Danzo's emotions, for a moment...

There were a few small crashes.

after all.

He's a good boy in the 21st century, not a real ninja.

It's also normal to whine occasionally.

"I need at least another year of practice."

Danzo's expression gradually became calm and calm... The years are quiet and good.

It's like... grandpa.

"Well, one year is the least time."

Danzo pretended to say something.

This statement is reasonable.

Said too much.

To know.

Ai's Thunder Dungeon Armor won't matter if it hits the S-level "Wind Dungeon Spiral Shuriken".

The mere Feng Dun possessed a demon, and wanted to poke him to death all at once, and wanted to eat the fart.

Unless Danzo also invented the needle-through-hand?Egg-filled pancakes?

Using Thunder Tunnel is much more reliable than Wind Tunnel, dear.

After all, Lei Dun is the main puncture.


Senshou Momoka nodded and couldn't help sighing.

If the Thunder Dungeon Armor was blown up so easily, wouldn't that mean that the 10000 Yannin were all idiots?

The Raikage family is also a fool?Invented a junk ninjutsu?

How can Ai, who can fight hand-to-hand with eight tails, be an ordinary person?

It is impossible to kill him in a flash with normal methods.

In fact, there is another way to hurt Ai.

But Danzo didn't say.

Because it doesn't make sense.

The reincarnated body of filthy soil can be crushed by Xiao Li with one kick.

In fact, Reincarnation of Unholy Earth is really as brittle as paper.

Prince Ming used Ai's single-handedness to let Ai beat himself, which didn't explain anything.

A body of filth, not to mention a single hand, will shatter if kicked casually.

Now Ai is alive.

A muscular maniac who can physically resist the technique of God's gift.

in the original.

Ai fought countless battles, and all the enemies failed to leave a scar on him.

It can be called the perfect devil muscle man.

And Ai's only injury was the scar on his chest that was stabbed by his own hand.

That's right.

A consistent hand can indeed break through Ai's own defense, but it only leaves a scar.

The dirty soil is reborn as AI.

He is the worst character to be weakened.

Moreover, when the runaway Eight-Tailed and Ai fought hand-to-hand, it was impossible not to release the Tailed Beast Jade.

Ai Ke was able to use the Thunder Dungeon Armor to resist the existence of Tailed Beast Jade.

The defensive power is comparable to the Jujutsu of the Wooden Man in the Thousand-Handed Column.

What a poop.

Although Ai is very young now, only 20 years old.

But his Thunder Dunk armor has already been hidden between his brothers.

When Danzo fetched Mizuki Yui, he paid attention to comparing the difference between his Thunder Dun Armor and Ai.

It was found that there was not much error.

Defense is equal.

In fact, Ai should have trained the Thunder Dungeon armor to the "fifth stage".

A stage dedicated to strengthening defenses.

His future son, the fourth generation of Lei, is taking the ultra-fast super racing mode, which is also based on the fourth stage, a specialized "fifth stage".

Ai's main attack is defense, which is very difficult to break through.

Unless Danzo also practiced to the "fifth stage".

Relying on the plug-in of the body training gold finger, he can beat Ai.

But Danzo now has no clue about the fifth stage.

How to practice?How to practice?

Not to mention him, even the second generation of Lei doesn't know.

Because Ai has surpassed his father and grandpa.

Chapter 860. The Desire of the Kaleidoscope

Danzo is tired and has to rest to get up.

"I see, the three of you go down and have a rest first, I will inform you of other things..."

3, that is to say, dogs are not people.

Ignoring the whimpering Gouzi, Danzo, Uchiha Yoko, and Uchiha Black Fire just left the command tent.

Danzo naturally knows.

He has been arranged to be the backer... oh, he means, he was arranged by Senju Momoka to be the one who is responsible for 1v2 against Ai and Ayumi at the same time.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

But Danzo said that he doesn't want to take the blame~~.

Combined with the previous experience of the country of water.

1 Yui Minazuki was tricky enough to almost kill him.

If there were two Yui Minazuki...

Danzo's little life is really dangerous.

This made Danzo deeply realize the fact that two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the fact that he can beat the master to death with random punches.

It also strengthened his "dog" plan.

Along the way, Uchiha Black Fire went back to think about his "mixed dance method".

Danzo didn't feel any pressure to fool Uchiha Black Fire.

After all, if Uchiha Black Fire doesn't work hard, he can only be a "Salted Fish Chunin".

Work hard, although it is a bit crooked, but it is still possible to reach the elite Jnin.

"Second goods Danzang..."

Uchiha Yoko followed Danzo to the entrance of the "Sheriff's Tent", which is Danzo's temporary residence in the camp.

The eighth ninja knife is pinned on her waist, which looks very simple.

Judging from the appearance, this ninja sword has no gorgeousness at all, and at most it will be regarded as a strange sword of some age.

The specific functions need to be explored slowly.

Find out if it really has any magical properties or is just an ordinary blade.

On the contrary, the long knife and stitches on Danzo's waist are very eye-catching.

Along the way, he attracted many surprised eyes.

In particular, those Jnin, elite Jnin, and those who know the goods, stared wide-eyed on the spot.

To them, that's... seven ninja knives.

Furthermore, whispers gradually spread in the camp.

I believe that soon, everyone will know that Danzo got the long knife and stitches, one of the seven ninja knives.

Danzo stopped, turned sideways, and looked at Yoko Uchiha with a slightly hesitant expression.

He knew exactly what the secretary wanted to ask.

How to open Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Seeing that power, it would be a lie to say indifference.

If possible, Uchiha Yoko naturally hopes to get the real power of the Uchiha clan.

But ah, that kind of power is not easy to obtain.

"Kaleidoscope Sharingan will gradually lead to blindness. Keep it open for about 10 hours. If you use the Pupil Technique about 20 times in a row, it will be blurred to the point where you can't even see things that are close at hand..."

Basically tantamount to blind.

Reference Kakashi.

"On the basis of using "Susanou", plus about 10 pupil techniques, the total time is about... 20 minutes and you will be blind. "

Reference object... Sasuke Uchiha.

Yoko Uchiha's eyes are intact.

Therefore, if you can open the kaleidoscope, you must count Susano.

"And using "Susanohu" will bring a strong physical burden, which is no less than the side effects of using some forbidden techniques of S rank. "

It was a pain that even an avenger like Sasuke Uchiha could not bear.

"Yi Minazuki and I fought for about 20 minutes, and her eye...is nearly blind."

Danzo said in a solemn tone.

When collecting the corpse, he confirmed it.

Yui Minazuki's eye was indeed about to go blind.

His vision was so blurred that he couldn't even see Danzo who was close at hand.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

It is an eye pupil with strong side effects.

This disadvantage can only be avoided by integrating into the "Eternal Kaleidoscope".

But Uchiha Yoko has no siblings, his father is dead, and he was just an ordinary ninja during his lifetime.

Mother is even more ordinary.

Of course, there are several ways.

Inter-column cells or the power of the Six Paths.

The former... Danzo doesn't want to go green.

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