Chapter 130 Five: The Mysterious Maierin

As the air temperature suddenly turned cold, the faces of the judge and the killer behind him gradually became ugly.

"Mr. Maier, the consequences of joking casually... are very serious." The judge said coldly.

"If the consequence you mentioned... refers to him..." Maier pointed to the bald neon man behind the judge, and then pointed to the kitchen and the study respectively, "And what they said, to be honest, it's just like that Bar."

Seeing Maier's indifference, the judge completely lost his patience, and raised his head to give instructions to the bald neon man.

The bald neon man understood, pulled out the knife at his waist, and came to Maier's throat at an extremely fast speed, but...he could only go so far.

Under their horrified gazes, Maier only stretched out a finger to rest on the blade.No matter how hard the Neon Man tried, he couldn't move forward a millimeter, even Maier's skin couldn't be cut.

"Mutant!" The judge immediately came to a conclusion. Although it was wrong, she was not to blame.

After all, as long as people see something beyond common sense, their subconscious reaction is to push the mutants.

The face of the Neon man was flushed, and he glanced at the study and the kitchen from time to time, wondering why the apprentice didn't come out to help him?

"If you're waiting for your apprentice, give up. It's still hot to watch now." Maier said flatly.


As soon as he opened his mouth, he swallowed the words back.

Because he saw that Maier stretched out another finger to gently clamp the blade, flicked it out of place, and the blade ended with a sound, and at the same time threw it in the direction of the judge.

The blade came in front of the judge almost in the blink of an eye, and she completely lost the ability to think as if she was being held around her neck by the scythe of death.

Just when she thought death was imminent, the tip of the blade stopped in front of her eyeballs, pushing forward and piercing her head.

Maier flicked his fingers, and a weak force hit the Neon Man's wrist. He screamed in pain, and the handle of the knife fell down. Maier caught it smoothly and recalled the blade.

The blade and the hilt were spliced ​​together at the fracture, and a miracle happened, the broken katana became intact and even sharper.

"It's a good knife, you have a good vision." While speaking to the Neon man, he threw the knife at him, like a silver lightning bolt, and inserted it into the scabbard at his waist.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

"You are a mutant!" The judge finally came to his senses and exclaimed.

"Why do you always like to let mutants take the blame when you encounter supernatural abilities?" Maier was speechless.

"You...huh! What about mutants!? The number of mutants who died at the hands of the "High Table" killers is unknown. Do you think that mutants alone can fight against the High Table? "The judge shouted angrily.

"So?" Maier asked with a smile as he still didn't take it seriously.

The judge could swear that Maier's smile was the most disgusting and chilling smile she had ever seen.

The gentle smile is like an elegant nobleman, but he says the cruelest words and does the cruelest things. Everything around him is under his control, and his opponents can only be played by him at will.

But since she is the judge who can be selected by the "high table", she will not be the one who is intimidated like this. Soon she suppressed the fear and panic in her heart, and restored her former aloofness and arrogance.

"Mr. Maier, maybe you are very confident in your power. But please consider my suggestion carefully. After all, if there is a conflict between the two sides, the losses caused will not be good for both parties, will they?"

" does make sense." Maier nodded in agreement as if something happened.

The judge was overjoyed when she saw this, she thought that Maier had been persuaded by her.But immediately it was a basin of cold water to extinguish her excited flames.

"But you haven't even figured out my identity, how can you be power and the "High Table" will lose both? "Male asked with a half-smile.

"You..." The judge suddenly realized that she couldn't answer this question.

All the previous judgments were all her personal guesses, and there was no evidence at all.Because of standing in a high position for a long time, small actions can determine the life and death of many people.

That's why she didn't see clearly until now. In the beginning, all the initiative was on Melin's body. Not only could she not get John Wick this time, but she also didn't collect much useful information.

Is Melin a mutant?What is his ability?What is the scale of his power?What kind of power does it have?

All of this, she is not sure.

In her heart, the "high table" is naturally supreme.But it does not mean that the "High Table" is invincible. There are still organizations that they cannot and dare not provoke.For example, the Security Council's "Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency".

So now, is there another name to be added to the list that cannot be provoked?

"Go back, you don't have to come back anymore, I will go to the Continental Hotel in a few days to see if it is as safe as the rumors say." Maier said flatly, and leisurely picked up the tea and started drinking.

Well, tea tastes better than dark coffee.

The judge heard the words and knew that her task today would not be completed.And the fear in her heart has been urging her to leave.

So he immediately got up and left with the neon man. As for the people in the study and kitchen... dead people are worthless.

Seeing the two leave so resolutely, Maier shook his head: "This service is really bad, and I didn't clean it before leaving, bad review."

As the voice fell, Maier waved his hand, and the corpses in the two rooms disappeared without even leaving a trace of blood. The window was opened, and the wind mixed with the fragrance of flowers blew by. All the peculiar smells disappeared, and the usual cleanliness was restored. .


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound upstairs, which made Maier stunned for a moment, covering his face in depression.

"Is it true that this stubborn donkey can't understand human language?" While cursing, Maier walked upstairs, and sure enough, just as he went upstairs, he saw John Wick wriggling on the ground.

His whole body was already wet with sweat, and he gritted his teeth and endured the great pain.But he has not given up and moved forward bit by bit.

"I said... If you want to die, I can send you to the underworld." Maier said angrily, leaning against the wall.

"Mair...I have to leave...or else..."

Before finishing speaking, John Wick fainted again.

"Oh, this kid is really..." Maier shook his head, and directly used "psychic power" to move him back to the bed, and at the same time set up a restraint to trap him on the bed to prevent him from messing around again.After all, I have already made an appointment for a door-to-door visit in a few days, so I can't release pigeons.

Of course, with John Wick.


Back at the Continental Hotel, the judge felt that she was safe, and it was at this time that she realized that her back was soaked in cold sweat.

"It seems that Miss Judge is in trouble?" Winston, the manager of the New York Continental Hotel, asked jokingly. When the Miss Judge first arrived, she wanted to take everything away from her aggressively, but Now that I've only been two days past my one-week deadline, it's almost unbelievable to see her re-find herself in a state of shock and seek help.

"Put away your disgusting face, Mr. Winston, you and I are loyal to the "High Table", and now the majesty of the "High Table" has been challenged, we must get it back! said the judge sharply.

"Okay, what are the instructions?" Winston asked, unable to hide the mockery on his face.

Winston knew from the beginning that the Inquisitor's going to Maierin would not lead to any results.Because Maier is too mysterious, whether it is the information network of the "High Table" or his personal information channel.Even the intelligence market of the underground black market could not find any useful information.

The only piece of information judged to be [-]% reliable was that he came from the Greek sanctuary.

But it was precisely this piece of correct information that they threw aside as a joke, and even executed the person who sent it on the spot, on the grounds that they actually used this kind of joking information to fool them.

So Winston just increased John Wick's bounty, and at the same time released his information on Maier's house, leaving the rest out of his control.

Winston is an extremely selfish person who will do anything to keep his rights.

But he also cared about the friendship with John Wick, which is why he was ordered to hand over the rights of the hotel manager within a week.

So instead of stopping John Wick from breaking the rules, and instead of killing him on the spot after breaking the rules, he gave him an hour to escape.

"Bastard old fox!" Looking at Winston's sly face, the judge cursed in his heart.If it wasn't for asking him now, I probably wouldn't be able to resist giving him a slap.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

"What ideas can I have? Miss Judge, I'm almost retiring." Winston was really overjoyed at this moment, his haughty face was finally torn.Moreover, the "High Table" may withdraw its judgment on itself, killing two birds with one stone.

It's just that he really couldn't make any good suggestions to deal with Maier, let alone dare to.

If he really angered the other party, the judge patted his ass and left, and all his belongings walked here, but he couldn't take it with him, and he couldn't bear it.

"You! Winston, you have to think carefully about what you are saying. Your judgment is still in my hands." The judge said viciously.

"Of course I know, but I really can't help it, and you can't help it either." Winston held his own, and gave her a little suggestion while venting his anger. It's none of his business.

"You...wait! You mean..." The judge was about to get angry, and used the power of judgment to drive Winston into the abyss.But soon, she stopped and grasped the finish line.

"I didn't say anything." Winston spread his hands.

The judge gave Winston a deep look, got up and left.

Chapter 130 Six: The Difference Between Reality and Movies

A few days later, when John Wick fully recovered, Maier took him to the Continental Hotel.

After all, he is the person involved, and he still liked this series of movies in his previous life.Now that we have met, it is not a big deal to help out by the way.

John Wick was shocked. He knew his injury himself. It might be difficult to go to the ground in less than ten days and half a month. It's only a few days now?Healed!Even the scars are almost gone.

Coupled with the fact that Maier had made the "High Table" back down before, this made him even more grateful to Maier.


"I many times has this been?" Maier smiled wryly. This stubborn donkey has been thanked countless times in the past few days. He said don't care, but he just didn't listen. He is indeed the number one killer in the killer world. A stubborn donkey...

"But I... still want to repay you, I can leave you a blood bond." John Wick said.

The blood contract is the highest contract of the "High Table". With blood as evidence, you can ask the other party to do anything for you under any circumstances. The reason why John Wick has come to this point is that Because of the blood contract.

In the past few days, Maier has also learned about John Wick's experience. Now it is the beginning of the plot of the third movie, but a huge change has taken place.

Apart from the one hour Winston gave him to escape, he received no help.

So when the time came, he was hunted down by a lot of people, and fell at the door of Maier's house. He happened to be rescued by Maierin, and he saved his life. Otherwise, he would only die.

"What? Isn't it enough to suffer from the blood contract?" Maier asked jokingly.

"I believe you won't, and... I also understand now that unless you die, you can't quit for the rest of your life." John Wick said.

Mel was stunned for a moment, not because of John Wick's trust, but because of the second half of his sentence.

Is this... the gap between the movie and reality?

John Wick in the movie is very tough, he can do it without talking nonsense, and he is too straight-headed, so he is very easy to be fooled. For example, in the third part of the movie, he went through untold hardships at the beginning and finally found " The owner of the "High Table" was fooled by him and cut off his finger, and then obeyed the order to kill his friend Winston.

As a result, he arrived in front of Winston and was fooled by Winston, who in turn helped him resist the "High Table".

As a result, the resistance had an effect, and was abandoned by Winston to keep his position.

Looking at the present, this stubborn donkey has actually seen this truth clearly. This is an incredible change. This is also the truth of the ordinary world. The profession of assassins is a road of no return. Once you step on it, you can't get off it.

But... this is only for ordinary people, it is useless for Maier.

"Really? Maybe you're wrong?" Maier smiled mysteriously.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out later."

John Wick stopped talking. After getting along with him these few days, he also knew some of Melin's bad tastes, such as being a riddler.

But I also know that he will not lie, and if he said that he will find out later, then he will definitely know.


The Continental Hotel, where Winston and the Inquisitor are already waiting.

After realizing what Winston said, the judge immediately contacted her master and reported everything.

As a result, he was scolded by the superiors, why didn't he report this matter to him earlier.

That's right, the task of the Inquisitor has always been to try Winston and John Wick.Because they provoked the rules of the "High Table", but during the process, they ran into Maier, and for a higher merit, she decided to meet with Maier on her own initiative.

So his master knew nothing about the matter between her and Maier before reporting it.

As the true owner of the "High Table", he naturally knows much more than the people below, including Maier's true identity.

When he heard that Maier would visit the Continental Hotel in person, he almost exploded on the spot, and immediately ordered the judge and Winston to receive him at the highest standard, and agreed to all his requests, and finally invited him to the headquarters as a guest .

"Winston, guess who is that person?" the judge asked. She had never seen the master so angry and flustered. You must know that he can control the life and death of countless people with just a word, which is mysterious and unpredictable. Rumors are still extremely powerful, and they know everything well.

"How do I know... wait..." Winston replied angrily, but suddenly thought of something, and the holes in his eyes began to tighten.

"What did you think of?"

"No, it's impossible. If it's really him, he shouldn't be here..." Winston spun around in a panic like crazy, talking to himself.

"What did you think of?" the judge asked angrily.

"Shut up! Woman! If my guess is true, you've caused a disaster this time! Even the "High Table" can't protect you!You'd better hope that one doesn't think twice. "Winston scolded directly, and there was no previous compliment.

"You!" The judge glared at Winston. She never expected that the other party would dare to speak to her in such an attitude. She still held his right to judge.

"What are you staring at! Wait until the order of the "High Table" is executed, and you are not in the eyes of that person, maybe you can still save your life, otherwise...hehe..."

Winston is now completely unafraid of the Judge, and now she is a dog waiting to die.If the master is in a good mood, maybe he will let her go. If he is in a bad mood, he will kill her and throw it into the pot for stewing.

Soon, a taxi stopped in front of the Continental Hotel, and Maier arrived with John Wick.

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