Can this kind of enemy... really be defeated?

Nicholas felt a little uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, the enemy that their ally Shiyin Village had to face was so cruel.

At the same time, Nicholas was also somewhat fortunate.

It is undoubtedly a blessing that Yuyin Village can form an alliance with Shiyin Village.

Because they discovered such a dangerous enemy earlier, they could prepare earlier.

Nicholas also understands the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold.

If Shiyin Village is brought down, Yuyin Village will suffer next.

He clenched his fists tightly.

He was even prepared. If the bounty hunter was defeated unfortunately, he would immediately send the news to Yuyin Village.

Let Hanzo-sama go out in person...

Those who observed the sky together, except for Nicholas, other Yuren, and Ishinin.

It was Moon Watcher, Tracker, and [-] other subordinates who had returned to the ground.

They looked up at the sky silently, gazing at their leader.


"Pava~!! Evil hahaha!!"

Sensing the mighty power in his body, Shennong laughed so hard that his tone of voice changed.

Eight Dunjia Sixth Doors...

It is countless times stronger than before!


Shennong raised his palm, and the dark chakra condensed.

In no time, a sphere is complete in the palm of your hand.

The difference from before is that this time the sphere has several more planetary rings.

It looks like a small planet.

"—Active Fist!!"

Eight Dunjia sixth door!

All the power explodes!

In fact... even a Kage-level ninja would not dare to take this blow head-on.

Because most of the shadow ninjas are also mortal.

As long as the defense is not in place, there will still be serious injuries!


Shennong's proud power has completely failed.

His dark chakra...Medical technology...Bamen Dunjia...Biological research accumulation...Pharmacology...

These years of accumulation of knowledge and strength.

In front of Danzo, it's useless at all!


Danzo opened his posture.

Chapter 695. Just Spicy Chicken

Put the left palm and the right palm on the side of the body.

The black-red sphere gathers power like a black hole, distorting the air.

The red and black sphere the size of a human head changed in an instant, bursting towards orange.

Flames flickered, burning the space.

Until... the sphere turned into a shining sun!

"...Wave Fist!!"

The orange-red sun was pushed out by Danzo, dragging the tail flames, like a scorching sun that had left its orbit.

It is the change of the nature of fire escape that is added to the wave of killing intent.

Formed a move similar to Rachel!

Its name is—

Scorching Wave Fist!


The super active fist was annihilated by the scorching wave fist.

The powerful explosion produced by Fire Escape·Scorching Wave Fist made the burst of dark chakra meaningless.

Facts have proved that it is not only the blood-successor limit "explosion escape" that can explode, and it is not only Didara's secret technique - earth escape.

The most original fire escape is still available!


Facing Shennong who was blocked at close range, Danzo's second move came.


Danzo turned around and kicked out his right foot.

The black and red waves of killing intent condensed and wrapped around Danzo's right leg and right foot.


Shennong was hit in the side, and his whole body was bent into the shape of a shrimp.


His expression was astonished, as if he hadn't expected that his super active fist under the eight Dunjia and sixth gates would be blown up so easily.

And with the help of a powerful force called the wave of killing intent, Danzo's body rotated at a high speed.

"Cut empty feet!!"

"Bang bang bang!!"


In other words, the trembling tornado is more appropriate.

Danzo's whole body turned into a whirlwind, kicking Shennong at high speed again and again.

It wasn't until the last blow kicked him out that Danzo stopped from the motion of spinning in the air and landed.

Shennong flew into the air and was kicked away abruptly.

Even flying higher than the air fortress.

His body was spinning in the sky, as if he had been hit by an eighteen-wheeler truck at full speed.

Anger, fear.

He couldn't figure out why he would be at a disadvantage.

Obviously, the sixth door of the Eight Dunjia has been opened, and relying on the dark chakra, it has not been damaged.

why? !

Shennong didn't understand.

But there was one thing he understood.

He must kill this bounty hunter!


Shen Nong's body began to fall.

He roared, gathering all the strength in his body.

He intends to release all the dark chakra in his body with one blow.

He couldn't believe it anymore, this bounty hunter could block his full blow.

Everyone is watching.

Shennong's eyes began to emit a strange black light.

The air around him twisted, and the black chakra formed snake-like horses wrapped around his body.


Just by looking at it with the naked eye, one can tell how terrifying that chakra is.

With an indomitable momentum, Shennong descended from the sky!Attacked Danzo!

Such a blow is enough to kill more than a hundred ninjas at once.

"Hmph! Spicy chicken is spicy chicken."

Danzo snorted disdainfully, completely disdainful of this kind of fake.

With this kind of are also worthy of being called Bamen Dunjia?

in the original.

Matt Kai, when the six doors are opened.

But even Uchiha Obito with single reincarnation eyes and single kaleidoscope was directly crushed.

Let Uchiha Obito not be able to activate Kamui's suction function at all.

Qimen Akai can even compete with Liudao Madara.

Not to mention Shennong's comparison with Akai of the Sixth Sect, this strength is at most stronger than that of Xiaoli of the Fifth Sect, without losing the buff by the way.


Look up at Shennong.

Danzo squatted hard.

The aerial fortress under his feet seemed to be tilted a bit because of this.

The ground even exploded directly, layer by layer burst into pieces.

In the next second, Danzo shot out like a rocket.


in the eyes of the people.

Danzo and Shennong turned into two shooting stars.

One fell from the sky, and the other rose slowly.

Black and scarlet lights shone.

It will be an earth-shattering blow.

Even the little Tsunade stared wide-eyed, watching this kind of immortal battle without blinking.

Although the strength of Danzo and Shennong is completely inferior to Senjuzhujian.

But Senju Hashirama has never shown his true strength in front of Tsunade.

In Tsunade's opinion.

The battle between Danzo and Shennong...

It has already surpassed the grand occasion when her father Qianshou Angxing was hanged and beaten by her grandfather Qianshou Zhujian.

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