"Three Generations" will be born among the two young talents Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

In order to help Danzo, Senju Momoka is willing to let him perform this important task.


Danzo twitched inwardly.

In fact, when he saw Senshou Momoka's eyes, he knew it.

It was a kind of caring eyes of the elders looking at the younger generation with gratified eyes.

If translated into words, it would be..."Child, I'm doing this for your own good~~."


Danzo nodded briefly and accepted the task.

"Well...you are the captain of one of the teams, and you form a team of 4 with the others."

team leader?

This is understandable.

It means Danzo is the boss.

Being able to manage a security force of 100 people, it is of course no problem to command 4 people.

Danzo has no objection to the task assigned by Senju Momoka.

Because even having an opinion is useless.

There is no room for rejection at all.

In peacetime, there might be some wiggle room.

But in wartime, orders from superiors are absolute and unquestionable.

For example.

Qianshou Taohua suddenly lost his menopausal temper.

Ask Danzo to sneak into Mustache Mizukage's office and steal the secret scroll.

Danzo has nothing to do with it.

Ninjas... are just so helpless.

all evil.

They can all be covered up with the words "for Konoha" and "for XX".

of course.

Faced with this situation, you can defect, become a deserter, or have a thigh-high magic soldier descend from the sky to uphold justice for Danzo.

It's like Danzo upholding justice for the four Shinobi of Shuangyin Village and sending a corner of Nara to the Ghost Lantern City.

Next, is the team assignment.

"You form a team with Uchiha Yoko and Uchiha Black Fire, and the fourth person in the end, you can choose one at will."

Yoko Uchiha?Uchiha Black Fire?

Danzo immediately smelled a conspiracy in this mission.

Why these two?

Danzo remained silent.

As a think tank and main DPS, Danzo is qualified.

Yoko Uchiha... is Jonin.

What the hell is Uchiha Black Fire?

It's not that Danzo looks down on Uchiha Black Fire.

Uchiha Black Fire has only one Gouyu Sharingan, which is "Chunin".

Single attribute fire escape.

The amount of chakra belongs to the level of ordinary Chunin, which is neither high nor low.

Isn't letting him go purely courting death?

With the Chakra level of Uchiha Black Fire, it is a question of whether he can barely "cross the sea" to the country of water in the state of continuous rapid march.

This mission is a special mission.

Even if you want to find Chunin, at least find those who are particularly awesome.

For example, in the original book... "Ninja" Uchiha fat column, Prince Naruto, this kind of ninja who can't bear at all.

What the hell is Uchiha Black Fire? !

Is this the rhythm to kill him?

Why don't we also arrange for the more useless struggle to force Uchiha to move forward?

For an instant.

Danzo has a lot of thoughts...

It is naturally impossible for Senju Momoka to let Uchiha Black Fire go to die.

Arranged like this, that is to say...

"Is it arranged by my Teacher Feijian?"

The purpose is to kill Uchiha Black Fire.


Uchiha Black Fire is a good-for-nothing, what's the use of killing him?

"Could it be possible to understand it the other way around?"

Not to kill him.

Instead of saving him along the way, even Yoko Uchiha?

To buy people's hearts?

"Just like my teacher fooled Uchiha mirror and brainwashed Uchiha mirror?"

The more Danzo thinks about it, the more he feels that this is the real purpose of Senshou Feijian.

Uchiha Yoko and Uchiha Black Fire, if lost during the mission.

It's not good for Danzo's reputation.

As the captain, how to make the subordinates survive to the greatest extent while completing the task is the goal.


Danzo understood.

This mission is to let him buy people's hearts along the way.

Buy the secretary of his peers, Uchiha Black Fire.

Finally, use them to deal with Uchiha in turn, and disintegrate Uchiha from the inside, Barabara...

"For this mission, I will invest in 20 teams, and Hokage-sama will also draw 20 teams from the village."

Momoka Senshou explained.

A total of 160 people traveled across the ocean, went to foreign countries to investigate, and observed the whereabouts of the ninja troops in Wuyin Village.

Radiate out in a fan shape.

These people are not many, but they should be able to discover the movement track of Wuyin Village.

and so.

This mission is actually a "reconnaissance mission"

But the fucking problem is that Danzo can only be regarded as a half-baked scout ninja.

Uchiha Yoko and Uchiha Black Fire are not even scouting ninjas...

So to say.

The last person must choose to scout the ninja.


I!At once!Do not!

Danzo came up stubbornly, and no one could stop him.



Danzo, Uchiha Yoko, and Uchiha Black Fire set off.

Maybe add a dog.

"Let's go, silly dog, I'll take you to the country of water for a public tour."

It's refreshing to hear that you can travel to other countries.

Gouzi went straight to Danzang and followed Danzang.

Because it's getting tired of playing here.

Erha Tiger Taro is the detective of Danzo!check!Soldiers!

I'm going to treat the dog as a human being, so what's the matter!

Take out the map and follow the plan.

The goal of the march on the first day was to cross the ocean and reach the eastern lookout point of Yuno Country.

On the second day, they also crossed the ocean and arrived at the island village across the sea from Yuno Country.

On the third day, continue to cross the ocean and reach the circular island of the country of water.


In addition to having a large piece of complete land, the land of water looks like Australia.

There are also ten small islands of different sizes surrounding the land of water.

The goal of Danzo on the third day is to reach one of the islands.

That is the investigation location Senju Momoka arranged for Danzo.

Wuyin Village in this era, under the leadership of Mizukage Nidaime, Mustache, Ghost Lantern, is the most prosperous period of Wuyin Village.

Chapter 827. Danzo fools the black-haired dancing demon

The fog of this era.

The major blood successor families are complete and the hearts of the people are in line.

There is no civil strife, and there is no "blood mist".

Everything is going well.

Its unique geographical location makes it difficult for the Land of Water to be invaded on a large scale.

Even if an enemy sneaks in, it is still a petty theft.

Day three.

Danzo and others came to the country of water... on the edge of... an... outer ring island.

There are seas on all sides here, and it is understandable that it often rains.

In a dense forest, the three of Danzo hollowed out a big tree... using the wind to escape.

It is very easy to create a simple camp.

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