Tsunade was finally able to solve the D-rank "Narakumi no Jutsu" in seconds.

"That's right~~~~."

Danzo was very pleased.

A fighter, tank, C position.


Light energy is not enough.

You must also be able to resist and resist beatings.

The DPS that can stand still is the real DPS.

I believe that friends who play MOBA games must understand this very well.

The purpose of Danzo is to train Tsunade to be an invincible C-position who is extremely resistant to various persecution attributes, breaks in seconds, and breaks free in seconds.

This is not difficult for Tsunade to do.

Illusion resistance.

It's not that you won't hit Chakrado.

In the original Gathering Wind, the prince learned the delusion technique from Zilai for three years.

The moment he saw Uchiha Itachi, he was hit by the little finger illusion.

And Sakura, Chiyo, and Kakashi all failed.

Could it be that the prince's chakras are not as much as Sakura's?

That is impossible.

How could the 100-card Ninetails power bank not be enough?

Because ah.

"The essence of deillusionment lies in IQ and Chakra control."

That's right.

During the Chunin Exam.

Pharmacist Dou released the A-level illusion technique Nirvana Abode.

The prince and others all lay dead.

Only Sakura and Shikamaru failed this A-level illusion.

That's pretty interesting.

Sakura can be said to have high chakra control.

What about Shikamaru?

High IQ.

Generally speaking, high IQ and high chakra control are complementary to each other.

But there are exceptions, such as Naruto who practiced various S-level meatballs in the later stage.

With Tsunade's high IQ, and Naruto's first chakra control.

Breaking the illusion in seconds is a matter of course.

And the reason why Tsunade can hit Danzo's illusion now is because she is too young.

And Danzo's strength is too crushing for her.

After all, Danzo can wrestle with a Kage-level goalkeeper.

Tsunade isn't even a ninja.

If someone of the same age casts an illusion on Tsunade, they will probably be directly immune.

After all, the 1-card pharmacist dubbed by Orochimaru is an elite Jnin.

The illusion released can't even interfere with Shinobi Sakura.

Talents like Sakura and Tsunade.

After a few illusions, you can perfectly crack and resist this illusion.

"Well, let me see next..."

Danzo opened the persecution Tsunade... Oh no, the special manual for training Tsunade.

There are many entries written on it.

How to persecute, oh no, train Tsunade.

This is the persecution item Danzo has prepared for several years ago.

This year, these persecution preparations finally came in handy.

"Do you know how hard I work?"

Danzo refers to some persecution projects that he has worked so hard to think about all the time.

Of course, Danzo has many people to persecute.

For a while I want to persecute this, and for a while I want to persecute that.

"The E-level detachment training is completed, and the D-level illusion combat training is completed... Next..."

Danzo turned to a brand new page.

It is a new chapter of persecution.


Danzo tied Tsunade for a while.

"Shimura Danzo Enhanced Binding Technique."

Danzo clapped his hands, looking at his binding with great satisfaction.

Little Tsunade's hands were tied into a rice dumpling.

Except for the exposed head, the whole body was tied up with ropes round and round.


"Hee hee hee~."

Danzo couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Fortunately, Tsunade didn't hear the obscene laughter.

She is like a baby worm, winding on the ground.

The enhanced version of the restraint technique this time is not ordinary.

His hands and feet were completely unable to move, and his entire body was bound.

And Danzo set up a condition:

"Don't bite with your teeth."

This makes sense.

Because when the time comes, the enemy will definitely plug Tsunade's mouth.


Chapter 677. Those orphans, the god of ordinary people, Beiliuhu

"Master Hokage, this is the list of the orphanages for this period."

Hokage Building, inside the Hokage Office.

Anbu presented the list.

Qianshou Feijian took the list directory, which recorded the names of some orphans.

Ninja is a high-risk occupation.

You will die if you are not careful.

Even in peaceful times, a large number of ninjas are killed every year.

There are many causes of death.

Some died in battle.

Some died of disease, assassination, poisoning...

There are also... violent deaths, inexplicable deaths, and no signs of death.

And quite a few ninjas.

All are single-parent families, or both husband and wife die.


Their children became orphans.

And beyond that.

There are also some children who were brought back by Konoha Ninja on missions outside due to special circumstances.

That is, outsiders.

Basically, Konoha's orphans fall into these two categories.

After browsing through the Senshou Banjian, he handed it over to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Let the six people Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan, Uchiha Kagami, and Akimichi Tekkaze.

The six guards browsed through each.

Naruto guards.

Sounds like a great name.

But actually...

It can be important, or it can be unimportant.

in the original.

Namikaze Minato's guards are Shiranui Genma, Jushidudu, and Iwashi.

And Namikaze Minato said to Uchiha Obito himself: I hope Uchiha Obito will become Hokage.

If Obito Uchiha can become Hokage.

The problems of the Uchiha clan will be completely resolved.

That is...the issue of discrimination.

The era of Senjubanma began, and the remaining problems, the persecution of Uchiha... will be completely eliminated.

I have to say that Namikaze Minato is very bold.

Also very thoughtful.

Even Danzo agrees with his idea.

The root problem of the Uchiha clan is that the Senju clan made big cakes for them.

I have been painting for nearly a century, but I have not seen the promise fulfilled, plus the suppression and oppression of the Uchiha clan...

If Obito Uchiha becomes Hokage.

The Uchiha clan will truly integrate into the village in later generations.

It is no different from the Akimichi clan, the Nara clan... other ethnic groups.


People are not as good as the sky.

Obito Uchiha has a low IQ.

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