The ladies in the back are much more elegant.

Uchiha Yoko swung his arm, and two stacks of shuriken flew out.

If it is a shuriken thrown by an ordinary ninja, it is basically useless.

Although on the battlefield, there are quite a few miscellaneous fish killed by shuriken...

The shuriken of the Uchiha clan is the kind that can really throw people to death.

The shuriken drew a strange arc, easily reaping a few lives.

According to Danzo's earnest persuasion.

Uchiha Yoko aimed at the enemy's head.

It's best to start.

In this way, even if the opponent has regeneration ability, it is impossible to come back alive.

As long as the headshot is taken, 99% of ninjas will die.

Shuriken is just a warm up.

There are more evil Uchiha Kunai throwing skills behind.

The kind that can fly out of the arc.

Ugly Earth Weasel once used this trick to seal off Nagato's psychic beast reincarnation eyes sharing vision.

Roughly speaking, this throwing technique...

It's no different from "a bullet that can bend".

Very unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances, the enemy would not allow the ninjas of the Uchiha clan to harvest like this at will.

They will rush over and choose melee or gang fights.


The next moment, a black shadow like an iron tower flew over and landed heavily on the ground.

It's not waiting for the extremely impactful foot-picking big man's women's clothing to shock the enemy.

The bearded lady was already snarling.

“This is Si~ba~da~!”

The protector placed by Danzo next to Uchiha Yoko, the original ancestor Gundam Ms. Beard... See reference!

In the eyes of everyone who is extremely shocked...

The bearded lady chopped off a head with one blow.

The machete the size of a door panel was held in the hand of the bearded lady, blocking and killing people.

Today the bearded lady is wearing a sailor suit.

There are two scrunchies at the end of the twin ponytail.

The headband is inlaid with red glass as a headdress.

There is also an ornament tied on the forehead, with the moon in the middle.

The big red bow on the chest can't stop the thick chest hair.

The short thigh-length sailor skirt continuously reveals the big buttocks below.


Sailor Moon in love and justice—Ms. Beard, wants to destroy you on behalf of the moon!

Ms. Beard totally draws fire for Yoko Uchiha.

Not to mention...that outfit with its own mental attack.

After Uchiha Yoko was stunned for a moment, he continued to attack.

It seems that there is someone else coming?

Forget it, it's not a big deal.

Danzo stood on the ground and did not continue to kill the enemy.

Because, standing in front of him was an elite monster.

"Ninjas of Konoha, why did you kill the ninjas of our Shuangyin Village? Can Konoha be unreasonable?"

The enemy spoke.

This is a 30-year-old elite ninja.

The discourse skills of beating back and forth are also quite proficient.


Danzo nodded.

"Konoha can be unreasonable, especially with a hypocritical existence like you."


Danzo's words made the other party stagnate.

Apparently, he didn't expect that Danzo's level of mouth escape would kill him instantly.

Chapter 754. The art of psychic Rashomon!

Danzo has always been a very reasonable person.

You reason with me, and I reason with you.

You want to talk nonsense with me...


Then use violence to control violence.

The other party was said to be fooled.

Obviously, he is not as good as Danzo in terms of nonsense.

So, after thinking about it, he finally felt a little sincere.

"Ninja of Konoha, we have no grievances with you. The shuriken just now was just a symbolic warning. There is no need to directly trigger a battle."

In fact, since the battle has already begun, it will definitely not end until one side is killed or one side retreats.

There is obviously no such thing as talking about someone's death with words.

The reason why he reasoned with Danzo was because he found that Konoha was too good at fighting.

Where the hell are 200 muscle monsters coming from?

Are you the ninjas of Yunyin Village?

The more you look at this elite Jōnin from Shuangyin Village, the more he looks like him.

If he hadn't recognized Danzo's appearance...

"A straight line is the shortest line between two points."

Danzo saw that the other party started to reason, and he didn't mind letting the other party understand.

Well known.

The Land of Fire borders the Land of Tang.

The Land of Soup borders the Land of Frost.

The Land of Frost borders the Land of Thunder.

If the ninjas of Shuangyin Village want to fight Konoha, they must first cross the land of soup.

"I have sent someone to observe you for a long time. The direction you are sprinting in happens to be the location of the Land of Fire. Don't tell me that you are just running back to the border of the Land of Fire to enjoy the scenery."

"Also, if you insist on saying that, you are not invading the Fire Nation, then you must be invading the "Long Nation". "

The countries bordering on the land of soup at the same time, except the land of fire.

There is also "Long Country".

That is the hometown of Uncle Jiaodu.

The Kingdom of Long is just to the north of the Kingdom of Fire.

"The Kingdom of Long has been an ally of the Kingdom of Fire since ancient times, helping the allies to deal with the enemies, is there a problem?"

Why does Qianshou Feijian always want to control, support, and fight for the Kingdom of Long?

Because the country of Long blocked the country of Tang, the country of frost, and the country of thunder all at once.

These three countries want to invade the interior.

You can only choose one from the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Long.

Either invade Konoha, or invade Longyin.

As long as they pull up the flag of their allies, these three countries can only stare blankly.

"Look, how about letting you understand?"

Danzo looked at the other party with a full face, like looking at a big sand pen.


The elite of the Kingdom of Frost was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't know how to refute.

"If my guess is correct, the reason why you are thinking of attacking Konoha... is either because of the support from Wuyin Village behind you, or because of Yunyin Village's making it bad."

Danzo stretched out his hand, and pointed his index finger and middle finger at each other.

Pretty decent guy.

The daimyo of the land of frost...has had an ulterior PY deal with the daimyo of the land of water since ancient times.

The daimyo of the country of water doesn't trust Wuyin Village.

Have persecution delusions.

Therefore, they unite the distant small country, the country of frost.

The two countries are in collusion.


Since Frost Hidden Village in the Country of Frost can PY with Hidden Mist Village in the Country of Water, it can also PY with Hidden Cloud Village in the Country of Thunder.

"You're right."

The elite Jōnin of Shuangyin Village nodded.

"As expected of the "Darkness of Shinobi" Shimura Danzo. "

It's okay if he didn't say anything, and once he said Danzo, he confirmed one thing.

"It's Yunyin Village, right...Yunyin Village told you about my information."

That's the importance of intelligence.

Once the identity is leaked.

The opponent can directly judge who you are based on your moves, skills, and appearance.

That is to say...

Those wind escape skills that Danzo used before were also learned.

This is also the reason why the opponent dared to rush over to fight and kill.


They don't know that Danzo has trained 200 mass-produced followers.

That amount is... a little too much.

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