Could it be that the legendary female fist strikes hard?

Of course, Danzo is not a machismo, but there are still some worries. Will there really be no deviation if Senju Momoka is in charge of the law?

At least...a man needs to be added, so that it can be balanced.

"Well, I'm relieved..."

Danzo nodded and saluted immediately.

"Danzo pays his respects to Mr. Momoka."

"Okay, gather at the task release office at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and by the way, your ninja helmets will also be distributed. Disband!"

After finishing speaking, Qianshou Taohua formed a seal with one hand, and disappeared with a swoosh.


In the evening of that day, the forehead protection was distributed to Danzo and others.

Tied a brand new forehead protector on his head, Danzo took a photo in front of the mirror, it was so beautiful.


The next moment, Danzo's eyes widened.

"I have it, I have it!"

Don't ask, just ask to sleep.

Tuanzang runs in the Dabieye on the fifth floor.

Then he picked a room at random, went in and fell asleep.

This time, I fell asleep until dawn.

Just after dawn, Danzo opened his eyes suddenly, stretched his legs randomly, got up cross-legged, and began to exercise.


Danzang began to exhale, and Ren Du's second pulse chakra flowed.

Then, Danzo opened his eyes suddenly, and raised his hands up!

"Break it for me!!"


Chakra erupted and swept across the surroundings, and a gust of wind suddenly blew away in all directions.

"Ah, I finally broke through..."

Danzo folded his hands nervously, and worked slowly.

He has finally broken through from a ninja school student to a ninja!

In the virtual screen in front of me, in the D-level column, a new ninjutsu is impressively listed!


There is no breakthrough at all, it is purely Danzo's self-entertainment.

In fact, he was just happy.

Last night, in the dream, the first D-rank ninjutsu appeared.

This means that he will be able to sleep more and more D-level ninjutsu in the future.

"Hey, I finally recovered to the time when I can become stronger without working hard..."

Danzo nodded with extreme satisfaction.

If you can become stronger by lying down and sleeping, who the hell is going to work hard.

"Before the realm reaches the Ninja Dzogchen... just keep living like this..."

Danzo said that he is such a man full of vulgar interests.

I just don't want to try!

I will not stand if I can sit, and I will not sit if I can lie down!

I just want to die!

What's the matter?

"Is salted fish bad? Anyway, the world doesn't need me to save..."

Danzo set up a FLAG who didn't know if that was the case, got up and walked slowly towards the bathroom...

After a simple breakfast, Danzo came to the yard.

The compound made by Senshouzhujian is awesome, even has wooden training targets.

All kinds of human-shaped targets, round targets, and large wooden stakes that replace trees.

Danzo thought for a while, and finally stood still in front of a full-body humanoid target.

One step two steps...three steps five steps.

In the end, Danzo was 10 meters away from the target.

This distance is called "middle" distance in ninjutsu.

0~5 means "near", and more than 10 meters means "far".

From Naruto's official official book "Book of Lin", "Book of Fighting", "Book of Zhe", "Book of Array".

Usually, ninjutsu in this world is divided according to this standard.

Of course, according to each person's personal quality, the distance of ninjutsu will increase or decrease, and it cannot be applied mechanically.

Chapter 23. Don't do it~, Miss Li~

Chakra is brewing, and ninjutsu is being performed.

After Danzo's seal was completed, I stretched out my finger...

The tip of the index finger of his right hand began to shine.

The blue chakra was churning, light and dark uncertain, and in an instant, a sphere the size of a ball shone from Danzo's fingers.

"Ninjutsu Missile..."

"call out!"

The chakra ball dragging its tail flame, like a small meteor, roared and flew towards the human-shaped target.


Hit, the skull of the humanoid target burst instantly.

Although it was not destroyed, judging from the fact that a large bowl was opened, if it was a real person, it would have burped on the spot.

"Acquisition difficulty is D, the maximum distance is 10 meters...It is best to aim at the vital point...Single shot...No, I can do better!"

Danzo's eyes flickered, and he sealed again.

This time, two missiles exploded from his fingers at the same time.

The spheres intertwine, reflect each other, and finally... explode together.

Now, only the lower jaw remained on the head of the humanoid target.

"Okay, call it a day..."

Danzo nodded, now, he finally had the first real killing ninjutsu.

Compared with the limitation of the E-level acid splash, there is also the weak damage of the D-level Wind Break · Breakthrough, I don't know how strong it is.


In the morning, at nine o'clock, Danzo arrived at the entrance in front of the mission announcement office on time.

The so-called mission release office, as the name suggests, is the place to receive missions.

Konoha's operation mainly depends on the rewards earned from missions, plus the grant support from the daimyo of the country of fire, the real cash machine.

So, don't complain about why ninjas don't farm.

There is a cash machine like this daimyo, and you can plant your sister's land!

The location where the mission is released is not visible when you look up.

As an annex building next to the Hokage Building, this place is very lively.

Konoha's ninjas come and go in an endless stream, and ninjas who come to accept tasks can be seen everywhere.

On weekdays, Senshou Zhujian would come to visit if there is nothing to do, and Qianshou Feijian is also a resident staff here.

At the same time, there are also officials sent by the daimyo of the country of fire and Konoha high-level ninjas to form the organization here.

"You are here."

Senju Momoka briefly greeted Danzo and the others, and entered inside first.

"What a coincidence... Danzo, you bastard!"

As soon as Danzo walked in, he saw Mayfly with a bewildered smile on his face.

On her left is Uchiha Yoko, and on her right is Sensei Ri.

Hugging left and right, envious of others.

This setting of a yellow-haired scumbag attracted a lot of people to stare at him.

Why? !

Why does this guy with such amazing looks have two beautiful girls? !

And when those people heard from insiders that Mayfly was a girl, their expressions became weird again, and they doubted life.

Some even started banging their heads against the wall.

After all, the impact on the Three Views is really too great!

Seeing Danzo approaching, it is obvious that Mayfly is more interested in Danzo.

"The brat looks handsome in a forehead protector."

Mayfly patted Danzo's shoulder hard, and then began to hook Danzo's shoulders.

The next moment, Naoto's eyes full of unyielding eyes projected on Danzo's back again.

"Don't be like this, classmate Mayfly..."

Danzo waved his hand, indicating that everyone should keep their distance.

After all, men and women are not close to each other.


Mayfly squinted one eye, and made a signature Yanyi expression with big and small eyes.

"What are you talking about, bastard?!"

"I are an outsider." Danzo said, staring at Mayfly's eyes.

"Outsider?" Mayfly tilted his head, "Aren't you insider?"

Everyone: "..."

Just as Danzo was about to vomit, Mayfly burst out laughing. While laughing, he patted Danzo on the shoulder: "Haha, you boy, I was joking with you just now. How about it? It's funny."

No, Danzo doesn't find it funny at all.

He was about to take Mayfly's salty pig's hand away when he suddenly remembered something...

"By the way, Mayfly classmate, I remember you are a girl."

"If you don't care about your horse, of course I'm a girl!"

Mayfly pinched her waist with a proud expression on her face.

Although Danzo didn't know what she was so proud of, it wasn't the point.

"Then... Mayfly classmate, when you grow up, you have to get married."

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