! Mr. Beorlandi, it's about time~, you really want to have fun..."

Daisuke Hyuga looked bitter.

After saying this, he quickly lowered his voice, and looked around for fear of being seen by others.

"What do you think of Missy?"

Daisuke Hinata suddenly asked.

"There are more boobs and less butt drums." Danzang emphasized.

"She is 16 this year, and she can still develop a little bit more." Daisuke Hyuga spread his hands. "Don't you consider joining the Hyuga Clan?"

Danzo pouted.

"How dare you say it...for what? A small cataract? Sorry, I really don't like you cataracts."

Danzo sat up and stared at Daisuke Hyuga, who was a dog.

"Okay then...the ethos of ejaculation is bad now, young people are ruthless..."

Daisuke Hinata sighed and muttered.

"Let's change the subject."

He said.

"Let's run together, Mr. Beorlandi."

Daisuke Hyuga kept his mouth shut and smiled broadly.

Very fake.

Only then did Danzo realize that Daisuke Hinata was carrying a burden on his back, and it seemed that he really planned to escape from here.

"Actually, my childhood dream was also to become a bounty hunter. I believe that the ability of Baiyan can still be used in a trivial way."

Daisuke Hinata opened his mouth and came, his old face was not red.

Obviously, he planned to leave the Zong family alone.

However, Danzo appreciates this shameless style.

"Actually, you just want to use me as a shield to open the way for you."

Danzo pointed to the distance.

At the entrance, a dozen Anbu guarded there in shifts.

"What are you talking about..."

Daisuke Hinata patted his thigh.

"Don't you have Earth Dungeon? The very powerful one, just take me out of here with Earth Dungeon?"

"Why are you running?"

Danzo looks like I don't want to leave here yet.

"Hey~, you don't know at all, let me tell you, I don't just stay here for nothing these days, the Anbu of Shiyin Village is abnormal... always planning something very dangerous ..."

Daisuke Hyuga began to sweat on his forehead.

"I have a bad feeling..."

Early setup.

Bai Yan has the ability to see through fate.

For example, Neiji Hyuga saw through fate.

Some people can become Hokage because they are destined by nature.

Some people are separated, so they have to die for others by nature.

Perhaps, Daisuke Hinata's white eyes also gave him a premonition of some future fate.

This kind of thing is very possible.

After all, Immortal Toad can still make predictions, can't he?

"Let's go...or it's really too late..."


Danzo laughed, thinking it was funny.

"What are you afraid of? Can these ninjas from Shiyin Village still go to heaven?"

Danzo said.

I've seen all of Nine Tails, and I've been persecuted!

Could it be that the other party can create an existence stronger than Kyuubi?

"This world is very interesting, Mr. Daisuke, we just need to calmly appreciate it."

just smile

"Hi~, you really..."

Daisuke Hinata didn't finish.

Someone came by.

It's watching the moon.

"Beorlandi, the village chief wants to meet you, please come with me... Also, Mr. Daisuke Hinata, what are you doing here?"

"I, I am looking up at the starry sky!"

Daisuke Hyuga was so angry!

He was so angry that he jumped up and down, pointing to the sky.


Guanyue agreed softly, but her gaze immediately looked behind Daisuke Hinata.

"This is the first time for you, please don't steal things casually, it will damage the reputation of the Hyuga clan."

Good guy.

It turned out that Daisuke Hyuga tried to run away more than once, and also liked to take the sheep by the hand.

How shameless.

But I like it.

Danzo said he touched his chin.

That's why he was able to talk to Daisuke Hinata.

Because both of them... are shameless.

After that, Danzo and Guanyue left.

Daisuke Hyuga was left behind who sighed and was out of breath.


Danzo followed Guanyue all the way in the dark.

The torches are burning, the primitive tools of lighting, turning this place into a dark world of shadows.

Soon, Danzo entered... the square in the middle.

Instead of the palace where Lei Ye and Hyuga Iori went during the day.

A familiar figure stood there.

Surrounded by the Anbu team of Shiyin Village armed to the teeth.

"Welcome, bounty hunter from afar..."

The village head of Shiyin Village turned around, and Danzang called out.


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