Recognize the reality of the world early on and what will happen.

Danzo has already considered it clearly.

In the future, after Tsunade graduates at the age of 6, he will kill people.

It's not much different from seeing dead people at the age of 1.


And Gouzi Kotaro clearly felt the shivering of Tsunade on his back.

It seems to be used to this kind of scene.

Just rolled his eyes.


"That turtle shell can't save you!"

Danzo's shout was like a real villain speaking, and by the way, he compared two middle fingers.

But he didn't directly think of a way to rush to the flying fortress in the sky.

Instead... look directly around the forest.

It was as if all his enemies were lurking around.

"Listen to me, all you bastards, from now on, anyone who enters the border of the Kingdom of Birds will be regarded as an intruder... You have 10 seconds to withdraw from here...! "


Danzo began to count down the numbers.

What do you mean?

The ninjas in Shiyin Village looked at each other.

Means nothing.

The movement of Kongyin Village flying over slowly was observed by ninjas from the five major countries and N small countries in the Bear Country and Bird Country.

During the past half a month, they have been hiding in the borders of these two countries, keeping abreast of the movements of Shiyin Village and Kongyin Village.

Chiyo's actions can be regarded as their wishes.

on the one hand.

They can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Look at Kongyin Village, Shiyin Village, Bounty Hunter Decepticon Organization, three parties dog eat dog.

on the one hand.

The latest ninjas and flying devices on the dead ninjas of Kongyin Village can be recycled and taken back for research.

Ninjas that can fly...

This one is greedy for ninjas from all over the world.

Who doesn't want to take off in the sky like the ninjas in the hidden village, and have a futuristic air supremacy.

It turns out.

Everyone is not stupid.

Danzo is not the only one who can pick up trash.

All the ninjas from all over the world are watching, waiting to peel off a layer of skin from the ninjas in Kongyin Village.

Even Sand Hidden Village...

They also received Chiyo's instruction.

Beat your ally, Hidden Village.

The equipment of the dead ninja in the hidden village, if you find it, it will be ours.

Wars have always been about profit and survival.

It's not some bullshit hate chain.


When the ninjas lurking in Yunyin Village, Muyeyin Village, Yanyin Village, Shayin Village, Wuyin Village, Caoyin Village, Longyin Village... all hidden villages heard Danzo's speech .

I was taken aback immediately.

What does this guy say?

Want to be an enemy of everyone?

You are a small hidden stone village, why?

"7, 6, 5..."

Danzo is still counting slowly.

And raised a hand and began to reduce the fingers.

Said: You bastards don't have much time left, if you don't leave later, I will kill you.

"Wait... isn't he crazy?"

Ninjas from various countries looked at each other in blank dismay.

This guy wants to be alone and start a war with all ninja villages at the same time?

Fuck, we are just OB at the side, as observers, at most picking up junk, you shouldn't be like this.

"3, 2, 1..."

Ninjas from various countries are either hesitant, or disdainful, or angry, or fearful... at the same time.

Danzo has run out of count.

"You can go to hell..."

Danzo said.

Then, his unquestionable order resounded in the minds of Guan Yue and other 20 blackened subordinates.

"The Decepticons! Attack!!"

Guanyue and others instantly turned into afterimages, and 20 blackened ninjas killed them in multiple directions!

Those directions are neither where the ninjas of Kongyin Village are located.

Nor is it where the ninjas of Shiyin Village are located.

Not even Tsunade directly behind...

Guanyue and the others really killed ninjas from all over the world! ! !

"What is he going to do?!"

Above the sky, even Chiyo frowned.

Even the attacks were temporarily halted.

Chiyo, who originally wanted to have a big fight with Danzo, became confused.

Even the cunning Peacock and the 4 elders of Kongyin Village were stunned on the spot.

What is the logic? ?

We hit Shiyin Village, shouldn't you hit us?


Let's fight the empty hidden village, and you will fight the whole ninja world? ? ?

Sorry, Chiyo, Peacock, and the four elders don't understand the logic of Danzo.

They really don't understand.

Only Chika Hinata......

After being dazed for a moment, she covered her forehead.

"This kind of way of doing things in one's own way, and thinking about it as soon as you think about it, really has the style of that man..."

That man, of course, refers to Danzo.

Only Hinata Chinatsu knew how dark that man Shimura Danzo looked like.

It doesn't really matter.

The important thing is...

Shimura Danzo, that man, has the essence of madness hidden in his heart.

He is crazy.

Chika Hyuga, who has teamed up with Danzo for many years and watched Danzo's many secrets and events with his own eyes, made such a summary.

Danzo didn't know what Chika Hinata was thinking.

He's not crazy either.

Yes, just like all mental patients don't think they are sick...

Oh no, Danzo is not talking about this.

His logic is quite clear.

Chiyo, Kongyin Village... Dashiyin Village.

It is nothing more than wanting to occupy the country of birds.

If Shiyin Village resists, it will pay a heavy price.

The Hidden Kong Village on the attacking side will also pay the price.


Who is cheaper in the end?

Of course, it's cheaper for these ninjas from other countries who are watching from the sidelines and gaining benefits without expending any effort.

According to the logic of normal people.

In the position of Danzo, there are two options.

1. Fight to the end with Chiyo and Kong Yincun.

As for who is cheaper in the end...then there is no way, let's talk after the fight is over.

2. Find a way to hide from Chiyo, let's make peace, don't fight.

But Danzo is different.

Danzo is no ordinary person.

At least not the average normal person.

Under the influence of kaleidoscope pupil power and "killing wave".

Danzo's thinking... a little bit to the extreme.

It can be said to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

That is:

Since I don't get the benefits, I don't want anyone else to get the benefits either.

Pull all countries into the water together.

Don't you like to pick up trash and pick up benefits?

I declare that all must die.

As for Chiyo and Kongyin Village... Anyway, sooner or later they have to be dealt with, it is a foregone conclusion, it is inevitable.

But I have to deal with you first.

Let all of you ~~~~~~ not get good.

This logic sounds strange at first glance.

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