Covering her slender lips with her hand, she seemed to find it interesting to tease her brother.

"Ahem, I'm here to do a mission...during the war."

Danzo lowered his voice.

Their desks are in the corner, so they are not afraid of being overheard by others.


Shimura Jiuyuan responded softly.

The two were talking about something.

Before I knew it, time passed, and an hour passed.

However, no specific purpose was mentioned.

This is the tacit understanding between the two brothers and sisters.

No one asks what the other is going to do.

Just like before.

Finally, Shimura Jiuyuan got up and went out.

She didn't tell Danzo where she was going or what she was going to do, she just said that she would come back before dark... just disappeared at the door.


Uchiha Yoko stared at the door and came to a conclusion.

She couldn't see through Shimura Hison at all.

Even if she is also a woman, she cannot observe this misty existence.


Danzo nodded, feeling rarely depressed.

Because of this feeling, he also has it, and it is even stronger.

"Let's eat something first."

Danzo greeted the boss and served some dishes.


"My brother opened the Crystal Palace, and I can only be alone."

When Shimura left for a long time, he thought so.

The town is neither big nor small.

Shimura took a long walk in the rain.

Oddly enough, the rain deflected several centimeters directly around her body.

It seems to form a vacuum.

Shimura Jiuyuan, who does not touch his body, is going to continue to inquire about information.

"My brother has things to do for my brother, and I have things to do for myself..."

Shimura Jiuyuan was walking on the road, his outstanding appearance and figure attracted a lot of attention.

Someone even came forward to strike up a conversation.

They were all rejected by Shimura Jiuyuan one by one.

While passing by a street, she was stopped by someone.



Shimura Jiuyuan turned his head and blinked.

It was none other than the ronin leader who stopped her.

"Alara, Mr. Cyclops, what do you want from me?"

Shimura Jiuyuan caressed the bangs beside his ear, it was very beautiful.

Those black eyes stared at the black blindfold of the ronin leader.

Maybe she finds it funny.

Although the unwritten rule here is... no one dares to call him a one-eyed dragon in front of the ronin leader...

But whether Shimura Jiuyuan knew about this rule or not, she didn't care at all.


The Ronin's facial muscles twitched violently following the corners of his mouth.

The remaining eye was instantly bloodshot, as if it could choose someone to devour!

He glared at Shimura Jiuyuan, and said loudly: "Stinky bitch! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with someone backing you up! In this town, I, Kotaro Zhangui, is the overlord!"

Say so.

He stepped forward and stared fiercely at Shimura Jiuyuan, "Who was that guy just now? A few wild ninjas? Or rebellion? As long as I inform you, the ninjas in Wuying Village will—"

He didn't finish his sentence, because Shimura Jiuyuan turned around and left.

"Feel sorry......"

Shimura Kyouto waved his hand.

"Although I think your blindfold is very ornamental, but I'm busy now, so I'll find you another day..."

Shimura Jiuyuan left the leader of the ronin in this way, and walked forward on his own.


The leader of the Ronin was stunned for a moment, his anger ignited.

He felt slighted, looked down upon and insulted.

So, he stepped forward, trying to grab Shimura Kyuto's hair from behind.

"You little bitch, uncle today—"

Again he didn't finish his sentence.


He also didn't catch Shimura Kuyuan's long black hair.


Shimura Kyuto's arm shook violently.

With actions that completely violate human beings...flicked straight behind, and...drawn an arc.

Normal humans are absolutely unable to do this kind of action.

If it can be done... it can only mean that the arm is dislocated.


The rogue leader paused abruptly.

After being scratched by that slender hand...

A line of blood appeared on his face.


The entire head was cut in half horizontally.

By the time half of his head rolled off his neck, Shimura Jiuyuan had already moved forward.

Pedestrians on both sides of the road.

Including several subordinates of the ronin leader.

They all stared blankly at this scene.

They were all frightened by the death of the leader of the ronin.

Therefore, no one rose to prevent Shimura Jiuyuan from leaving.

Shimura Jiuyuan walked gracefully like that, and slowly disappeared from their sight...

Chapter 835. Shimura Jiuyuan's Jungle Adventure

The town has no name, and there is no ninja village.

Plus the Emperor Shan Gao is far away...

Possibly local self-government.

And the rules here are at least not to kill people on the spot.

Otherwise, the town would be in chaos.

Especially... the one who died now is the leader of the ronin organization.

A leader of an indigenous family entrenched here.

Aboriginal family.

It sounds like a joke, but it has a very important meaning in the country of water.

According to the "Kakashi Secret Biography" description.

The status of the native families in the country of water is higher than that of commoners and foreign families.

And the leader of the local ronin armed group was killed by a delicate girl.

This event... probably never happened.

The news quickly reached Danzo's ears.

He immediately realized the seriousness of the problem...

It's not that Shimura is in trouble.

Rather... the local militias, plus those ninjas from Hidden Fog are in trouble.

As his younger sister, she does her own way and does things as she pleases.

The difference from myself is that...

Shimura Jiuyuan never cared about any rules.

If Danzo is a "lawful" camp.

Nashimura has been in the "chaos" camp for a long time.

Danzo quickly thought about what might happen afterwards.

The local armed groups came to crusade, the bounty hunters were ready to move, and the ninjas of Wuyin Village came soon...

Sometimes things have two sides.

Apart from these disadvantages, are there any advantages?

Considering that Shimura Jiuyuan has no intention of leaving this island or this country at all...

Danzo can't just watch.

What's more, he also has a task.

After dinner, Shimura Kyuto got up, ready to go out and find a hotel to rest.

On the way she just came back, she killed a few guys who didn't know what to do.

"Aren't you going to get yourself into trouble?"

Uchiha Yoko couldn't help asking.

No other meaning.

Just pure curiosity.

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