Charlotte shook her head. From the outside, she was a very handsome lady, but her face was too soft.

There is a feeling of na na na two thorn apes.

"The lesson is... You must not respect your father too much, otherwise he will look down on you, think you are stupid, and think you are a piece of trash..."

Charlotte has many older brothers.

Those older brothers didn't respect her father very much.

But my father didn't call them rubbish, nor did he drive them out of the house.

"Let me are wrong." Danzo looked at her.

"I was wrong?" Charlotte was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes." Danzo nodded, "The reason why your father called you trash is not because you respect him, it only shows that your father is not a thing."


Charlotte was silent, struggling for a long time.

He finally nodded slowly.

"Actually, I don't blame my father, I just blame myself for not seeing reality clearly."

Danzo suddenly said: "This kind of thinking is also wrong."

"??" Charlotte was puzzled.

"Because you always flirt by yourself and think in bad places." Danzang said, I have something to say, please listen.

"I... YY myself?"

"Yeah, let me say... isn't your dad being nice to you?"

Danzo pouted.

among other things...


Do you know how expensive a Dabieye with a garden is?

A store is also included! !


Charlotte's eyes widened, not expecting Danzo to say that.

Danzang continued: "Who will drive out what he thinks is a trash child and give her back a courtyard and a shop?"

Charlotte was stunned, "But my brothers said that my father didn't want me anymore, and gave me some real estate. It was just that the family was rich and powerful, and they used the real estate to laugh at me, and... the workers and servants at home People...everyone thinks so."

"Everyone says that? Thinks that?"

Danzo frowned and shook his head.

"Okay, if your brothers, workers, and servants tell you to eat shit, are you going to eat shit too?"


Charlotte was stuck, speechless.

Danzo sighed: "There are some people in this world who always say what they mean, and what they say may not always be the truth."

Like Uchiha Itachi.

Yao Shidou's evaluation of him is: full of lies, very good at deceiving, Uchiha Itachi's greatest weapon is to deceive after gaining insight into people's hearts.

Everything that Uchiha Itachi said must be viewed dialectically.

Only people with low IQs would think that everything Uchiha Itachi said is the truth.

Uchiha Itachi once said that to poach Sasuke's eyes to achieve eternal light.

But in fact, readers know, that's not the case.

Sasuke was miserably deceived by his brother, who arranged him from childhood to adulthood.

It is because young people's knowledge, IQ, and experience are immature.

"So...your father may be lying to you."

"But, but he did drive me out of the house." Charlotte's eyes trembled.

"So what? If I were your father, I would think: This family is over. You have raised a group of idiot sons, and only a daughter can carry the burden. In order not to let her be bullied by these idiot brothers, she will become a child with them." You are the same idiot, so I have to reluctantly drive you away."


Can this be done?

Charlotte opened her mouth wide and froze.

"But...if my father really loves me, why didn't he come to rescue me after I was kidnapped by the ninjas in Yunyin Village for several months?"

"Why should I save you?"

Danzo increased his tone.

"Maybe your father didn't know you were kidnapped at all, maybe he has something important to do..."

"Important matter? Is there anything more important than the kidnapping of my own daughter?!"


Danzang laughed out loud, saying that he was not sleepy anymore.

"For example... your father was also kidnapped."

Charlotte: "..."

Interaction between posts: The power of tailed beast jade

Question about the post, the power of the Tailed Beast Jade:

"Isn't the one with the least power the Tailed Beast Jade that Bulubi (Kirabi's former Eight-Tails Jinchuriki) reincarnated from the dirty soil? It only plowed a furrow."

This is the original plot of TV animation.

It doesn't match the setting of the manga.

This scene doesn't exist in the comics.


Orochimaru never persecuted Bruby either.

Bruby went berserk because he couldn't control Hachio himself.

At the same time, I can't bear the strange eyes and accusations from around.

His heart was swallowed by darkness, and he went berserk.

One point to emphasize is.

Inside the TV animation.

Black Orochimaru, Black Danzo, Black Sakura and other characters are very black, adding a lot of "plots that are not in manga".

This can be misleading.

We have to look at the problem dialectically.

Distinguish between Kishimoto's settings and non-Kishimoto's settings.

at last......

It is normal for readers to have questions.

After all, not everyone is a six-knowledge... oh, pyro-scholar.

The author will answer patiently.

Chapter 741. Can save one is one

"This, this kind of thing is too unreasonable, it's too coincidental."

"There is no coincidence without a book. Reality is far more absurd than fiction."

Charlotte: "..."

"Your father may also be suffering in his heart. He reluctantly drove you away, but he couldn't explain it to you. Because... Judging from your performance and thinking just now, you are not mature at all, and it is useless to explain it. You must be thinking of something else."

Danzo came to a conclusion.

"Heaven sends a great mission to this place, and one must first suffer from one's will, exhaust one's muscles and bones, and starve one's body and skin."

"Your father hopes that you can become a mature person like him after experiencing wind and rain, instead of becoming a group of bastards or giant babies with your brothers."

"It's even possible that some of your older brothers love you very much, but for your own good, they have no choice but to cooperate with acting and pretend to be a villain."

"Look, Charlotte, there are many ways to solve the same thing. You always think of the worst side, and you just like to dig into the corner. This is immaturity."


Charlotte's eyes gradually brightened, and she realized something.

She felt better inside.

At this moment, the haze she had accumulated for several years was swept away.

The whole person also becomes happy.


She already understands that she can think positively about everything.


Ten minutes later, the clothes were dry, and Charlotte and Danzo were on the road together.

The goal... the frontline base built by Danzo.

"Several of my shops were taken away by ninjas from Yunyin Village."

Charlotte lay on Danzo's back and drove forward at high speed.

2 years time.

Charlotte is also a talent.

Not only did the original store run well, but even in the next town...

That is, the frontline town where Danzo is located, and several stores have been opened.

Then it was taken by the ninja of Yunyin Village.

Do not ask.

The ninjas in Yunyin Village are so domineering.

Looting and robbing are what they are best at.

The scope of snatching is not limited to money, materials, and property.

And... people.


Many blood-successor limit ninjas in Yunyin Village were not born and bred.

It was taken from other ninja villages.

Charlotte is a child, easy to control.

He was followed by Yunyin Village.

But the problem is...

Why did Yunyin Village focus on the daughter of a big businessman?

For money?


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