Several eyes fell on Ringo.

Even Flitwick nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then Flitwick, well, since it's a first-year, the opponent should also find a first-year, Kona? Would you like to come up?"

Snape named Ringo from his own house, and Flitwick had to name Michael Corner, a freshman from Eagle Academy.


Hearing his roll call, Kona, who was just watching the excitement, was stunned for a moment. The black-haired little boy who was good at potions stood up in embarrassment: "Yes, I'm sorry, Professor, can I not go up? I'm not Lin Lin at all. Ge's opponent..."

"Don't be sad, child." Flitwick could only comfort, "Then Goldstein?"

Kona's roommate.

Goldstein also looked embarrassed: "Professor, I can't beat Ringo...Maybe I can still fight with Kona, but for Ringo...Professor, Ringo is not something we can beat in the first and second grades. To compete with Ringo, I think, at least the fourth grade..."

The other first graders were also afraid of calling themselves.

Hastily echoed:

"Yeah, professor, Shelby is a genius, even the fourth graders are no match for him!"

"I don't even have to cast a stun spell, but Ringo has already mastered the flying spell..."

"His Flying Charm can control Neville!"

"Let's change it to a senior..."

"Quiet!" Snape frowned when he heard the group of little wizards pushing and shoving. After scratching them hard, he fixed on Ringo, "Let Shelby find an opponent by himself! Do it while sitting down." What? Shelby, go up."

The old bat...

Obviously, it’s enough to change to two first graders of the same level, but you have to toss me...

Ringo glared at Snape too.

Then, under Hermione's worried and expectant eyes, she stood up, and while walking on the stage, she turned to look at the prefect Farley: "Then let Prefect Farley come up."

As soon as this word comes out.

There was a sudden exclamation from around——

They were all outside the Snake Yard. Although they knew that Ringo had threatened so many little snakes, they had never seen them with their own eyes.

So I don't know the specific level, but now, Ringo opened his mouth to fight the prefect...


It's so strong!

If Snape hadn't trembled in front, they would probably have started shouting again.

And compared to it.

The little snakes all looked at the female prefect sympathetically.

The female prefect who was threatened by Ringo just now had a pale face. She stood up tremblingly with the support of her companions, and opened her mouth to refuse.

But her own identity, the dean's attention, and Ringo's personal roll call finally made her swallow her refusal.

Then he stepped onto the stage resignedly to his fate——

Although it is unlikely, but the other party used a magic spell to take off his clothes, what should I do?

Thinking of this.

She looked at Ringo with tears in her eyes, and while raising her wand as a gesture, she begged in a low voice: "Thank you, Mr. Shelby, please, be gentle..."

"Don't worry..." Ringo smiled at her.

Then turn around.


Walking enough distance, the moment after Professor Flitwick's three-two-one gesture ended.

——"Disarm You"

After all, Farley is still a good fifth-grade prefect, and her level is still high. Almost at the same time, she and Ringo both cast the same spell.

And her cursed red light is as thick as an upper arm.

Ringo's is only like a forearm.

If the two collide, they may disappear at the same time, or they may still pass through her peripheral vision.


Did not collide.

Ringo's casting angle was so tricky that he almost missed her spell and hit her precisely.


Farley flew upside down.

And at the same time.

Ringo's other hand, which had not cast a spell, took off the scarf, and threw it forward to block her spell...

clap clap clap!

The onlookers didn't know what Farley was thinking.

Just applaud Ringo one by one.


"Ringo, it's you!"

"The prefects are not even your opponent!"

"Fortunately, I didn't go up..."

In the midst of the applause, Flitwick also stepped forward excitedly: "Tricky casting angle, easy defense, oh, Shelby, it's hard to believe that you are a first-year student! I have to say, You are a genius when it comes to spells!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor." Seeing Farley stepping down in embarrassment, Ringo saluted his surroundings and said by the way, "Can I go down?"

"Gene Era"


"No..." Snape interrupted Flitwick, staring at Ringo with faint eyes, "It can't be called a duel at all just now, but if you just crush it, it won't reflect the excitement of the duel. Perhaps, you should Find another opponent."

Flitwick looked at Snape tangledly: "Severus, it's already unfair enough for the fifth grade to play, and if we let the sixth and seventh grades..."

"No students."

"What?" Flitwick was taken aback. "Although Shelby is quite capable, the effect of you and me on stage may be the same as just now..."

"Isn't there another professor?"

Snape snorted coldly, and pulled Quirrell who was next to him forward: "Professor Quirrell should be fine, right?"

"108" Father is kind and son is filial?Prefect bows his head

Brush brush!

All eyes looked at the professor who was despised on weekdays, and each of them became looking forward to it—although no matter how much he looked down on Quirrell, he must have some skills to be a professor, right?

Yet Quirrell himself.

But his face was full of disbelief: "I, I can't, how can I... yes, I am a professor! How can I fight against a first-year freshman?"

"Professor, Ringo is no ordinary freshman!"

"As you can see, all the prefects were defeated by him with one move, which means that he can definitely fight an adult wizard."

"Professor, are you afraid?"

"I like your professor!"

"Perhaps Professor Snape is right. I am afraid that only you and Shelby can be considered evenly matched and at the same time can decide the winner..."

Seeing that Quirrell refused, before Snape could stare, the students below quit!

Never mind trying to teach Ringo a lesson.

I still want to see Quirrell make a fool of himself.

Anyway, Snape's suggestion had aroused the curiosity of the students. This was called a gimmick. How interesting would it be to think of a useless professor fighting against a genius-like freshman!

And amidst the shouts of the students, Professor Flitwick also said simply: "Everyone expects it, Professor Quirrell, don't refuse."

Although this short professor is also peaceful, since he appeared in the field of spell duels he is good at, he can say that he has inadvertently reached the same mentality with Snape at this time - he wants to see what kind of character Quirrell has. Somewhat genuine.

"But I..." Quirrell still wanted to speak.

But as soon as he spoke, Snape inadvertently pushed him again, and he staggered up to the dueling ring, facing the squinting Ringo.

"Professor..." Ringo said thoughtfully, "Come on..."

Although I don't know the purpose of Quirrell's dueling class.

But Snape...

Ringo can probably guess it.

This old bat has coveted the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a long time, and in the past few school years of the original book, he feels that he can take it every time.

But every time he was pushed over by other people, it would be fine if everyone else was like Barty Crouch Jr., but he couldn't hold back either the enemy werewolves, or shameful bastards like Quirrell and Lockhart.


Or to embarrass Quirrell?

That being the case.

Then it will be as you wish - Quirrell's ability to cast spells is very good, so maybe you can try some of the previous ideas to your heart's content?

Think so.

Quirrell, who was on the stove over there, finally bit the bullet and did not go down. Amidst the shouts of the little wizards, he slowly drew out his wand, but his voice was still stuttering: "Shelby, ha, let's, This is just an ordinary duel demonstration, so, so..."

"I'll keep it in check." Ringo looked at Quirrell with a smile, and then stepped forward politely, "Professor, let's get started."


Quirrell also stepped forward, but it was a pity that he walked tremblingly, which aroused the laughter of the little wizards.


During the salute, Ringo felt a sense of being spied on.



Or the back of the head is not honest.

He pondered, turned around after saluting, and after marching in two directions with Quirrell, he began to listen to Flitwick's slogan.When the countdown ended, a stun spell hit him.


Unlike the previous opponents, Quirrell did not attack, but cast an Iron Armor Curse, took Ringo's blow head-on, and continued to use the Iron Armor Curse without the Iron Armor Curse breaking.

Don't want to attack?

Still depends on my ability?

Lingo thought for a while, but the movement of his hand was not slow, and he hit him with a mixture of petrification spell and stun spell.


Quirrell's Iron Armor Curse seems to be "not strong", and it will break after taking two consecutive spells, so after these two rounds, he said again: "Armor..."

Not finished.

Ringo uses Polymorph.


Quirrell's sleeve turned into a small tree, which grew up in an instant, its branches crooked, and it snapped against his wand, making his gesture crooked.

"Beautiful!" Professor Flitwick couldn't help but exclaimed.

Snape's eyes lit up too.

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