Danzo scratched his hair, wondering if he should change it.

After all, his brain hole is incomparably large, and all kinds of nerve knives come at hand.


How should we magically change this set of natural energy absorption methods?

"How about a "left and right fight"? "

Fight each other left and right, as the name suggests.

Left hand draws a circle, right hand draws a square.

Can you have something special while absorbing natural energy?

"How about Ripple Qigong?"

As we all know, Mt. Miaomu's imperfect sage mode can lead to physical mutation.

Jiraiya's big nose is an example.

The lower the level of mastery of the fairy mode, the more serious the frogification.

Jiraiya can even grow webbed feet.

Hands grow webbed.

Very close to Toad.

And if we say that the fairy mode of Mount Miaomu is a natural energy utilization technique that discards variation as much as possible.


The immortalization of Guan Yue and others is to completely embrace mutation.

It changes the body at the cellular level, which is why it can be painful to use.

After Sasuke got the curse seal, he clutched the curse seal and screamed when he was fine.

This is because the curse seal will change Uchiha Sasuke's body from the cellular level.


Just like the Hulk transformation.

Directly changed the body structure to the magic.

"Using the "ripple breathing method" to infinitely increase the natural energy inhaled into the body, I am really a genius! "

The ripple breathing method is to mobilize the power in the blood.

What is the power in the blood?

It is physical strength.

Natural energies, eventually, also merge into the physical body.

Only in this way will various physical mutations be produced.

It can be said.

Natural energy is an extremely restless, manic energy that acts directly on the body.

Ripple Qigong.

It is to increase the physical energy.

When... Clone 2 draws in natural energy.

Ripple Qigong amplifies both physical energy and natural energy at the same time.

The rest is a matter of combining with spiritual energy.

this method of augmentation.

A bit like......

"12v rises to 220v, a booster device, also called an inverter, is commonly used in automobiles and other equipment. Its function is to input 12v current and invert it into 220v."

Danzo remembered when he was in college in his last life.

Dormitory electricity is limited.

Danzo bought a car 12v battery, plus a 12v inverter and a 12v charger to form a fun package.

The boys were all overjoyed.

After thinking about the principle, Danzo started to do it.

The No. 2 clone first performed Ripple Qigong.

Then, draw in natural energy at the same time.

From morning, to noon, to afternoon, and then to dusk, I took a Qianshou Angxing No. 1 Bingliang pill on the way.

Mutations appear! !

"Chi Chi...!"

The sound of muscles surging.

Visible to the naked eye, the No. 2 clone body swelled up and down, as if... fried puffed food.

Very fun.

It's like... under the skin, there are countless bubbles agitating.

The propped body undulates back and forth, especially curious.

When the sun completely set, the No. 2 clone's cultivation temporarily came to an end.

It seems that it is a little stronger.

In terms of weight, at least a few catties have increased.

"Muscle strengthening . . . common."

100% of the mantra, that is, the immortal ninja, will have different degrees of muscle swelling.

Some are a little more, some are a little less.

"But what the hell are they all mutating in the "state 2" situation. "

Danzo discovered Huadian.

That's right.

There seems to be a deviation in the practice of No. 2 clone.

"What about my 'Status 1' tattoo? "

No, Danzo didn't see it.

The No. 2 clone did not grow any spell marks representing "state 1".

Danzo faintly felt that it must be because of the ripple qigong mixed in.

But it's not a big problem.

After checking and found that there were no side effects, Danzo boldly continued to let the No. 2 clone practice.

Chapter 636. Ignition, the sign of the first ninja world war

a week later......

Frontline command post.

Chiyo sat on the chair.

In front of him, a huge map with many red crosses on it.

"Judging from the time when the village was attacked, the speed of the opponent's movement is extremely fast... completely surpassing the footsteps of ordinary ninjas..."

Hinata Chinatsu pointed to those red crosses and analyzed.

"That's right, I don't know what I ate, but I can run faster than a rabbit~." The peacock twisted its body and agreed.

"What's even more frightening is the killing of people. A large number of civilians ran over and demanded that the elder "Shen Nong" be held accountable..."

When Hinata Chinatsu said this, she paused.

Common people can't tell whether Danzang is really Shennong.

These days, under the banner of Shennong, he is making trouble everywhere.

Usually the first thing to do is to kill a few of the most vicious villains in the area, to make an example to others, and to deter the scene.

Then, they set fire to the villages and towns, directly and devastatingly hitting the support of Kongyin Village.

Some of these villages and towns are responsible for supplying food.

Some are responsible for supplying weapons.

Also, responsible for transporting fresh blood.

And all of this was ruined by Danzo.

Even more annoying.

He didn't slaughter villages at all, and he didn't kill people indiscriminately.

It just drove away the villagers and townspeople, and gave them a lot of money before leaving, as if they were in a trench.

As for where the money comes from.

Naturally, it hurts the few and satisfies the many.

It's just too evil.

And those civilians who lost their homes swarmed here... and the hidden empty village behind.

For a while, it was overcrowded, making people stunned and very caught.


Just thinking about how to arrange these civilians is enough for those big shots to have a headache.

"There is no law in the opponent's chaos."

Hinata Chika sighed inwardly.

Even she has to admire Danzo's ability.

Still so shameless.

Take a shot and switch places.

It doesn't cost you at all.

Moreover, the action of destroying villages and towns seems to be determined by the fart drum, and it is decided with one shot.

The location of the attack is not at all regular.

You never know where he will show up next time.

Most likely this time in the Far East.

Another time in the Far West.

The third time in the extreme north.

After suddenly remembering, I kicked the middle again.

For normal people, the means of prediction are completely ineffective.

Because this kind of method of one hammer in the east and one hammer in the west is completely uneconomical, but it is really staged, and the whole is a group of lunatics.

Hinata Chinatsu can almost imagine, every time Danzo's operation is successful, she laughs frantically.

Just like he used to do.

"The defense of villages and towns is limited. Each village has a maximum of 12 ninja patrols. It is useless to have more, unless there are more than one number..."

Hinata Chinatsu reported the summary of these days.

Every time he said a point, Chiyo's face became gloomy.

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