"What is yours is mine, what is mine is still mine!"


The black demon god roared.

Obviously, what happened to Danzo exceeded its expectations.

Relying on the power of devouring it, it evolved abruptly.

Damn...it's just a kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Why can it exert such a powerful force after being integrated into the thief's body!

In addition, there is a moth to the flame, a lunatic who is desperate to hit here!

It's like someone is pulling your shirt off your back.

Just turn around and kill him at this time.

But anyway, another guy appeared, taking off your pants at the same time.

Put you in a dilemma!


Erlei also bumped into the black demon god, who could only watch all this helplessly.

This blow was no less than being hit by an armor-piercing projectile.

The black demon god opened his mouth wide and let out a painful roar.

At this moment, it was like the wailing of thousands of resentful spirits.

Danzo jumped back suddenly.

Start charging before jumping.

The huge force twitched the air, as if the entire space was collapsing towards the condensed waves.

The chakra gathered, and Danzo's stored energy delivered an earth-shattering blow.


Spiral pill launch.

But it is completely different from before.

After accepting the power of Indra, Kamehae Qigong is not just Kamehae Qigong.

Instead, the killing intent wave "Hao Wave · Kamehae Qigong" has been added! !

The big killer with two powers and three modes of operation is released fiercely.

"See you again!"

Propelled by Haobo Kamepai Qigong, it spurted out from Danzo's hands, broke through the darkness, and penetrated his head.

This time, the head of the black demon god was pierced through.


The black Susan collapsed.

The eyes composed of two white lights flickered and went out.

"Wait for me! Next time, next time—"

"Don't wait! I'm free now, Dashabi."

Danzo stepped up his strength and released all the chakra in his body in one go.



Now the whole head of the black demon god is blooming.

By the way, those two annoying eyeballs also collapsed.

Chapter 615. Hero Story·End

"Big sand pen."

Danzo watched the opponent collapse proudly, and the chakra gradually melted away.

Like a dying animal.

The black demon god was howling and struggling, and the black magma beneath him burst,

Unwillingly, it flapped and grabbed the ground with its arms.


The weird light under the body is emitting, absorbing everything around it.

Perhaps as Kirisame said, this guy is going back to his hometown.

And Danzo's figure slowly fell.

On the way, they also compared their middle fingers all the way, like a winner in a fighting game.


The peacock poked its head out and looked out.

At this time, she had to admit that it was a very wise move to keep the flying fortress away from that big monster because of Hinata Chinatsu's foresight.

If you get closer, you will definitely be drenched by the black flame rain.

At that time, if you don't do it well, you will die easily.

"It's really thrilling... Hinata Chinatsu, thanks to you."

The peacock took a breath, its plump breasts undulating up and down, very eye-catching.

This is Miss Yu.

In a certain resource, it is very easy to win.

"But what the hell is going on with that monster, we can't even seal its flames!! But why your boyfriend can, it's not fair!!"


The fire-sealing seal mastered by Danzo is much higher than that of Kongyin Village.

"..." Hinata Chinatsu ignored her.

"Okay... Next... let's go back."

Peacock has never missed that small town close to the coast like it does today.

That is, the frontline base of Kongyin Village.

She wished she could fly back quickly and take a good rest.

Even though she didn't do much.

However, the next moment, Peacock's smile froze on his face.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh.


The peacock's body swayed, and its eyes suddenly widened.


She turned around with difficulty and looked at Hinata Chinatsu.

In the next second, she staggered and fell to the ground.

Kunai in Hinata Chinatsu's hands was dripping with blood, and she was expressionless.

The faint blue light trembled and swallowed above Kunai.

At first glance it looks like an ordinary chakra enchantment.

But a careful analysis will reveal.

That is another technique completely different from ordinary enchanting - Hyuga Clan Soft Fist.

The essence of Hyuga Clan's soft fist is to release chakra from the palm.

Or from the fingertips, releasing chakra in needles.

To achieve the penetrating power to destroy the meridians or internal organs.


No matter how fast and how much the needle-shaped chakra on the fingertips can be released, it is still not as good as a handful of kunai.

That's right.

The problem is coming.

The Hyuga Clan worked so hard to hit 64 Eight Diagrams Palms.

Looks great.

But it raises an IQ question.

Since there is time to hit the enemy 64 times.

Why not just poke the neck, the head, and the heart with Kunai?

Put another way.

Since it can hit the 64 palms of the eight trigrams.

Why don't you hold a handful of kunai in your hand and type out gossip 64 kunai.

How about poking 64 holes in the enemy's body, enchanting with soft fist, and destroying the enemy's meridians and internal organs?

No matter how you look at it, it is much stronger than the simple Eight Diagrams 64 Palms.

This rant.

It was Danzo who once told Hinata Chinatsu.

"Human Individual IQ Differences".

"He's right. Human beings have individual IQ differences...why not use Kunai?"

Hyuga Chinatsu is now holding Kunnai in her hand.

And using the characteristics of the soft fist method, the needle-shaped chakra of the soft fist is poured into the kunai, forming a veritable killer.

Stab someone to death.

"Ugh...! Chinatsu Hinata...you...bitchi...!"

The peacock's gorgeous and charming face was distorted.

She intends to seal.

However it didn't work.

Hinata Chinatsu just punched her body with the soft fist chakra.

Without defense.

Soft fist is the strongest assassination fist.

Not to mention, Hinata Chinatsu stabbed Peacock in the back and penetrated into the internal organs.

At that time, physical soft fist double lore.


Hyuga Chinatsu began to accumulate energy.


Peacock screamed with the last of his strength.

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