And started production in an orderly manner again.

Thanks to the experience just now—failures can also be rewarded, Ringo's potion handling this time is more straightforward and beautiful, with almost no redundant steps.

Although it boiled another pot at the same time as the little snake next to it.

But more than one step faster:

The little snakes are still grinding the snake fang powder, and Ringo has begun to heat the cauldron;

The little snakes are still trying to start a fire and control the fire, and Ringo's cauldron is approaching 250 degrees Fahrenheit;

As for the end, when the little snakes haven't even reached half of the process, and even the potions of people who were not affected before are mostly not completed.

However, Ringo picked up the second potion and handed it to Snape: "What do you think, the professor?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Then there was another burst of lion and snake staring.

The freshmen craned their necks to check.

Compare Ringo's newly released potion with the case in the book.

Although most of them are at the entry level of potions, they still have the ability to judge.Therefore, after the preliminary comparison, the level of Ringo's potion was quickly noticed - the completion was good, definitely far exceeding the level of novices!

They were shocked immediately.

or envy...

or admire...

or jealousy...

But he had to drop Gulingo. Is Lingo really an all-around genius?

Many people even took the initiative to help Snape answer Ringo's question in their hearts: Then there is no need to think about it?Definitely pass the extra points!


To the surprise of the freshmen.

Snape just glanced at it, didn't even touch it, and sneered directly: "This kind of thing can be fed to trolls, they probably barely eat it."

That being said.

But he didn't intend to leave: the freshmen watched the excitement, but as a potion master, Snape saw Ringo's way through the comparison of the semi-finished product and the finished product.

——How did this person improve so fast?

Different time.

different characters.

But came up with the same idea.

At this moment, Snape had the same idea as McGonagall yesterday, not letting Ringo stop, wanting to see his limit - at Ringo's speed, others might be able to finish the pot, he But it can cook two or three pots.

This involves the issue of fire control.

The freshmen basically heat the potion slowly over medium to low heat to avoid frying the pot.

But Ringo was different.

After the practice before the start of the school, the detailed explanation of the pictures and texts later, and the accumulation of experience just now.

The first time this guy was a medium fire, the second time it was a medium fire.As for now, after being denied by Snape again, Ringo didn't even hesitate, quickly cleaned the cauldron, dealt with the snake fang powder, and then went straight to the fire...

This time it was just over 6 minutes.

The potion is out.


"It's the same level as before, it's just that the time is shortened, continue."

the fourth time.

Take about 5 minutes.

"What about this time?"

"The trolls might applaud you because you handle horned slugs and porcupine quills the same way they stir up mud with giant clubs."

- "Clean up"

Ringo cleared out the potions that the freshmen thought would fetch a high price.

For Snape's "malicious" targeting.

Not "a whit of complaints".

After putting it into potion making again, even the movements didn't change in the slightest. Not only was it as safe and efficient as the previous few times, it was even more beautiful.

It was close to school at this time.

All the students have completed the potion - in name, including Neville and Seamus who were sent to the school hospital by accident.

So it wasn't just Snape who was eyeing Ringo.

The students of the Lion and Snake Academy are also paying attention to Ringo's movements.

The process of making potions is often full of smells, filth, and nausea.But in Ringo's hands, it became neat and beautiful. Whether it was the hands or the technique, it was like art, which made even the little snakes who were hostile to Ringo unwilling to disturb him.

——If you disturb him, you will probably be scolded to death by the dean.

Not to mention.

No matter how hostile they are to Ringo, they are still convinced at this moment.

After all, even if they target each other, people from the Lion and Snake Houses still have a consensus, that is, old bats are scary!

So let alone the targeted lion cub.

Even if it was a small snake, Snape would feel terrified if it was stared at for a while, and it might even cry in fright after a long time.

What about Ringo?

Not only was Snape staring at him for nearly half an hour!

It was also deliberately targeted to make five potions!

even so.

But he didn't panic in the slightest, and he even improved every time he made potions—five times!No matter how stupid the little snake and little lion are, they can see it.

Ringo was even more amazing than last time.

After combining the high fire cooking, the improved material processing method, and the advantages of the previous few times.In just four and a half minutes, he handed the potion to Snape—

A crystal clear, just the right concentration, like emerald-like decoction.

"Professor, do you have any comments?"

Ringo smiled at Snape. Although the old bat was suspected of "targeting" him just now, he knew very well that this was Snape's exclusive concern.

Although the tone is tricky and the voice is gloomy, every criticism is on point, which greatly shortens the time for improvement.

have to say.

The guidance of a potion master is very valuable to Ringo now.

Like now.

Just three reminders allowed Ringo to make the "perfect" boil remover—yes, so much so that Snape stared at it for a while, not knowing whether he was looking at the potion, Ringo, or both. both?But anyway, this time, Snape didn't make any further accusations.

He flicked his black robe to leave the classroom.

But before leaving, he turned his head and paused, and said the summary of this lesson: "Slytherin has produced a finished boil remover, plus 10 points."

"As for Gryffindor..."

"Hmph, even this kind of low-level medicine can fry a pot. Mr. Potter, who claims to be the savior next to him, knows that the porcupine quill should be put in the crucible after it is away from the flame, but he "deliberately" didn't remind his classmates and deducted five points." ! "


The door closed, and Potions class was over.


The Slytherin freshmen quickly left the classroom, forgetting that Nott was still petrified.Until Malfoy was reminded by Ringo when he passed by.

Poor Nott was saved by Malfoy's spell stop.

——It's worth mentioning that Malfoy's spell stop proficiency is rising rapidly, even almost catching up with the stun spell he was most familiar with.

And Knott...

He looked at Ringo's figure among the lions, his face was blue and white, he looked suffocated, and even wanted to make another provocative voice, but it was a pity that he was dragged away by Malfoy as soon as he uttered a syllable.

Ringo knew nothing about it.

He was chatting with Hermione about some tips for boil removers.

Harry Ron passed by on the way.

"I've seen it. Snape is really biased. He actually only gave points to Slytherin. Ringo..."

Ron, who was fighting for Harry, saw Ringo next to Hermione, and suddenly became embarrassed, "Oh... Ringo, I didn't mean to target you, I just said that you were fighting in class, and he even added to you Points were deducted, but Harry didn't do anything, but he was said to have deliberately failed to remind Neville and was deducted points...Even if Harry really did it on purpose, wouldn't it be worse than fighting in class..."

"Come on..." Harry didn't really want to blame Ringo, in his opinion, it wasn't Ringo's fault at all.

But before Harry finished.

Hermione on the side jumped out angrily, piercing her waist like a little lioness protecting her cub, accusing: "Ringo was forced by Snape to make five potions within half an hour to get bonus points. Being stared at all the time, is this the eccentricity in your mouth? Do you want it too?"


Ron shuddered when he thought of Snape's eyes, "No, that's a nightmare! Let Ringo enjoy this kind of partiality to himself!"

"Yeah, I'd rather Snape just give points to Slytherin!" Harry agreed.

The atmosphere between the four finally eased up a bit.

They ate briefly in the auditorium.

They separated in twos—Harry and Ron were going back to the dormitory to rest, while Hermione took Ringo to the library.

But before they parted, Harry reminded Ringo again: "Don't forget to go to Hagrid's for afternoon tea at three o'clock in the afternoon..."

"Okay..." Ringo agreed.

He thought he had to go back to his dormitory before going, take out the pile of cat food, dog food, and animal encyclopedia in the box, and try to make a relationship with Hagrid...

"025" took a photo of Filch and his cat

After sharing a Herbalism class with Ravenclaw and being read by Professor Sputrow to jot down five or six parchments of greenhouse notes.

It was five to three in the afternoon.

Ringo took a backpack with a camera, pet food and several animal encyclopedias in it, and waited quietly in the agreed quadrangle square.

Obviously, Harry and Ron were late.

But Ringo thought he could forgive—

These two are real road idiots, and they are prone to special events: Filch's interception, Peeves' mischief, or the movement of the moving stairs...

Thinking of this, Ringo couldn't help being a little curious. It's been a few days since the start of school, and listening to the discussions in the auditorium of various colleges every day, it can be seen that more than half of the people have encountered Filch and Peeves.

However, he only met Filch once at the school opening banquet, and he had never seen Filch at all.

There are reasons for this:

Gryffindors like nocturnal travel and trouble, and Filch usually keeps an eye on them;

Although Peeves doesn't focus on one person, it is very afraid of Baron the Bloody Man, and generally rarely appears in the Slytherin common room.

"I want to take a picture of them..."

Ringo squinted.

Enjoying the warm sunshine in the afternoon and the green lawn of the square, the time without little snakes fighting each other is pretty good.

However, he hadn't enjoyed it for long when he was awakened by a shrill and sharp meow.

next moment……

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