Charly yelled the lines Danzo said in the past.

Full of sarcasm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Danzo was smashed and fell to the ground.

Then, Chaly stretched out his giant palm as wide as the chimpanzee King Kong, pinched Danzo's head, and smashed it hard on the ground.

After smashing it many times in a row, the ground was smashed into potholes like meteor showers.

"Hey hey hey! Bastard, aren't you good at acting? Are you good at mocking? Come on, try now?"

Charly grabbed Danzo's head and squeezed it until it creaked.

At the same time, Charly's own head was shaking from side to side.

It seemed like that was the most vivid movement he could make.


Charly suddenly stopped moving, with a look of sudden realization.

seems to remember something.

"I suddenly remembered a joke, how about telling it to you?"

It's like how Danzo always tells a joke when they meet and mocks Charly as a gay.

This big gay guy has completely learned the methods Danzo used to deal with him.

And return the same way as a mockery.

It seems like this can get revenge on Danzo.

"Say: If you were lying naked on the bed, with a full-on beauty on the left and a gay guy on the right, which side would you turn to? Of course it's a full-on beauty! Damn, how dare you turn your back on the gay? guy!"

Charly laughed like she just heard the funniest joke ever.

Barbell-like laughter is transmitted across the battlefield.

Soon, Charly burst into tears from laughter.

It can be seen that there is indeed something wrong with his mental state.

The next moment, he changed Danzo's position.

Let Danzo turn his back on himself.

Then, the big gay guy put his five fingers together and twisted them into an awl.

"This is the price for daring to turn your back on gays!"


The huge awl pierced Danzo's indescribable part.

It was at this moment that Danzo moved.

He doesn't want to be blown up.


The force exploded.

Danzo swung his right arm back, stopping the big gay guy's intentions.

When Chalei was stunned, Danzo was released from his hands and fell to the ground.

The big gay guy seemed surprised.

He doesn't understand.

Why Danzo is so powerful.

What's even more bizarre is...the changes in Danzo.

"10 percent..."

Danzo whispered.

The big gay's offensive just now left many marks on him.

But no substantial harm was done.

This body specializes in physicality.

To some extent, it is even more exaggerated than Hao Gui.

Danzo at this time.

It has changed from a good fitness boy next door to Mr. Governor Schwarzenegger.

Chapter 667. The new version of the big gay of the ship you have never seen before


Big gay fell to the ground, as if causing an earthquake.


Big Gay, however, was laughing.

Have a good laugh.

The joints of his arms were twisted backward at an angle that a normal human cannot achieve.

Using all fours together, he stood up from the ground.

Crazy shouts and screams played the ultimate gay prelude.

The robes are gone.

Charly's true posture was revealed.

Not only were his arms and legs transformed into monsters, but even his body was completely replaced with a combination of steel and wood.

Danzo's punch to Charyi's chest did not cause any harm to the latter.

The extremely ugly body is even more chicken than the oldest robot animation Danzo has ever seen.

It seems to have come to the ancient animation stage of black and white TV shows in the 6s and 70s.

"Bang bang bang!"

Charly tapped his chest with his arm, making a metallic sound.

There was a large plate of iron or steel armor.

Although the metal in this world is not necessarily much harder than wood.

But after being reinforced with a special spell, or soaked in the black technology potion of Shayin Village, it can become invulnerable like the rattan armor soldiers in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Ordinary kunai shuriken, don't even think about hurting it in the slightest.

Even dozens of tons of rock fell down.

This sturdy metal plate can be firmly defended.

It can be said... the culmination of the essence of puppet manufacturing in Hidden Sand Village.

It is the strongest shield.

The only weakness.

It's just too heavy.

Even the red sand scorpion can only be designed as a gecko structure with four legs supporting the ground.

In other words.

Cannot be applied to lithe humanoid puppets.

But it is clear that Chiyo is ingenious.

Inspired by the size of Big Gay Charly.

Since ordinary humanoid puppets cannot carry such a thick steel plate.

Why don't we just make a bigger puppet?

Adhering to the concept that big is good, the human puppet Chaly is freshly released.

As Chiyo's first trial works.

Charly possessed incomparably powerful strength, and a terrifying weight that could crush a person into a pulp while lying down.

Except for the head.

Danzo has completely failed to find a place where Chaly looks like a human being.

This can explain why Charly can insist on Fenghuo and Ninjutsu.

Because the armor on his body is really too strong.

Danzo guessed that even if the Wind Dun spiral shuriken hits it, it may not be of much use.

Because of the Wind Dun Spiral Shuriken, it is a fine attack that can't be seen clearly even by Sharingan.

Although the number of attacks has gone up.

But every time the attack power has dropped.

No problem with mortal flesh.

Facing the dirty soil, the third generation of Raikage, he couldn't even break the defense.

"It's a good tickling attack."

Charly shook her head, feeling extremely happy.

"Every time you show up, you can bring something new. This time, it's for playing with muscles? Very good, I will play wrestling with you!"

Charly started charging.

Danzo, who had exploded with 10% of his muscles, used his increased strength and speed to evade Charly's grasp, and attacked his body several times in a row.

Charly's body shook a few times, not caring.

"You think you can hurt me~?"

The big gay guy turned around and looked at Danzo, who was grinning.

It may be more convincing if the eyes are not cross-eyed.

"Interesting~, running fast~, but do you know what uncle is best at? Catch chicks~!"

Charly raised his right hand, and there was a clicking sound.

With the operation of the agency, the technology of Sand Hidden Village was displayed in front of Danzo.

The original five fingers stretched out and turned into a pair of huge sharp claws.

This effectively increases the attack range, not to mention catching chickens, it is more than enough to catch two cows.

It has a huge body and a large attack range.

Each finger claw is like the sharpest blade.

It is really difficult to fight this big gay who is armed to the teeth.

He's like a chainsaw, and he's like a hedgehog covered in thorns.

The big gay Charly rushed forward, sweeping his claws.


Danzo's keen physical speed made several of his attacks come to nothing.

"Chop suey! Try this!"

Big Gay stretched his arms, paws flat.

Then, he started to spin.

With the waist as the twisting core, Big Gay turned into a storm top.

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