"I've been looking at it for a while. Since just now, there has been no one who has come to Bo Bin's place to buy medicine. It's so pitiful..."

"Hush, keep your voice down. If I were Bobin, I would definitely beat you up when I heard your teasing."

"Then I will cast the Iron Armor Curse..."

"Don't make trouble, it's as if you can release the full Iron Armor Curse..."


Popin closed the door to keep out the wave of people who were now taunting them for buying expensive potions on a daily basis—these people, he knew, were just like their neighbours.

Smile when buying medicine.

Secretly, I don't know how to program myself.

"I'd like to see how a mere potion shop in your area can take out a bunch of potions in one go and sell them at low prices for a long time!"

"It's not like there was no potion store in the past to compete with our Bobin family on price."

"But it can only be beautiful for a while."

"Just wait, when you cry and beg me to take over like them..."

Poppin sat in the smelly shop.

Imagining the scene of Ringo holding his thigh and weeping bitterly, and even worrying about getting enough potions from there, he finally felt better.



Contrary to the truth, Ringo didn't have a headache about the source of the potion.

Instead, after processing the preliminary work.

He directly became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Let Sam and Daisy take care of the rest, while I am invited by Sirius to visit Black's old house...

"154" Boggart of Black's Ancestral House

12 Grimmauld Place, London.

Blake's ancestral home.

When Ringo arrived here, Sirius and Harry were already waiting at the door—they were wearing casual clothes of the same color, with a circle of balloons around their necks, and Harry was holding a big ice cream in his hand. Just came from the playground.

But neither of them had many smiles on their faces.

"Sirius doesn't seem to like this ancestral house very much, if it wasn't for Ringo to look at the house..." Harry hesitated to speak.

He seemed to want to suggest that Ringo eat at a restaurant after touring the house.

Of course Ringo knew that Sirius didn't like the house.Especially this house is where Nurgle, the pure blood supremacist of the Black family, has his fucking portrait stuck there with a permanent glue spell. When he sees him, he curses "prodigal son", "evil son", "I regret giving birth to you so something"...


To hell with Sirius being happy to be back here.

But for the locket.

Ringo still blocked Harry's words directly: "This is considered an old city, um, Sirius, where is the house?"

"Here..." Sirius handed over a note with a cold face, "Destroy it after reading it."

"Safe house?"


Ringo took the note, only to see that it read "Blake's ancestral home is located at 12 Grimmauld Place, London" - this is the news that Ringo has known for a long time.


Before reading the note, he couldn't see house No. 12.

But after reading it.

Before it was destroyed, a dilapidated house appeared in front of him, with dirty walls, gloomy windows, and broken doors—it was No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Generally, the house of a pure-blood family will cast the Loyalty Curse." Although he didn't like the ancestral house and had a cold face, Sirius still dutifully introduced it to Ringo.

After all, he knew that Ringo's purpose was to understand the defense methods of the pure-blood family's house, "I am its secret keeper, and only if I reveal it to others can others see it, but if I know it through other channels, I still can't see it. "

"I see."

Although he knew it a long time ago, Ringo still nodded, and burned the note to ashes by the way.

of course……

There is no lack of slander in the heart——

Sirius is right here, and it is fine to speak directly, but he still insists on using a note to make it unnecessary.

Harry also seemed to feel embarrassed. Seeing that Ringo could already see the house, and there were occasional pedestrians here, he said, "Sirius, let's go in."

rice ball reading

"go in……"

Sirius took the lead, and knocked on the silver snake-head door knocker with his wand, and there was a sound of chains coming from inside.

The next moment, the broken door without a lock opened.

At the same time, a wet, dusty smell, mixed with a sweet and rotten smell, hits the face.

——"Armor Protection"

Ringo immediately cast an Iron Armor Charm on himself.

By the way, he took out three masks.

Handed one to Sirius and Harry respectively: "Put it on, or the smell will be too bad."

"I don't need..." Sirius flatly refused, and then walked in without any stop, "You explore slowly, there is nothing to pay attention to inside, I will wait for you in the restaurant."

"I'm going too..." Harry hurried to follow.

Ringo lagged behind, but he was not in a hurry, and just observed openly.

After entering...

The first thing that catches the eye is the long foyer. There is a row of old-fashioned gas lamps on the wall. It is dim at this time. The surrounding wallpaper has been damaged, and there are cobwebs and dust everywhere.

Through the foyer is the staircase.

Here you can choose to lead to the second floor, or you can choose to lead to the kitchen on the first floor.

Meanwhile, directly in front of it was the dining room, where Sirius sat oblivious to the dust, while Harry carefully cleaned the chairs.

But Ringo ignored the father and son.

Instead, he glanced past an umbrella stand fashioned from troll leg bones, and behind a plaque studded with crumpled house-elf heads.

Glance at the curtain around the corner.

"If I remember correctly, there should be a fucking portrait of Sirius behind the curtain." Ringo thought, and with a light wave of his wand, the curtain opened to both sides. "At the same time, Hu Meizi lives."


Accompanied by the sound of dust bursting and a group of small creatures like fairies flapping their wings.

A portrait as tall as a man appeared in front of Ringo.

In the picture...

It was an old lady in a black hat—too old, perhaps, with a drooling mouth and yellow spots all over her face.

It is a portrait of Sirius' mother Walburga Black.

She seemed to have been sleeping.

Awakened suddenly by the opening of the curtains, he was in a dazed state.But the moment she saw Ringo, she immediately opened her mouth, wanting to scream.


The moment it screamed.

The wand in Ringo's hand flicked a small vocal curse directly, and then swung it again to pull the curtain back.


This old lady discriminates against Muggle-borns extremely.

Scream when you see it.

And when she screamed, it would cause the other portraits in the room to scream together. In the original book, the members of the Order of the Phoenix who used this place as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix were simply unbearably disturbed.

Naturally, Ringo would not make trouble for himself.

Blocked her from the beginning.

Then he looked at Hu Meizi flying around the curtain-this is a creature that is very similar to a fairy.


Compared with a fairy who is full of vanity and has no aggressive intentions.

Hu Meizi is much more dangerous.

Also known as biting fairies, they are covered with thick black hair, and have two extra arms and two legs, behind them are beetle-like shiny wings, and there are two rows of sharp fangs on their mouths.

Strong aggressiveness.

at this time……

Frightened, they flew out of the curtains.

About twenty.

They were circling in the sky and screaming "Yi Ya Ya", and swooped down with a mouth that was as big as a mouth for them, trying to bite Ringo.

—— "All fixed"

Unfortunately, before they swooped down, Ringo cast a holding spell to trap them, and then touched the storage ring, causing the fairy Blore to fly out.

"Catch them in, train them." Ringo tapped the fairy's little head, "They will be your personal guards from now on, let them do whatever work you have."


Fairy didn't know Lingo well at this time, and she had already passed the point where she would only be willing to work for a new dress.

Or maybe he drank a lot of intelligence enhancers.


This stupid guy can understand a lot of people's words now, and he immediately became happy when he heard the words. He threw his little head on Ringo's hand and kissed him, then waved his little wand.


That group of Hu Meizi, who was suspended in the air without moving, was pulled over by it with fairy magic.

Yes, pull.

Still quite exhausting.

But the result was good, at least he pulled the group of foxes into the storage ring neatly, and looked at Ringo after it was over, not sure if he was asking for a reward or what.

"It's really good, I'll give you the clothes later..." Ringo was about to praise him.

But the words did not end.

His eyes caught a glimpse of the skinny figure at the corner of the stairs on the second floor. If he wasn't standing up, he really looked like Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings".


This is not Gollum, but the target of Ringo's trip - Kreacher, the house elf of the Black family.

This is the oldest house-elf to appear in the hp world.

Dirty and skinny.

Moreover, under the influence of the original owner...that is, Sirius, he is also an extreme pure-blood supremacist. His greatest wish in life is to cut off his head after death, and be nailed to the nailed little girl just like its mother. Plaque of the elf's head.

of course……

That was before.

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