"He looks young, but he is full of ambition inside."

"I've seen this kind of person a lot."

"Don't worry, everyone, as the minister elected by the majority of wizards, I, Connelly, will never bow my head for this kind of person—"


The door was suddenly opened.

The assistant to the minister said in a panic: "Minister, you are still here... Come out quickly, there are more and more people, if you don't deal with it, the lobby will be overwhelmed, and those letters..."

"What letter?" Fudge frowned. "Didn't see I was receiving..."


A bang came from outside the door.

Fudge was taken aback.

He hurried out with the reporter.

The next moment, he saw that a mailbox used to receive letters in the logistics area was damaged, and letters like a hill were pouring out of it crazily. Proposals for Family Supervision".

"Hmph! Someone must have been cast with a copying curse." Fudge glanced at the useless assistant, took out his wand and cast a spell on the pile of letters.


Nothing has changed.

The letters were still being swallowed and spat out, and they kept falling in front of him.Obviously, each letter has a different handwriting, and even a different name...

Fudge's face darkened.

He thought that he was still being photographed by the camera, so he couldn't help opening his mouth, wanting to explain.

But the words haven't come out yet.


An Auror suddenly appeared and said in a panic, "Minister, more than 500 protesters have gathered in the hall. And the number is still increasing. They said that if you don't give a result, then, you won't leave." ...and also said..."

"What else?"

"Also said that you are a Death Eater, a running dog of You-Know-Who, a protector of a pure-blood family, a cowardly and incompetent bureaucrat who only bullies children. If you can't give fairness to little wizards, they don't mind let you step down..."


Fudge's face suddenly lost all color...

"148" Fudge bowed his head

"It's so barbaric! It's so rude. When will the minister be able to talk about it casually?" Seeing the change in Fudge's face, the assistant minister said immediately, "Minister, we must send someone to suppress it quickly, or we will cause trouble." Something happened."

"Yes, yes!" Fudge responded, "Send the Aurors over—"

"Minister! All the Aurors have been dispatched to arrest people, and a small number are registered there." The Auror shouted, "The trainee Aurors are all used!"

Fudge immediately changed his words: "Logistics!"

"Logistics is doing its best to handle receiving and sending letters..."

"What about other departments?" This time Fudge learned the wisdom and asked in advance.

"Except for those who are working in other departments, the redundant staff have already come to help." Auror sighed, "Minister, there is no one! Unless you apply for foreign aid."

"foreign aid?"

It's all a scandal.

Once he applied for foreign aid, wouldn't he take the initiative to expose the scandal, and would he still want to do it?

Fudge immediately shook his head: "No, absolutely no foreign aid!"

"Then what should we do? Minister." Auror frowned, "It must be dealt with immediately, otherwise dozens or even hundreds of people will come to you later!"

"I'll go and have a look first, yes, I should appease you." Fudge could only bite the bullet and said, then gave the assistant a wink, and the group immediately walked towards the elevator.


The eighth floor underground, elevator.

Haven't gone out yet.

Fudge heard the noisy voice outside:

"What are you doing? Do you want to do it?"

"We haven't violated the law. We are just exercising the right to protest normally. What? If we feel that we will be punished as long as we come to the Ministry of Magic?"

"Then what do we want your Ministry of Magic to do?"

"Why did you choose you?"

"Give me back my son, bastard! He didn't do anything!"

"Let Fudge get out, if he doesn't give us an explanation today, I will directly publish in the newspaper and expose him as a running dog of the mysterious man..."

"Minister, this..." The assistant looked worried.

Fudge's obese body was also trembling slightly. This bureaucratic minister who had completely degenerated was a typical bullying existence, but now...

He can't get hard.

"You have to get out, you go ahead." He pushed open the elevator door, pushed the assistant forward, and then cast a loud spell himself to follow.

The moment he came out, he was spotted by the crowd: "It's the assistant minister, where is Fudge... Ah, Fudge is behind him."


A group of people rushed over.

Some even drew their wands - although they dared not let off any sparks.

Still, Fudge was taken aback.

He hurriedly said: "Everyone, don't worry, I, Cornelius Fu..."

"We know you are Fudge, if you have something to say quickly, when will you let my child go!"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, I'll just pass a spell!"

"Can you do something real?"

"I'll talk nonsense..."


I don't know who came with a book, and immediately a book was thrown and hit the assistant in the face... The assistant immediately covered his face and wailed and bent down, completely exposing Fudge.

"Okay, okay, don't do anything!" Fudge hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I will order the release of everyone's children immediately. As long as you don't be impulsive, I will let all the Aurors pass the inspection..."

"Still checked? My child didn't break the law!"

"Why check?"

"Then I suspect that you won't lift it. May I ask you to take off your pants now and check it?"

"Let go!"

Crack—another book came over.

Fudge's face changed, he hurriedly covered it, and retreated to the elevator entrance in embarrassment: "This is the process, I can't break the process..."

"Then change the rules. Why can purebloods cast spells at home, but we can't? And you are not the patron of the pureblood family?"

"Hmph, I heard that pure-blood families pay money to the Ministry of Magic every year."

"You guys don't know how to trade money and power..."

"No! Absolutely not!" Fudge said loudly, he couldn't let this speculation become a fact, otherwise he would have to fall that day.


No matter what he says, he can always be refuted.

So much so that later on, this group of people became more and more angry, and what he said would quickly be drowned out.

at last……

Fudge looked at the crowd who were getting closer and the magical flashes began to appear on the top of the wand, fear emerged in his heart, and he said loudly: "I will have a meeting to rectify it now, everyone wait a little longer, ah, wait..."


He rushed into the elevator and quickly returned to the first floor.


Powerful figures from the Ministry of Magic walked into the minister's office one by one, and they were all serious existences in the past.But at this time, there was a bit of worry and impatience on his face.

So much so that he just went in without waiting for Fudge to speak.

Several directors said: "Changes must be made, otherwise the situation will only get worse with the help of the newspapers!"

"Minister, you can agree to some of their requests, for example, the little wizard will not be punished for triggering traces at home."

"But other openings must not be moved."

"For example, the process, those young wizards who have been captured must go through the process, otherwise, if they back down today, the majesty of the Ministry of Magic..."

"But how is it possible? If those little wizards don't let go immediately, the group of adult wizards will definitely not retreat." Fudge is not stupid, he has already grasped the key point, "Only by letting them all go immediately..."

"You don't need to release everything!" Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement, Burns, suddenly said, "Just one person needs to be released."

"Who?" Fudge's eyes lit up.

"Ringo Shelby."

"I'm going right now..."

"No, Minister, you can't go like this. Remember, you have to have a good attitude, bow your head, and show intimacy. You must never boss around like last time..."

Amelia Burns stared at Fudge: "This is the best solution now."

Fudge thought of something.

His face was ugly.

But under the watchful eyes of many people with real power—people who have a chance to get on stage as long as they step down, they finally gritted their teeth and said, "I will!"


Ringo sat in the interrogation room.

He found a comfortable position to sit, even though Jin Silai, who was interrogating himself, was sweating on his face.But he still insisted on exercising his legitimate demand - to make a black tea.

He is very skilled.

After all, I come here at least twice a day, and I am very skilled. Coming back here is like going home.

And everyone who receives him is a talented person.

Speak well.

If he hadn't been caught, he still liked it very much - the Aurors were afraid of offending this little ancestor.

"King Silai, don't you want to ask questions? You are quite busy, let's go through the process quickly." Lingo drank black tea and looked at Jin Silai who was taking notes while wiping his sweat.

Jin Silai glanced at him: "Don't ask, it must be..."

"You have to ask, this is the process." Ringo criticized the adult senior Auror with a serious face, "As an official of the Ministry of Magic, how can you not follow the process?"

Kingsley: "..."

Fart process.

You sit still and I know what you are doing.

He didn't bother to talk to Ringo.

I just want to take a good breath while sitting down for interrogation...


Before his butt was hot, there was a knock on the door.The next moment, Minister Fudge walked in, although it was very brief, he was still noticed by him - Fudge's face changed from stiff to kind.

"Didn't bother you?" Fudge said with a smile.

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