Danzo is obviously very satisfied with the re-strengthening of his original title.

The result is......

Danzo completely controlled the town.

He didn't speak either.

Send these 200 trackers around the small town every day.

At the beginning.

All the townspeople are terrified of this.

After all, ninjas from foreign countries...especially these muscular monsters, who actually occupy their homeland, must be very scary.

But when they found out.

These trackers only patrolled the town during the day, and after returning at night, they slowly dispelled their bad thoughts.

Because stalkers don't hurt people indiscriminately.

It wouldn't even hurt those trembling Tangyin village ninjas.

They directly ignored the civilians and Tang Ren.

Instead, they searched for those villains and bad guys.

After 1 month of governance by Danzang.

The bad guys in the whole town disappeared.

Of course, this is also thanks to the reporting behavior of the enthusiastic townspeople.

Danzang fights evil and gangsters, punishes them severely, and never tolerates those wicked people.

As for where those villains ended up...

Naturally, he believed in the will of fire and became a loyal mass-produced tracker subordinate of Danzo.

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others."

Danzang put up slogans and brainwashed these townspeople every day.

In particular, it was also painted on the wall with powder.

There are signs like this all over the town.

for a while...

The law and order here has become... unusually good? ?

what? !

Violation of sovereignty? !

does not exist.

The mass production trackers go out for a walk during the day and go back at night. The town has always belonged to the country of soup.

There are no regulations on the daimyo of the country of soup, and people from other countries are not allowed to enter.

Some people are the emperor not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry!

Danzo never said that this town belongs to him.


When winter comes, Danzo's peaceful life seems to be coming to an end.

He was walking in the forest, intending to go back to the Uchiha stronghold to see the secretary.


When Danzo walked halfway, that is, about 5 kilometers.

A piercing whistling sound came from the forest behind him.

Danzo didn't even think about it, and immediately cast the instant body technique, and jumped onto the tree trunk above his head.


More than a dozen kunai pierced deeply into the trunk, sinking several tens of centimeters.

From here, we know that what the other party throws out is the enchanted Kunai, with added ingredients.

A figure stood on the path in the forest, staring at Danzo.

He wore a mask, the kind bounty hunters usually wear to cover their faces.


Looking around for a while, Danzo found that there was more than one person on the other side, "Call out your companions too, I'm busy and I don't have time to ink with you."

While speaking, Danzo opened his posture, ready to attack.

"and many more."

The other party was taken aback, obviously Danzo's behavior did not conform to the routine.

"You should ask me why I killed you, and then I'll answer your question..."

"How old are you?"

Danzo's words almost choked the other party to death.

When Danzo said this, his body moved.

In an instant, he rushed down from the tree trunk and rushed towards his opponent.

The distance of more than 10 meters is a bit far for ordinary people.

But for Danzo, it's just a blink of an eye.

Danzo didn't take out his weapon, so he naturally wanted to capture the other party alive.

The goal now is to increase our effective force and continuously increase the number of people to make up for the fear of insufficient firepower.

War is never an act of one person.

Unless it is as strong as Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara.

Human sea tactics are necessary.


The opponent who reacted suddenly retreated, and the two katanas were drawn from the scabbard behind him, which was impressively two swordsmanship.


The flickering blue light joined together, trying to use the enchanted sword to stop Danzo's attack.

"It does have a hand."

Danzo changed his strategy instantly.

"Wind Escape·Whirlwind Fist!"

The hurricane entangled, and Danzo punched out, stirring up the atmosphere.

As soon as he made a move, it was a B-level ninjutsu.

The reason why it is not A-level is that Danzo is afraid that it will be bad to kill the opponent all at once.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of violent impact resounded, and the bounty hunter felt as if he had hit a meat grinder.

Danzo's Wind Escape·Whirlwind Fist deflected his sword.

It made him unable to use his strength.

"Damn it! Isn't he just a Jōnin?The reward of 5000 million taels is only because he is a disciple of Qianshou Feijian and the head of the Shimura clan!Why is he so powerful? "

The bounty hunter was shocked and kept backing away.

5 years in-depth and simple.

It didn't even change Danzo's reward amount.

The outside world generally believes that Danzo is still a jonin.

Judging from the aura, Danzo, who used the skill of "Body Refining Goldfinger Pretending to be a Pig and Eating a Tiger", is indeed just a Jōnin on the surface.

Even the skill used, Wind Dun and Whirlwind Fist, is a B-rank that can only be learned by Jonin.

But after the real fight, you will find that it is not the same thing at all!


"what is the problem?!"

After being forced back 5 meters by Danzo.

The next second, another bounty hunter jumped out of the forest and joined the battle.

Danzo said before that the other party has companions.

as predicted.

But what about two people?

Danzo didn't hesitate at all.





Use both fists at the same time to cast Wind Escape·Whirlwind Fist, one against two!

Compared with being besieged, what is more interesting is their identities.

From the looks of it, it should be a bounty hunter.

After a short fight, Danzo discovered that the strength of the other two was "Junin".

So... the question is, who hired them to take their own heads?

After you catch it, ask slowly.

Power erupted in silence.

Compared with the two yelling, Danzo's silent attack is undoubtedly more ferocious.

Chapter 735. Go directly to the base camp

"Super magic skills, instant ninjutsu, earth escape, hardening!"

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The skin hardens, becoming tougher than rock.

"Thunder Chakra Mode, Phase [-]!"


The blue electric arcs began to travel within the body.

"Wind escape chakra mode!"


Danzo's figure blurred for a moment, and the wind escaped air wrapped around his body surface.

"Wind Escape·Whirlwind Fist!"

On both arms, Feng Dun is more entwined.

"Arhat Fist Rock Strike!"

C-level gymnastics, the strongest rock strike debut!

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