It is still Sarutobi Hiruzen who will bloom in the second half of this year, not him.

"You can actually resist the black flame!"

After multiple confirmations, the Black Demon God roared.

"The ability of that kaleidoscope Sharingan... really gets in the way!"

Danzo gave it a middle finger, "There are still many things in the way, silly."

"Amazon, quickly take your compatriots to evacuate...! Also, the village, those ninjas from Kongyin Village must be attacking our village... Hurry up and support!"

Wu Yu, who had reacted, immediately performed the duties of the village head.

Now that the situation is no longer helping, let's do what needs to be done.

The remaining ninjas moved.

Evacuation that guides children to evacuate, support that returns to the village to support.


The twenty dark ninjas, including Guanyue, stood still and stared at Danzo obediently.

It's as if she didn't hear what Kiritame said at all.

"I believe Elder Sen Luo and his companions can protect the village."

Amazon watched his companions leave, then turned around, Guazi showed a resolute expression on his face.

"But here...can't be handed over to an outsider!"

Amazon leaned on the javelin, took a deep breath, and calmed down the wounds he had been injured by Danzo before.

Chapter 611. Enlightenment, Force of Nature!

The chase continues.

Danzo released wave punches from time to time.

Apart from being able to create a crack, it seems impossible to break this bone frame.

"It's so fucking hard."

Danzo remembered the famous scene in the original book where he used Kunai to poke Sasuke Susan.

of course.

Sasuke also threw Uchiha Itachi's Susan with a shuriken.

It's similar to using wave fist to hit this dark guy here.

Wave fist is very powerful.

It is grade A.

The power is infinitely close to the S rank.

However, an A grade is an A grade.

It's like Sasuke's A-level Chidori, who just pierced the fourth generation of Lei's layer of skin.

Unable to break the defense is a worldwide problem.

Could it be true that they punched to the flesh and went up to fight each other?

Oh, I'm sorry, although I'm a brave man, I can do miracles with all my strength.

But obviously, the opponent's strength is not small.

With a height of 12 meters and a large body, it can do whatever it wants.

And the cracks he caused were quickly repaired by the black chakra.

Quite shameless.

Then you can only slowly integrate the power of Amaterasu, wait until you upgrade, and then try slowly.

Danzo is not in a hurry.

Although it is impossible to break through the defense now, the opponent's Amaterasu is constantly tempering his killing intent fluctuations.

——It's the same as lightning strikes himself to cross the catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Danzo was much relieved.

There is no rush to defeat this skeleton.

Haste makes waste, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Danzo understands very well.


"The sealing technique is invalid? Are you kidding me?! What kind of flame is this?"

Peacock looked at the flaming hapless egg angrily.

Just now she ordered this subordinate to seal these flames with a sealing scroll.

However, the seal is sealed.

As soon as the seal was completed, the black flame burst out, together with the seal and the scroll...even the ninja of the hidden village who released the seal, and burned it together.


The subordinate was screaming.

He's on fire, running over here.

As a result, he didn't run two steps, and fell down with a plop.

His leg was burnt to at least 7 or 8 pieces.

Like the black flame of the tarsal maggot, it is terrifying and frightening.

Soon, the subordinate stopped moving.

Then, there was not even a single ashes left after being burned by the flames.

Really energy saving and environmental protection, good luck.

"Damn it!"

The peacock, who wanted to get some flames and go back to study, was so angry!

oh sorry.

The magical skill of "Fire Sealing" is not something that everyone can master.

This is an exclusive piece of ninjutsu invented by the leader of the Uchiha persecution, Senju Tomona.


Hinata Chinatsu didn't care about this farce.

Her gaze was fixed on the distance, where Danzo was.

Obviously, Danzo, who dodged left and right, looked a little embarrassed.

And when that big bony hand was about to hold Danzo... Hinata Chinatsu's eyes finally opened slightly, with a slight fluctuation.


"If we're not immune to that black flame, we can't do anything...Let that bounty hunter deal with it."

After Wuyu finished speaking, his eyes turned to the seal.

"It shouldn't be able to stay active in this world for a long time, and it should be repatriated like a psychic beast when the time comes."

According to a woman's intuition, sixth sense, and high perception, Wu Yu noticed this.

"Hyuga Iori, what are you still doing? Get out of here, and you, Leiya...?! Leiya, what are you doing?!"

in the shadows.

Er Lei also put his hands together.

This action has been maintained from the beginning.

The appearance hasn't changed, but...something has changed.


Another power entered his body, making Erlei a completely different existence.

In the vision of the white eyes, I can see more clearly the chakra flowing in Erlei's meridian...

The vast energy is drawn from the air, like a suction vent, constantly devouring them.

That is......

Force of nature!


The ninjas in Shiyin Village, such as Guanyue, absorb natural energy at a speed like a stream.

So...Er Lei also behaves like the sea now!

The chakra in his body is expanding rapidly.

After mixing physical energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy... there is an existence called Senju Chakra!

That huge chakra is almost comparable to that black demon god.

Hyuga Iori was shocked on the spot.

Is Erlei really like what he said, just an old man who traveled around the ninja world?

"Mr. Ray, you..."

Hyuga Iori looked up at the old man who was nearly sixty years old.

At this moment, Er Lei also looked solemn, which made people feel extremely solemn.

A powerful aura slowly emanated from this gradually decaying and aging body.

"Actually, Master Kirisame is right..."

Erlei's absorption of natural energy also slowed down.

This shows that it has come to an end.

Even though the natural energy is endless, there is a limit to human physical energy and spiritual energy.

If we talk about human...

"Physical Energy" is 100.

"Psychic Energy" is 100.

Then, "normal chakra" is 100+100=200.

However, after adding "natural energy", it becomes "Senjutsu Chakra", which is 100+100+100=300.

In other words.

The total amount can be increased by one-third, about 33 percent.


Even so, it was not enough to make Erlei's chakra as exaggerated as that black demon god.

So... what's going on?

According to the calculation of the amount of chakra, Kiritame discovered this problem.

Even if she didn't roll her eyes, she could still discover this with her high perception.

"The best result now is to wait for time to pass, and the guy who is not in the middle of winter will be dragged back by the seal..."

Er Lei also shook his head.

"However, that's just a possibility, and it doesn't necessarily come true. People can't pin their hopes on illusory conjectures... So, I have to take action. This is the fate of the contractors of Mount Miaomu."

Erlei also had a premonition of something before this journey came.

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