Apparently her mental state is not much better than Amazon's.


Stones splash.

Flame-like waves of killing intent soared into the sky!

in the dark.

Two faint red fires flickered on and off.

Danzo's eyes.

The next moment, Danzo took a step forward and killed Erlei too!


The sky near Shiyin Village...

The night attack troops of Kongyin Village finally broke through all the way here.

Things went smoothly beyond their imagination.

It was almost devastated, and no decent resistance was encountered.

Didn't even get to see the bounty hunter.

Did he take the money and run away?

The peacock stood on the air fortress, holding a retractable monocular in his hand, with one eye closed, looking into the distance.

Above the sky fortress, a lot of ninjas from Kongyin Village are busy.

Catapult platform, the ninja responsible for ejection.

A medical ninja who replenishes chakra for companions and heals injuries.

And some squad captains.

Of course, the main role is still the normal Ninja Troop of the Hidden Space Village with individual flying devices on their backs.

Did not pay attention to those busy subordinates.

The peacock returned to the stone chair covered with luxurious blankets and sat down slowly.

Raise Erlang's legs, revealing two eye-catching white thighs from the left and right separated hem.

Occasionally, there are subordinates who continue to send information.

The peacock nodded frequently.

This night attack can be said to be a complete victory.

So much so that people think that the ninjas in Shiyin Village must have shrunk their forces and are preparing to fight to the death in their lair.

For the final decisive battle or something, Peacock is looking forward to the fireworks on the battlefield.

Peacock glanced at his colleagues beside him.

Another commander, Chinatsu Hyuga.

The latter sat there firmly, with the chakra cyclone circulating, still maintaining his practice.

"It's really boring."

The peacock took a look and then looked away.

It's really hard to find an interesting colleague...

"Master Peacock, I found Shiyin Village ahead! But... a few kilometers away, there is also a base connected. Although there have been aerial reconnaissances before, they have never been seen before. It may be that the enemy used it before. The illusion enchantment is covered, and now it is evacuated because of wartime..."

The subordinates reported the latest incidents discovered by the scouts.


Peacock glanced at him.

Looking back at Bai Meisheng clearly.

However, that subordinate trembled in fright.


Although Peacock's appearance is beautiful, her ruthless style of acting far outweighs the ingredients brought by her appearance.

So much so that the subordinates were afraid of being like that.

Chapter 599. Voice Illusion

"Are you afraid of me?"

"No... I, I..."


"Yes, yes, Master Peacock!"

"Since you are afraid of me, then you are not afraid of me who is angry? Why are you still standing? Why don't you give orders to attack!"


The subordinate stood at attention, turned around, and left here as if fleeing.

Obviously, the peacock's nervousness has reached an indescribable level.


Peacock sighed.

Why are my subordinates such boring people?

Peacock glanced at Chinatsu Hyuga, who turned a blind eye to it.

"Hyuga Qianxia, ​​don't just be busy practicing, I will do all the work in the end..."

Peacock complained.

In the next second, a figure appeared beside her again.

He is a ninja who wears a mask, but his costume is very different from ordinary sky ninja.

It is the "Anbu" of Kongyin Village.

"Master Peacock, we have collected information about that bounty hunter."


The peacock, who couldn't get excited, finally became interested.

The right hand wearing a luxurious combat glove stretched out... but did not take the scroll, but stopped in the air.

"The above information is all true."


"I can't make it all up."

Only then did Peacock grab the scroll.

"How could it be? Master Peacock! I can guarantee that the information on this has been verified... There is no deception...!"

The Anbu ninja from Kongyin Village immediately explained that his upper body... was shaking slightly.


Peacock waved his hand lazily, and the latter let out a sigh of relief, and left with a blink.

It seems that he doesn't want to face this troublesome superior at all.

After Anbu Ninja left, Peacock slowly unfolded the scroll.

It contains information about the bounty hunter, the fallen angel, Beorlandi.

From his appearance, to rising like a meteor, becoming famous, to killing countless enemies by one person... Finally, he came to the Land of Rain.

One person slaughtered 30 rock ninjas.

Meet a branch ninja from the Hyuga clan.

Then...he walked together with Hyuga Iori and others.

The information can be said to be very detailed.

As long as the things found, they have been analyzed and verified.

Strength, character, all aspects.

This bounty hunter named Beorlandi was even able to temporarily absorb Chakra who was guarding a crane.

Is it some kind of special blood inheritance limit?

In the ninja world, there are many strange bloodlines, and it is normal for one or two special ones to appear.

Or some kind of physique.

Just like the Uzumaki family.

"He knows you... and he's walking with the head of the Hyuga Clan..."

Peacock turned his head and looked at Hinata Qianxia.

According to the information at hand, a speculation can easily arise.

"He helped you stop the pursuers of the Hyuga Clan, that is to say, you can successfully defect without his help."

Peacock came to very similar results to Daisuke Hyuga.

"Then, here comes the question...Xiao Qianxia, ​​do you really not know him, the other party just your spare tire? This spare tire usually doesn't show off , I just like you silently, and when the critical moment came, I volunteered to save the goddess from danger, oh~~, I can almost make up a bloody plot in my head."

Peacock nodded approvingly.


She suddenly changed the subject.

"According to the information I got about you when you were a child, you can't be considered a goddess, at most, you are a sloppy little muddy leg~, oh, or a girl who has turned into a big girl~, it's really enviable, how can I Don’t you have a spare tire like this?”

"I told you, I don't know him at all!"

Hinata Chinatsu turned her head and gave Peacock a cold face.

"Oh, that's the spare tire guy who silently likes you, maybe since he was 16...oh no, 13...12 years old, he has liked you... "

Peacock nodded, eyebrows raised.

"That's great... the feelings of young people, like me, have become an old aunt and no one wants..."

True Sister Yu, the 25-year-old peacock sighed.

With your troublesome personality, someone really likes you is a ghost.

Hinata Chinatsu slandered inwardly.

Peacock proves that if a woman likes to make trouble and be nervous, no matter how beautiful she is, few people will like it.

Then, Peacock got up from his seat.

The separated hem on both sides is closed, covering the graceful and sexy thighs.

Before the hem of the skirt fell completely, the peacock yelled loudly:

"Little ones! Give me some energy! The general attack is about to be launched!"


Er Lei also leaned forward, but suddenly drew a long ravine backwards.

The heavy panting showed that Er Leiye's coping was not easy.

And across from him.

Danzo's chest didn't even rise and fall violently.

"Power...really good power..."

Danzo clenched his fists and smiled Yan Yi.

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