Ringo enjoyed being a celebrity at the very beginning—whether in his past life or in this life, he has an urgent desire for fame, and he will not hide this desire.

But being watched by Voldemort...

And it's not the attention of being regarded as an enemy, but the attention of being regarded as a cub...

He was very speechless.

It doesn't matter if others don't know, how can he not know who his biological parents are if he has a memory for a long time?

Although he didn't think highly of Voldemort in his heart.

But just in case.

In the next month, he still kept a low profile a lot, even in class, unless the professor called his name, he no longer deliberately behaved.

I'm not lonely...

Because Penello and Hermione usually accompany her to practice spells or go to the library.


With increasing attention.

After all, many people noticed the meaning of "Transfiguration" and began to try to write letters to Ringo with owls, which made his expectation of being pen pals with celebrities or great wizards come true...

The first to send the letter was the editor, Ms. Circle.

in the letter...

She once again praised Ringo a lot. In her speech, she expressed her satisfaction for the magazine sales brought by Ringo and the increase in her performance bonus. At the same time, she expressed the hope to communicate with Ringo more—because after Ringo, Supplementary papers on Analytical Transfiguration have grown.

Something she didn't know she needed to ask Ringo for advice.

Ringo naturally agreed.

The second person who sent the letter was somewhat unexpected. It was Weslai's father——Arthur Weislai.

The head of the Office of Illegal Use of Muggle Supplies at the Ministry of Magic, who is particularly interested in Muggles, honestly stated that he could not read the paper.

But he asked Dumbledore what he thought of the paper.

After getting it really meaningful, he tentatively asked Ringo to buy as many Muggle textbooks as possible.

Ringo obliged him.

And Weiss happily introduced many colleagues to Ringo—in fact, there were only two, one was Perkins, the only colleague in his department, and the other was Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror office.

The former wrote to flatter.

The latter thoughtfully pointed out the merits of the paper, while also criticizing it as a Muggle hazard - Ringo ignored him.


The letters that followed were much more normal. Most of them were wizards who had studied Transfiguration, and many of them had published papers on "Transfiguration Today".

Most of them agree with Ringo's routine.

Some directly express more communication.

Some left a lot of questions about Transfiguration at the back of the letter. The purpose is very simple: Although Ringo's thesis is of a good level, he is only 11 years old. Check out the real level.

Ringo answered their questions seriously.

There is no boredom and conflict.

Because these are true knowledge-based talents, they like to go straight to the point, and once the problems raised are solved, Ringo will often make a lot of progress.

He likes this feeling.

that's it……

Time passed slowly.

It gradually came to the end of October, approaching Halloween, and on the 10th, Ringo, who was eating in the auditorium, received a large number of letters as usual.

And flipping through it casually.

Suddenly froze: "Newt Scamander, Ringo Shelby? Newt? Newt's letter?"

"056" Bowtruckle's Wonderful Magic

Ringo was still surprised to see Newt's letter.

As the author of the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" and the hero of the film, as well as a well-known British magizoologist, traveler, and author of travel notes, Ringo has a very good sense of Newt.Although it can't be called admiration, but I still appreciate it and even... have a good impression.


Since when did Newt become interested in Transfiguration?

Ringo was skeptical.

Seeing him in a daze, Hermione stretched out her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "Ringo? What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I received an unexpected letter." Ringo came back to his senses.

"Who is it?"

Hermione blinked.

Ringo had to receive too many letters every day, and occasionally he would ask her to help open them when he couldn't open them, so that the little girl knew many celebrities in the magic world.

I thought I was used to it.

Unexpectedly... Ringo would be surprised by a letter.

Who would that be?

"Newt Scamander." Ringo let her look at the envelope, "You should know who it is?"

"Know!" Hermione also became excited, and immediately understood the reason for Ringo's surprise, "He is the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"! He is a famous master of Fantastic Beasts... He, he also wrote to you, is it because of the paper? ?"

Her exclamation immediately attracted the cubs nearby.

"Scamander? That's cool!" Seamus called first.

Harry looked puzzled: "Who is this?"

"He's a big shot in the wizarding world! The person Charlie admires the most besides Dumbledore!" Ron put down his drumsticks with a look of excitement, "He even wrote to Ringo! Oh, Merlin's beard, Charlie will definitely be shocked when he hears about it!" I'm so envious!"

Neville also stammered: "Well, that gentleman is about the same age as my grandma. I heard that he is also a great person!"

"I really want to know what was written?" Lavender Brown glanced at Hermione after speaking, and his tone suddenly became a little sour. "It's a pity that Ringo only shared it with Hermione."

Say so.

But she still looked eagerly at the letter in Ringo's hand.

"Let's read the content first and then talk."

Ringo glared at Hermione. The girl had a much better temper after that birthday party and became more lively.But liveliness also has its disadvantages. For example, now, a cry of surprise has attracted crowds of onlookers.

"I'm sorry..." Hermione shrank her head.

Ringo ignored her.

He opened the letter and quickly read it silently. After making sure that there was no privacy, he nodded to everyone and allowed them to watch.

Lavender Brown leaned over and read:

Thanks to Elby:

Please forgive me for taking the liberty to send this letter, not because of your paper, but because of your love for magical animals, Dumbledore said that your hobbies are very similar to mine, and he was worried that you would cause unnecessary trouble ——

I was expelled from school for keeping dangerous magical animals.Although this is not a big deal in Dumbledore's view, I have long since lost any grudge against Headmaster Dippet at the time.

Handling and keeping magical animals is dangerous.

Of course, Dumbledore's asking me to write to you is obviously not to stop you from doing so, he just hopes that you can communicate with me more.

If you have some kind of magical animal in your hand now, you can write me back, and I will help you analyze how to get in touch with them better.

Finally, the more presumptuous thing, please forgive me for reading Dumbledore's letters and writing to you. My wife Tina is next to you. She wants me to tell you: children, rather than raising magical animals, I want to marry seven This kind of thinking of a wife is even more dangerous, it will make you lose yourself.

— Newt Scamander & Tina Scamander

Read here to end.

But the words just fell.

Hermione showed an incredible expression: "Ringo, you, you want to marry seven wives?"

Harry scratched his head: "When did this happen?"

"Amazing!" Seamus praised.

Lavender Brown's eyes sparkled: "Ah! Ringo, do you really think so?"

"Seven children is already terrifying, seven wives..." Ron swallowed, with a terrified expression on his face.

Neville opened his mouth as if to speak.

But Ringo didn't give him a chance.

Spreading his hands towards everyone: "Your focus is so strange. This is obviously a joke between Dumbledore and me. It was just used by him to make fun of it. It can't be taken seriously. You see, Neville is a sensible person. He He didn't say a word because he knew it was a joke!"

Neville closed his open mouth.

The other cubs looked at him, and he blushed hurriedly and nodded.

That's it for now.

Only Hermione wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Ringo picking up a pen and preparing to reply, she had no choice but to continue eating sullenly...

Ringo is looking forward to pen pals with Newt.

So there is no hiding.

- In fact, there is nothing to hide.

He wrote back. In the letter, he first expressed his surprise and excitement at receiving Newt's letter, and said that the matter of the seven wives was a joke, and asked the other wife to rest assured. Finally, he said that he had a Bowtruckle and some fairies in his hand. , and asked about some precautions for magical animals, and finally wrote a letter expecting a reply.

this afternoon.

He received another letter from Newt.

But this time the handwriting is slightly different, it looks graceful and sharp, and the tone of voice has changed into a female, it seems to be written by Newt's wife Tina.

Ringo didn't care.

Instead, I am very interested in the content.

in the letter...

Tina first expressed her reassurance, and by the way praised Ringo as an obedient and sensible child, unlike some restless expert on magical animals and his equally restless grandson named Rove.

Fairies and Bowtruckles are then introduced.

In addition to regular content.

There are also some more off-the-wall content.

About Fairy:

If they don't mate and lay eggs, the fairy in Newt's hands can live up to 16 years, 3 months, 4 days and 15 hours.

Adult fairies only need to drink dew and eat nectar to survive.

And Newt once replaced the dew with the intelligence enhancer.

He also said that although the effect of the intelligence enhancer is only to make the drinker's thinking clearer, after long-term use, the understanding ability and learning ability of fairies will be significantly improved compared with ordinary fairies, and at the same time, it will not affect lifespan.

About the Bowtruckle:

Newt refuted the notion that Bowtruckles only like to roost in leafy trees, saying cause and effect are reversed.

It's not that the tree is good to inhabit.

But the habitat is the best tree.

This is the natural magic of the Bowtruckle itself. They can make most of the known plants and even fungi grow rapidly and flourish.

At the same time, they also have a long affinity and endurance for plants. Even dangerous plants, such as devil's nets and mandrakes, are just ordinary plants in front of them.

"Smart enhancer? I remember it was in the fourth grade. The ingredients are scarab, ginger root and armadillo bile... Well, it's not a big problem. You can try to refine some."

Ringo glanced at the storage ring.

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