
Not even ashes remained.


The scorching heat swept over like a wave, hitting everyone's heads and faces.

The air twists and turns, and the heat wave makes it impossible to breathe.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene, and soon began to retreat quickly.

The spreading black seems to be unable to stop at all.


In the sky, a corner of the air fortress fell down.

Nuoda's stone fell into the black magma sea, and was swallowed up without stirring up any waves.


Until then, the peacock's eyes also became frightened.

But more of an indescribable nervousness.

She was laughing, laughing wildly.

It seems to have seen something extremely interesting.

"I thought that myths and legends were all lies~ Now it's all right, if you fiddle with something you don't know, it's your own fault."

The peacock giggled.

It seems that without them doing anything, Shiyin Village will be over.

of course.

They can't move now.

Peacock sighed, a little regretful.

Why did you leave half of your subordinates in Shiyin Village instead of the secret base here.

"Since the opponent can make such a formation, there is naturally a way to face it. Didn't you see that the bounty hunter has not moved?"

Hinata Chinatsu spoke coldly.

Don't forget to mock your colleagues.

She was right.

Danzo did not move.

I'm too lazy to move.

When he was in the "well", he had seen this thing before.


Don't get me wrong, it's just pickles.

The main course hasn't even been served yet.


The magma soaked Danzo's feet.

all of a sudden......

The shoes are gone.

Wu Yu and the others looked at Danzo in amazement.

A flame that can melt even steel...doesn't work on him? !

How can this be? !

"Soak your feet in boiling water to give you energy."

Danzo's cheek twitched.

past life.

Danzo has seen the elders in the family often soak their feet in boiling water.

You have to admit, some people are really amazing.

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't.

In the overflowing black magma sea.

Danzo's killing intent fluctuated like an astronomical torch, shining brighter and brighter.


The scarlet, viscous, blood-like, and fire-like waves of killing intent were faintly stained with the black color of magma.

Guanyue and the others stood there, as if they wanted to soak their feet in a public bath with Danzo.

But doing so is obviously asking for death.

Danzo can be bald with boiling water.

Doesn't mean they can either.

Under Danzo's irresistible will, Guanyue and the others retreated, as agile as acrobats in a circus.

They jumped on rocks and trees.

Or squat or stand, or crawl or lie on the stomach.

Look at it from a distance in the postures of various normal people or strange people.

What a curiosity.

Of course, what is even more curious is the owner of this BBQ outdoor barbecue.


In front of the altar, and now in the boiling boiler, something suddenly popped out.

is a hand.

Big scary hands.


The palm alone is longer than a person's height.

Black phantoms form the skeleton.

This pure bone palm was burning fiercely, a few points deeper than those black magma.

Then, the palm continues to reach forward, bend, and press the ground.

Then came the arm revealed behind the palm.

This arm has staggered bones.

There are also some tendons, or muscles.

It's like a chicken rack you buy from the market.

Black-hearted vendors peel off 95 percent of the chicken, leaving you with little leftovers.


The Lord came out.

A huge black half-length skeleton.

He was burning blazingly, and two white lights flickered in his eye sockets.

That is the phenomenon that occurs after the temperature reaches the extreme.

The bone frame looked left and right, as if looking for something.

Finally, his eyes locked on Danzo.

The black magma surrounding Danzo receded in an instant, as if they retreated unconsciously because of the master's anger.


The burning huge half-body skeleton opened its mouth.

The two white lights in the skull's eye sockets jumped violently, flickering on and off, as if indicating that it was in a bad mood.

The emperor of the flame, or the big monster, just stared at Danzo like this, as if he wanted to tear Danzo to pieces.

As for the others...

What air fortress, what hidden stone village, what Hyuga clan... are all bullshit.

Skull didn't care what they became.

Or... don't care about it for now.

As long as the guy in front of him who stole its power is dealt with, the others can clean up as they want?

"Ah~, after the Four Kingdoms, hum~."

Danzo stood there with a funny expression on his face.


Brother, I can speak Japanese after watching two episodes of anime.

"Hey dog ​​waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Danzo didn't know if the skill of mocking would be good for the bottom boss in front of him.

But at least one thing can be confirmed.

——This big skull is almost exactly the same as the Uchiha clan, the pupil technique of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Susano.

——The burning magma and black fire are nothing but a flame called "Amaterasu".

In fact.

The origin of Susanoo has always been a mystery.

Why does the Uchiha family have this pupil technique as long as the double kaleidoscope is opened.

Maybe that's the setting.

However, if there is an opportunity to go back, Danzo is very interested in it.

And the source of tracing naturally points to the only god, Eternal Dark Moon [Bingyu said: the only god].

That is Indra.

Of course, he prefers others to call him His Royal Highness.

Please ignore TV.

In the original manga, Indra was the first user of Susanoo.

The big skull in front of him turned out to be a fully self-aware Susanoo who could speak.

This is interesting.

What's more interesting is that its power is almost the same as that of Indra.


There is still a difference.

What did that sentence say?

Blue out of blue.

Yes, that's probably how it feels.

Danzo took a look.

The opponent is at least 12 meters tall.

According to the general Susanoo, it is too huge.

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