Obviously, until now, she still failed to recognize Danzo.

Or...even if you recognize it, it may not help the situation.

Fog and Rain looked gloomy.

seems to hesitate.


She felt something.

He turned his head abruptly and looked into the distance.

This is the bonus brought by high perception.


It seems that something floated over.

Everyone looked up together.

A gigantic creature moving at terrifying speed.

It is the fortress in the air of the hidden village!

Not long after, that thing floated over.

Countless lights and searchlights immediately lit up above the air fortress.

Brighten up the original night.

On the upper floor of the air fortress, a person suddenly walked out.

The wind... is blowing.

Peacock brushed the blue bangs beside his ear with his right hand, and looked around the scene.

"Yo~, Minna from Shiyin Village, good evening~."

Like a celebrity meeting a fan, Peacock looked very happy.

"Next, please watch the performance of our Kongyin Village~."


Peacock snapped his fingers, and then, countless small black spheres fell from the air fortress.

Take a closer look, each one is engraved with a detonating talisman spell.

This time, I don't know how much money was thrown away.

But fortunately, no ninjas from Kongyin Village flew out from above to operate small planes around the mothership.

They probably all went home and went to bed.

Danzo touched his head, thinking so.

Small balls scattered all over the sky.

Everyone stared blankly.

The next second, they reacted and started running.

I don't know where the original ambition and the fierceness of Jituanzang have gone.

Suddenly it became a little sheep.

Quite interesting.

"Trash~! Earth Dungeon Earthquake Core!"

I don't know who I'm scolding.

Or scolded.

Danzo put his hands together, and then slapped the ground...!


The ground roared.

The kung fu of digging the mage tower for countless earth escape operations came in handy.

The ground with a radius of several meters is cut with a cube.

The subordinates such as Danzo and Guanyue who were staying above sank to the ground at once.

Like taking an elevator.

But it is countless times faster than the normal elevator, which can be called the elevator horror night.

The truth of having too many skills and not overwhelming one's body has been proved again.

Danzang couldn't help thinking: The ancients never deceived me.

Sometimes, you have to learn more.

You never know when it will come in handy.


The earth continued to roar.

After ten meters deep into the ground, the soil shifted from vertical to horizontal.

All of a sudden, Danzo made an "L"-shaped air-raid shelter.

Resist all attacks from outside.

I only heard crackling and kicking outside.

"It's full of New Year flavor ♂."

Danzo folded his arms around his chest, very calm.

Feel sorry......

Naruto can do whatever he wants.

Danzo feels that, except for the second generation of Tukage in the current generation and the third generation of Tukage in the future, no one has better Tudun attainments than him.

"By the way...the top has to be plugged."

Danzo thought for a while, and then used the earthquake core to return the squeezed soil to block the air-raid shelter and prevent others from entering.

They love to die outside.

Danzo's escape speed is so fast that people are horrified.

All of a sudden it's gone... gone...

Poor Amazon, and the other ninjas of Stone Hidden Village, struggled to escape and resist.

The only one that looks easier.

Probably fog and rain.

A ninjutsu barrier was erected around her body.

A variety of colors flicker to form a chaotic light.

Maybe it was a matter of convenience, or seeing Hyuga Iori, she thought of her daughter.

Kirisame kindly pulled the terrified girl into the small circle together.

The small balls that fell on it did not explode, but were directly bounced away.

It looks amazing.

Chapter 606. Result of Combat Strength Inspection of New Subordinates

"Huh? Pay attention to that bitch, use the chakra cannon!"

The peacock who threw a pile of money pointed at Wuyu and shouted.

Then, the barrel turned around and aimed at Wuyu.


After the explosion ended, Danzo noticed it.

After forming seals with both hands, after a bang, they brought these brand new subordinates back to the ground.


He saw Hinata Chinatsu.

Hyuga Chinatsu stood two meters away from Peacock, her gaze was cold.

As if this war had nothing to do with her.

The submissive, but innocent girl from the separated family who was following behind...has finally grown up.

—albeit in a brutal way.

The fate of being enslaved.

Not everyone submits to being a "dog".

Some people just want to be human.

"It's all good..."

Danzo's eyes flickered, his expression a bit vicissitudes.

The body did not move.

Maintaining the posture with arms crossed, looking up at the sky.

The subordinates behind him turned into afterimages and suddenly dispersed.

Jump on a tree, take advantage, jump.

psychic beast.

Or Tudun.

Even flying.

The ninjas who absorbed the power of Indra showed their magical powers.

They all attacked the air fortress above.

"Interesting... Hidden Stone Village still has a hand?"

Peacock looked at these masked Anbu in amazement.

Soon, the line of sight was attracted by watching the moon.

"Stop her!"

Peacock ordered.

Wings grew from Guanyue's back.

Fly from the ground to the air fortress.

But... not state 2.

Instead state 1.

With the posture of "state 1", the posture of flying is achieved.

What's even more strange... the patterns on her body haven't faded away.

In other words, it is very likely that "state 1" has become the norm.

Observing the Moon can remain in this state forever.

In this state, her strength is infinitely close to the shadow level.

That's the first Kakashi.

The ninja of Kongyin Village mobilized the chakra cannon and shot it towards the moon.

Ribbons of light illuminated the night sky, leaving trails of particles in the air.

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