The two surviving ninjas of Hidden Village.

The tall Tenji and the short Erlangmaru returned to the rear headquarters.

This headquarters was set up on the edge of the Bear Country and beyond.

Control several frontline bases at the same time.

Tenji and Jiromaru were immediately arranged to meet their commander, Chinatsu Hinata.

Hinata Chinatsu sat behind the curtain, not knowing what she was doing.

Teng Ji and Erlang Wan knelt on one knee, not daring to lift their heads.

Several deputy captains and staff officers stood here, constantly asking them questions.

"They... there were about 20 of them! People? Probably not people!"

Erlang Maru and Tenji looked bitter.

No way, the experience last night was too scary.

I don't know, I thought it was the demons from hell invading.

"What do you mean by not being a human being? Make it clear!"

The two nodded, and hurriedly described what they saw and heard last night, those mutated Shiyin Village ninjas and Anbu.

That is, Danzo's subordinates.

"Sorry, my lords, we really can't confirm whether the other party is all human..."

"Hmph! You are the ninjas of Kongyin Village. Since you are ninjas, you naturally have excellent insight! How can you say you are not sure?"

that's it.

All kinds of cross-examinations were constantly launched to the hard-working Erlang Maru and Tenji.

The two trembled, and continued to be reprimanded by their superiors.

Until the end, these Kongren shook their heads helplessly.

"It seems that these two guys only know so much..."

Then, they turned around and looked at the curtain... Hinata Chinatsu behind the curtain.

A hazy shadow is reflected on it.

"Lord Qianxia, ​​it seems that the ancient legend of Shiyin Village should be true. Our enemies have used evil power to rescue the people of Shiyin Village, the ninjas, and the entire country of birds from the evil hands. We should immediately send a large number of troops! Launch a full-scale attack!"

For these small captains and staff officers, it is simply a professional skill to turn right and wrong.

It is clearly an invasion, but it is said as if the enemy is heinous.

Erlangmaru and Tenji looked at each other, and both saw the twitch in each other's eyes.


"Attack? Are you stupid?"

Chika Hinata's cold voice came from behind the curtain.

This made Jiromaru and Tenji, who had never seen Hinata Chinatsu, couldn't help thinking.

What kind of existence would a master with such a nice voice look like.

"Withdraw all the outposts ahead, immediately! Immediately!"

Hinata Chinatsu's high-pitched tone echoed in the command room.

"I have a different opinion, Lord Qianxia."

The staff officer stood up and stood at attention.

"We finally advanced the position, and the night attack has also achieved considerable results. As long as we carry out another night attack..."

"so what?"

Hinata Qianxia said coldly.

"We can attack the enemy at night, wouldn't the enemy attack us at night? Why didn't the frontline outpost disappear last night? Maybe the enemy has already killed the command post now!"


The staff officer hesitated.

"Lord Qianxia, ​​what you said is indeed reasonable, but... if we retreat like this, the adults above will be angry... Besides, there are only about 20 of them, and with our strength......"

The staff officer was smug and murmured.

"Hehe, get angry? You are afraid of getting angry from above, aren't you afraid... like Commander Peacock, you will never see the sun again?"

On the same day, he told Qianxia about another commander who had "sacrificed".

When the name of the peacock was mentioned, everyone was silent.

Obviously, the cruelty of the war exceeded everyone's expectations.

No one could have imagined that Commander Peacock died in Shiyin Village...


Died at the hands of his own people...

The staff officer and several squad leaders silently closed their mouths.

After they left, Hinata Chinatsu sighed.

After killing the peacock, his degree of freedom finally reached a very impressive level.

Then, she remembered that figure.

A black-haired boy with a smirk, always calculating and persecuting others.

In the end... combined with that burly ninja with red hair, indistinguishable from each other...



Danzo stands on one of the ninja outposts in Kongyin Village, breathing sweetly.

"You big sand pens, why do you want to scare the enemy away, eh? Why can't you wait for me? Do you understand that GANK has to wait for everyone?"

Danzo yelled at the ninjas of Shiyin Village behind him.

They blinked one by one, unable to speak.

Because it is very simple.

Danzo alone can kill them all.

"Master Haogui, I—"


a slap.

Danzo gave him a slap in the face.

The ninja of Shiyin Village was slapped away, and a red mark appeared on his face immediately.

He doesn't understand.

The last time he was called by the wrong name, the guy named Beorlandi was slapped in the face by Danzo.

Why was he called the right one this time, called Hao Gui, and still got slapped in the face?


Danzo opened his bloody mouth and shouted some words of unknown meaning.

"Master Haogui—"


Another slap.


Danzo shouted again




"I'm sorry..." The ninja from Shiyin Village shut himself up.

Chapter 623. Allies of Hidden Rain Village

"very good......"

Danzo put his hands behind his back and nodded very pleased.

"Knowing your mistakes can improve you a lot. Recognizing your own mistakes is a good thing...all good things..."

Seeing that no one refuted, Danzo was quite satisfied.

At this moment.

Guan Yue and others hide in the forest like phantoms.

Danzang didn't want them to run out and scare these recruits.

Facing a brutal war, 12 and 13-year-old children were thrown onto the battlefield.


Shiyin Village lost so many ninjas that they had to throw this group of kids on the battlefield.

It seems that there are still people blowing the Konoha of Tema.

In the first Ninja World War, under the leadership of Senju Tomona, no children went to the battlefield.

In the Second World War, Konoha high-ranking officials threw Senju Hashirama's grandson, Senju Nawaki, onto the battlefield.

If the Konoha high-level is white, not black.

That proves that Konoha had a problem with the number of ninjas at that time.

So much so that even Hokage's 12-year-old grandson had to be thrown to die.

What can Ninja do?Not cannon fodder?

of course.

The problem of the number of ninjas is not necessarily a problem inside Konoha.

Most likely because of the outside world.

Other ninja villages.

Too many blasters.

So much so that it was too late when Konoha reacted.

Children had to be sent to the battlefield.

You taste, carefully taste.

After a while.

Another person came here.

He is the commander of this Shiyin Village recruit unit.

"Which onion are you?"

Danzo picked his nostrils and kept his expression on his face.

"Cough cough cough..."

The other party coughed violently.

"it's me......"

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