It's fine with that.

Not only do not feel tired.

Even after class, he took the initiative to stay in the history of magic classroom to practice the weather spell for half an hour before returning to the dormitory before the curfew.


When Ringo approached the bedroom door.

But he froze for a moment.

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle seemed to be discussing something intensely.

The names of various spells came out faintly:

"Don't use the petrification spell, it's too painful!"

"Where is the Vanishing Curse? Or the Illusion Curse, can you not see the head office?"

"Pleasantly said, will you?"

"Uh... then the Silent Curse? I don't know this either... Malfoy, do you?"

"I will, but I don't dare. If you use it carelessly, you will make a mistake. Okay, don't argue, that guy is coming back soon. If you don't want to be attacked by that guy first, I think it's better to use the Stunning Curse..."

Ringo narrowed his eyes and slowly took out his wand.

Do these three remember to eat but not to fight?Just made three chapters last night, dare to continue to attack yourself today, are you not afraid of being beaten?

——"Armor Protection"

After Lingo added the Armor Curse to himself in a low voice, he kicked the door open with a slam, expecting three little jinxes to fly over like last night.

But the fact is——

He saw the flash of spells emanating from Malfoy's wand.

But the target is not yourself.

It was Gore who had already changed into pajamas and put on a very comfortable sleeping posture.As for Crabbe on the other side, he seemed to have been unconscious before he entered the door, and was sleeping soundly...


Goyle was struck by the Stunning Charm.

Immediately fell asleep.

Only Malfoy was left looking at Ringo with a pale face, and the moment Ringo lifted his wand slightly, he hid his wand behind him with a swipe, and retreated nervously to his bed, half hugging the bed Zhuzi said: "I, I, I didn't intend to curse you, we just..."

"You just want to sleep soundly, and you don't want the Sinopec curse to make you unable to move all night, right?" Ringo understood their operation.

"Yes, that's right!"

"Then can I help you?" Ringo said empathetically, "It's not easy to handle the wand if you cast a spell on yourself."


Malfoy swallowed: "Stunning Curse?"

"Stunning Curse!"

"Then...that's trouble for you." Malfoy put away the wand in doubt, then lay down on the bed nervously, watching Ringo raise his wand, his voice began to tremble, "I'm really faint..."


Ringo cast a spell to lull him to sleep.

after we're done...

Then take out the "Magic Potion and Potion" textbook to preview the method of making boil remover.

Yes, tomorrow there will be two Potions lessons with Snape in the Snake Court and the Lion Court. When he thinks of Harry, Snape and himself together, Ringo looks forward to it...

"022" The Wrath of the Old Bat

On Friday, Ringo didn't get up early.

In his previous life, he was a bit short due to malnutrition and lack of sleep during growth and development. In this life, he paid great attention to the quality of sleep, at least eight hours of sleep a day-so he had no idea about night travel or anything!

The three of Malfoy were still sleeping.

If they didn't break the spell, they'd probably sleep through Potions.But Ringo is not a despicable person, so he naturally relieved them of the curse before leaving.


Just after passing, Ringo was greeted by three parties, from other colleges except Snake Academy, but in the end Ringo still sat at the table of Lion Academy——

Hermione told the story of getting a 7 in Transfiguration because Ringo leaked a question, which made Percy's opinion go away.

"Let's have class together today!" Hermione stared at Ringo's handsome face and said expectantly, "This way we can sit together."

"What class?" Harry on the opposite side was very interested.

Ringo was cutting a piece of sausage, and looked at Harry narrowly when he heard the words: "Snape's Potions class, Harry, you have to be careful, our dean is very eccentric, I heard that we never give Gryffindor more Minute."

"Snape is the dean just like McGonagall, so it's impossible to be so obvious even if he is biased?" Ron, who had a chicken leg in his hand, didn't believe it.

But Harry was scared by Ringo, subconsciously said: "Maybe..."

"Professor McGonagall is also very eccentric. After class yesterday, she left us a lot of homework eccentrically." Seamus on the side also interjected bitterly.

"Leave homework? Is there any?" Ringo didn't remember this, he only remembered that he was going to write a paper for McGonagall.

This made the lion cubs roll their eyes collectively: "Professor McGonagall is of course reluctant to give homework to you, a genius, and even escaped with Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Damn it, how angry, I really want to pick up the wand and give it to you!" Come and do a tarantella dance..."

Ringo pissed off the lion's den.

Fortunately, a large group of owls flew into the auditorium to interrupt their noise, and one of the beautiful snowy owls landed next to Ringo, cooing and pecking at his ear.

"Morning, Hedwig." Ringo fed it a sip of silk.

Ringo didn't write a letter after coming to school. Hedwig usually rests in the owl house like other owls, and occasionally plays with Ringo at meal times.

"Ringo's owl is also called Hedwig?" Harry looked up from the opposite side, and beside him was the barn owl with a heart-shaped face.

Haha ...

Finally came across.

Ringo's bad taste was satisfied, and at this time he also looked "shocked": "Could it be yours too?"

"Well, it's also called Hedwig."

"Then we are really destined."

"Haha, yes, I think so too." Harry thought that Ringo was like a big brother, and he liked him very much. Now he found that the owls had the same name, and he was even more happy. He began to think from the bottom of his heart. I and Ringo are destined friends, "Hey, I still have a letter... It's Hagrid, and Hagrid invited me to drink tea with him after three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Hagrid?" Ron poked his head over. "Is that the giant from the beginning of school? It seems to be the keykeeper and the gamekeeper, and you know him... ahem, I mean, Harry, can I join you?" go?"

"No problem, Hagrid is fine."

Harry did not refuse, and at the same time looked expectantly at Ringo who was writing the letter: "Ringo, do you have something to do this afternoon? Do you want to go together?"

"Okay..." This was exactly what Ringo wanted.

"What about Hermione?"

"I... I'll forget it, I have to go to the library to do my homework." Although Hermione wanted to follow Ringo, her relationship with Harry and Ron was not good enough to get together, so she had to refuse.

talking room...

The professors also came to the auditorium to eat one after another, even though they had heard the rumors and even witnessed it in the classroom.

But when they saw Ringo, the stray snake, having a friendly meal among the lions, they paused and glanced at Snape: "Look, Severus, there are not many such special Slytherins." See."

Snape originally tried not to look at Harry because of Ringo, but when he heard this, he immediately became angry: "Hmph...Of course it's rare, because the last Slytherin who was so good and sociable, You call it Mysterious Man."

"..." All the professors were choked.

Snape felt better, took an extra serving of fried bacon, and looked at Harry again, hoping to catch Harry's eyes.

But soon he discovered that Harry didn't look at him at all today, but kept staring at Ringo opposite him: "Hmph!"

"The Age of Rebirth"

The old bat floated away with a straight face.

Under the watchful eyes of Harry and others, Ringo wrote a long letter and stuffed it on Hedwig's lap: "Go Hedwig, bring the letter to Daisy, she will prepare a big meal for you of……"


Potions class.

Even if it was the first time in class, the freshmen had already heard about Snape's weird temper.Therefore, even though the classroom is located underground, with a series of scary animal specimens placed along the walls, and the interior is dark, cold, and has a vaguely strange smell, no one dares to be late.

Ringo sat with an excited Hermione.

The little girl played with the balance, crucible and various glass vials with great interest, and at the same time chatted to Ringo: "I think we will learn about laugh potions or sleeping potions in the first class. Of course, Beauty potions are also possible, but considering Snape...

Hehe, I'm not criticizing the professor behind his back, but he really has nothing to do with beauty, in fact, I would rather learn how to make compound soup or Felicia, you know, Felicia is called luck..."

Ringo kept looking at her with encouraging eyes, and replied from time to time, which made the little girl very useful.Of course, it's just now, and when Snape comes, the little girl will die of pain.

was thinking...

With a bang, the door was forcefully opened.

The next moment, a black bat floated in, accompanied by a gloomy voice: "This class does not allow silly waving of wands, nor does it require blind spells. So many of you will not believe this. It's magic.

Of course, I don't expect you to really understand the beauty of the white smoke and fragrance coming out of the slowly simmering cauldron. You won't really understand the liquid that flows into people's blood vessels, the kind that makes people's hearts sway and their wills blurred. Magical power...

I can teach you how to raise your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death—but only if you're not one of the slobs I'm always dealing with. "

Although the old bat has greasy hair.

But it has to be said that the sound of the subwoofer is very magnetic, and Ringo basically agrees with what he said - improve reputation, brew glory, prevent death - a top potions master is indeed qualified to say this.


Appreciation is appreciation, but Ringo didn't dare to behave like other classes.

Because in the process of stepping onto the podium.

Snape gave himself a hard look, and when he was hallucinating condescendingly on the podium, it was also very ugly to see this gaze.

I don't know if it's because of me or because of Harry.

Or both?After all, even though he sat at the same table with Hermione, he was also next to Harry. Perhaps this was two joys for Snape?


After talking a lot, Snape still brought the topic to Harry as promised: "Oh, yes, Harry Potter, this is our new big star, who has extraordinary abilities before school starts, so that Confident enough to think that you can not concentrate on listening to my lecture..."

Accompanied by a burst of laughter.

Ringo bumped into Harry, who was taking notes—a scene he liked so much that he didn't stop it in advance.

"No, sir, I didn't pay attention to the class." Harry explained hastily.

"Not only arrogant, but also sophistry." Snape continued to cover his hat, and looked at Harry openly, "In this case, maybe you can tell me what I will get if I add daffodil root powder to wormwood infusion ?”

Wow - Hermione raised her hand high.

Harry was stunned: "I don't know, sir."

"I don't know? Then let me ask you something else. If I asked you to find me a bezoar, where would you find it?"

Harry: "..."

"What's the difference between the boat-shaped aconitum and the wolfbane aconitum?"

Harry: "..."

"It's a pity, it seems that fame alone is not enough." Snape mocked, "Are you right, Mr. Potter."

There was a burst of laughter on the field.

Dozens of gazes looked over, making Harry's cheeks hot, embarrassed and angry: "Obviously, Hermione knows the answer, it's a pity you don't let her answer."

There was another laughter.

"Be quiet..." Snape stared at Harry and walked off the stage slowly, turning his head as he passed Hermione, "Put your hands down, you idiot... girl..."

—He saw Ringo.

And Ringo still had an inappropriate smile on his face.

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