Amazon's ice-cold melon-seeded face blushed immediately.

This is so fucking...

Shameless and obscene.

Even though Amazon did nothing about Danzo touching her fat, she was still a woman.

Since it is a woman, there will be a woman's performance.

Then the problem is coming.

Namikaze Minato and 19-year-old Kirabi stabbed each other, who will be the first to persuade?

Answer: It is Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato left Kirabi's position first.

of course.

Because Namikaze Minato is so handsome, some fans will wash the ground.

They said: Namikaze Minato sells Kirabi's face, so they don't kill Kirabi, which shows that Namikaze Minato's heart is kind.

Good good good ~ ~.

Danzo said, you are right, you are all right.

"Come on, give it a try, do you want to die first?"

Wind Chakra circulates on Millennium Kill.

As long as Danzo is willing, he can directly launch the Chidori... Oh, "Millennium Killer Sharp Gun", from the indescribable part of the Amazon, all the way up, directly to a skewer.

This is the disadvantage of not having Sharingan.

If Amazon has "Sharingan", it will find Danzo's counterattack when charging.

The speed is too fast, but there will be some situations that cannot be grasped at all.

Kakashi can't use Raikiri without Sharingan.

Namikaze Minato Fei Leishen was fast enough, and his reflexes were fast enough, and even entered the sage mode to strengthen the BUFF, but he was still cut off by Liudao Madara.

Ordinary people have limits.

As long as you don't be a human being, install Sharingan, White Eyes, Reincarnation Eyes, Hodgepodge Eyes, and come to the Legend of Eyes.

Or hang up.

Only then will there be tomorrow.

Chapter 591. The Power of Darkness♂

"Your cleverness can't save your life."

The Amazons put away their javelins and backed away.

"What a big breath."

Danzo maintains the posture of killing a thousand years.

Chidori sharp gun becomes longer and shorter.

Get longer~, then get shorter~.

How obscene is as obscene.

"It sounds like you are already the head of a village in Shiyin Village, what's the matter, do you want to become the sixth largest country, Lord "Stone Shadow"? "

Danzo's biting sarcasm finally pissed off Amazon.

"Shut up! Bounty hunter, what do you understand?"

"Okay, okay~."

Danzo Wu waved his hand, expressing that he didn't want to listen to that hypocritical tirade.

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, the cowboy is very busy~~~."

"Help us strengthen the seal of that evil place, we need a strong, young, earth-dun ninja, right in the depths of this base..."

Amazon stated the situation directly.

But obviously, there is deception in the rhetoric.

She wants to treat Danzo as a living sacrifice, not a real helper.

And Danzo said...

Dolls are forbidden!

Langlang Ergou, in the distant universe, there is a planet, there is a country of birds on the planet, there is a hidden stone village on the country of birds, there is an Anbu base in the hidden stone village, and there is an evil place in the dark base. .....

Depend on!

Why do they go around and around.

"What about the benefits?"

Danzo rubbed his thumb and index finger, very much in line with the bounty hunter's setting.

"The good thing is that you can leave here after it's done! I'll let them go by the way."

Amazon pointed to Daisuke Hyuga, who was poking around behind Danzo, and the dog was stalking.

"Haha, you want to laugh at Dad? Is this a benefit?"

Danzo said that these conditions are not acceptable.

"I come whenever I want, and leave whenever I want, do you think you can stop me?"

Of course Tudun is not invincible.

At least the earth-dun ninjutsu called "opening the soil and digging" is authoritarian in all kinds of subterranean dissatisfaction.

If you dare to dive into the ground, you can be restrained by digging up the soil.

But Danzo didn't think the opponent knew this B-level ninjutsu.

Danzo himself can't.

That is the Tudun that only a few elite ninjas in Yanyin Village can use.

"Pack up your village head and give it to me, and I will agree."

Danzo smiled.

Not surprisingly, Hyuga Iori directly scolded shamelessly and obscenely!

Of course she didn't know that Danzo actually wanted Wuyu to owe him a favor, so that he could get benefits later.

What Hinata Iori thought was Danzo's body, Mirigiame!He is a bitch!

"It depends on whether Wuyu herself agrees."

Amazon's tone returned to indifference.

This kind of statement also means that she really wants to seize power from Wu Yu and make herself the village head of Shiyin Village.

"I'll say who will convince her."

Danzo is very confident in himself.


Staring at Danzo's cheek for a moment, Amazon nodded.

But this is all a scam.

There is no subsequent transaction at all.

From the moment he was chosen as a living sacrifice, his fate was sealed.

Of course Danzo didn't take it seriously.

He will not be naive to think that the transaction can be completed so easily.


play each other.

Show off your acting skills to each other~.

The two got up and started walking outside.

Amazon and Danzo are leading the way.

Hyuga Iori and the others walked behind.

"Son, you are confused."

Erlei also turned his head suddenly, and said to Hinata Yizhi.

"Huh?! I..."

Hyuga Iori recovered from her confusion, feeling a little flustered.

"No, I just..."

"You feel uneasy because you framed him?" Er Lei asked again.

no doubt.

That night, Danzo didn't do anything to Hyuga Iori.

"No, it's not..."

Hyuga Iori immediately shook his head.

"He was originally a villain... Isn't it a good thing that a villain is eliminated?"

Er Lei also sighed, with complicated eyes, "Son, you know he is not. But...if this can make you feel at ease, you might as well think so..."

Er Lei was also born in the Warring States Period.

Half a century of life, traveling in the ninja world, made him see countless things.

He understands very well.

In this world, many people like to deceive themselves and hypnotize themselves.

Selectively ignore some facts, and selectively distort some facts.

such as:

Some people invade other countries, but call it a struggle, not an invasion.It was clearly the face of an intruder.

Some people isolate others when others isolate them.When others treat him coldly and violently, he will use violence against others, and also use the set of "he is my friend" to clear up his bullying.

Some people were born with a golden key in their mouth.The so-called hard work is nothing more than a drop in the bucket, defeating others, and blaming all of this on his own efforts, packaging himself as a crane tail, praising those real crane tails, and calling the other party a genius...

There are not too many examples of such depravity.

"I have no intention of condemning anything, after all, everyone has their own justice. Just... I hope you can stick to your own ideas, and not make changes halfway, and end up being nothing, nothing. "


Ten minutes later, everyone followed a forest path behind the Anbu base, leading to the deep place.

At the end, an ancient palace appeared in front of us.

Looking at the decoration style, it is believed that it was 1000 years ago.

However, this palace is not as complete as the power supply in the Anbu base.

Dilapidated walls and overgrown weeds.

From the clues, it is not difficult to see the sufferings suffered here before.


Hyuga Iori opened her eyes and glanced around.

For a moment, his eyes widened.

"This, this is..."

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