Suffice it to say that it is... strong.

The power of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and illusion under the blessing of this physique.

It must surpass the mediocre No. 1, 3, and 4 clones.

Height is also one of the advantages.

Danzo swung vigorously.

If the opponent runs, he blocks it.

It seems to be a big bad wolf who has encountered a little sheep.

Every vain attempt to escape will bring Danzo even more fanatical pursuit.

The fierce and malicious eyes seemed to say: Run away, the more you run away, the more excited I will be.

A sword stabbed out and was shot off again.

The cloud ninja girl suddenly found out.

The speed of the opponent's moves has increased.

Do not......!

It should be said that her moves have slowed down! !

The other end of the full shot is staged again.

For pure taijutsu or sword ninjas, as the battle time prolongs, their physical strength and strength will slowly decline.

Unless you have a nine-tailed plug-in.

And it wasn't until this time that the cloud ninja girl reacted.

Could it be...the other party wants to capture him? !

Thinking of this, think of the cruel methods of those bounty hunters.

She shuddered uncontrollably.

It's a pity that even if you understand it, it's already too late.

She can't escape Danzo's palm tonight.

Chapter 642 Danzo's Immortal Transformation, Activate!


Danzo stepped forward and slapped her across the face.

On that fair cheek, there were five more palm prints immediately.

The cloud ninja girl's head suddenly glanced aside, her expression stunned.

I... was actually slapped in the face?

The short 2-minute fight had already made her understand clearly.

The opponent is better than her in terms of strength, speed, and chakra volume.

This is naturally because Danzo's total value is not as good as hers, but it is more masculine...physical strength, which exceeds her.

Moreover, Danzo's combat experience is not at all comparable to this cloud ninja girl.

From the age of 15.

Danzo began to accept the task of the underground gold exchange, frantically hunting Chunin, especially Jonin, and finally Jonin.

Basically, in the ninja world, Danzo can at least guess what tricks these specifications of ninjas have.

With his superb combat experience and eyesight, Danzo was able to leapfrog the ranks and fight back on the basis of his slightly lower overall strength.

In terms of combat experience and eyesight, crush the opponent.

This is......

The essence of leapfrog killing monsters.

Because of being slapped in the face.

The pretty Yunnin girl finally became ruthless.

With a loud cry, sparks suddenly spread from the Yunliu Sword in her right hand.

With a bang, the high heat burst into flames.

The Yunliu sword in his hand slashed towards Danzo fiercely.

"Fire Escape·Fire Flame Slash!"

A half-moon arc of light, raging flames.

It is one of the sword techniques commonly used by ninjas in Yunyin Village, Fire Escape · Fire Flame Slash!

In the original book, Aziyi, the younger brother of the fierce royal sister Samyi, once used this trick.

Under the blessing of Huo Dun.

The cloud ninja girl looks like a goddess in flames, burning everything up with billowing flames.

Amazing enchanted swordplay.

Ninjas from all over the world watched this scene with their eyes wide open.

They are either frightened, gloating, or disdainful.

But most agree that Danzo is about to be engulfed in flames.

However, the next moment.

Variation occurred.

On the body of No. 2 clone, orange-red patterns suddenly spread.

It is the first stage of artificial immortalization..."State 1"! ! !

Tuanzang is blessed to the soul.

Many days of practice, magic reform, plus persecution in actual combat.

Or... unscrupulously releasing their own malice.

Finally detonated the force of nature.

This scene......

Just like in the original book, Sasuke liberated his power for the first time after receiving the seal of Orochimaru.

Sasuke at the time.

Seeing Naruto fall, Sakura was beaten, and immediately awakened the curse seal, state 1.

The final result, of course, is to instantly kill Liudao Sak of Oto Ninja Village in an instant.

Under the watchful eyes of Liudao Toss Anvil and Liudao Jin, Sac's arms were abruptly broken.

At that time, Sasuke, the corners of his mouth curled up, exuding malice unscrupulously.

He didn't stop until Sakura cried and persuaded him.

What does this example show?

Danzo didn't know, and didn't think about it.

He just casually exudes his infinite malice, the kind of persecution that he almost can't bear if he wants to persecute, he can't wait to tie up the cloud ninja girl in front of him in the next second!The persecution is cool!

This malice of persecuting people eventually triggered the activation of natural energy in Danzo's body.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Danzo let out a deep, ghostly laugh.

This such a pleasure.

Facing the close flame.

The corners of the mouth under the mask curled up.


Danzo slashed at Huo Dun·Huo Yan Zhan with his palm.

"Kill you!!"

Shouting loudly.

The flames soaring into the sky enveloped the two of them...

This scene lasted only for a moment.

A loud bang.

The unrivaled power directly hit the cloud ninja girl.

So... that delicate phantom crashed into the ground directly.


Everyone watched this scene silently.

Steam rose from Danzo's body, but there was no sign of burning.

The only problem is his right hand.

Because of the hard and fierce Fire Escape · Fire Flame Slash.

All the gloves on the right hand were broken.

It exposed the palm that was burned a little, but still not cut.

But how is this possible? !

Flame Slash is more than just flames.

Instead, use the explosive power of the flame to push the blade, resulting in a stronger slash.

The burn damage is just a side effect.

Of course, if you practice to a higher level, maybe the flame will sublimate alone.

but now......

Judging from the strength of the cloud ninja girl, it should be to assist in pushing the blade...

This guy actually resisted with his right hand...

and also.

What are those weird patterns? !

Everyone blinked.

It was found that Danzo's exposed right arm and neck were very normal.

Huh? !

What about the pattern just now?

Is it an illusion? !

"I see......"

Danzo maintained the movement of punching, knowing it in his heart.

Those patterns are naturally "immortalization · state 1".

But that's not the point.

The immortalization of Danzo Mogai, the state 1 is just a flash in the pan.

Of course, this flash in the pan is scary enough.

The power instantly increased by at least one level.


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