So go out on a new path.

The theory of heaven is too illusory, including her, all the gods have worked hard for thousands of years but have not seen results, and they can't wait any longer.

And she can't regard heaven as the only life-saving straw, just like all eggs can't be put in one basket, and multiple preparations are needed.

In fact, not only him, many gods have their own arrangements and plans in secret, and some things are hidden deeply and unknown.

"Just because of this?" Suzuka wondered, she didn't think she was very powerful, she just didn't want to die, grandma worked so hard to save her, and told her not to die since she was a child, she kept it in her heart like a creed.

There is hope in life, so her desire to survive has always been strong.

The only time she had a will to die was in front of her grandma's grave. At that time, she completely changed her mind, and felt that she no longer had any worries in this world.

So she doesn't think she is special, there is a great horror between life and death, many people will have a desire to survive when facing death, this is normal, but why does Amaterasu seem to attach great importance to her.

Ise Suzuka inexplicably thought of Yotsuya Miko and Baihe Chuanhua.

On that dusk night, they continuously injected the power in their bodies into her body. Does it have anything to do with this?

"Isn't that enough?" Amaterasu smiled lightly.According to the calculations of the gods, the correct path should be the perfect fusion of spirit and flesh.

But the strong are like steel that has been cooled and shaped. Their spiritual will has been sublimated and transformed to the point where they are. Unless they are completely dismantled and rebuilt, it is impossible to combine with the body.

Moreover, this fusion trait itself cannot be deliberately cultivated.

If the body needs extraordinary power, putting it in a life-and-death situation on this basis will only stimulate the extraordinary power and physical changes. The biggest possibility is to get a new monster——she has tried it before .

The reason why those supernatural beings who are both human and god are in human form is because they have not been able to achieve the communion of spirit and flesh, they can only say that they coexist with each other, and each has its own problems.

This is how the gods live forever, but those with supernatural powers need to be reincarnated.Of course, supernatural beings can also choose to abandon their physical bodies and enter the spirit world, but they rarely do so.

Only a thousand years ago, a group of psychics were willing to leave with the gods, fearing that they would be wiped out by endless reincarnation in the future.

"Haven't you met someone like me in all these years?" Suzuka didn't believe it, feeling that Amaterasu was fooling her.

"What do you think?" Amaterasu said calmly, she really thought that Ise Suzuka was a strange creature, a guy who would not be seen once in thousands of years.

Some things can't be explained. The gods searched for thousands of years, but suddenly appeared in front of her like this. This is unreasonable. So many people have been afraid of death throughout the ages, but she couldn't understand why only Ise Suzuka appeared like this. a characteristic.

Although she is still weak now, she has a promising future.The initial integration of spirit and body also means that her spirit and body are unlikely to get out of control.

"You don't have enough experience, and you don't know that the image of the gods is actually very strange. It is actually very difficult for those psychics to merge with the gods and maintain their human identity."

"The human body is like a red line in the water. Any shaking or interference will cause the red line to shift involuntarily, so the human body is easy to alienate. It's like Tamazamae was also a psychic at the beginning, but she was unwilling to be promoted step by step A psychic chooses to follow the instinct of physical evolution, and she first fused with a fox-shaped god, so her body alienated into a nine-tailed fox, and then her temperament was extremely cruel, and she gradually forgot about her excellence. Go further."

This kind of situation often happened in ancient times. She was most familiar with the ancient civilization on the opposite side. In the primitive period, the first batch of psychics who appeared basically had abnormal physical characteristics.

Such as Xuanyuan, Shennong and Chiyou.

But that was because the inheritance of the psychic was not perfect and extremely rough, which led to this phenomenon.

In the later time, the system of psychics gradually became more and more perfect, but there are still psychics who worship this abnormal feature, thinking that it is the appearance of a god.

"But this kind of evolution is useless. No matter how strong the body is, it cannot resist the call of the spirit world..."

"After you become a god, you can use this characteristic to the strongest, but it can offset the attraction of the spirit world, and there will be no more constraints."

Suzuka said angrily, "I won't be at your mercy!" She was not a marionette.

Tianzhao smiled and said: "You will, time is running out, the shadow of the old days is coming, you can only choose to become stronger, otherwise you will die."

"Hmph, it's death anyway, why should I work hard for you!"

"Do you think I will kill you? No, I won't kill you. This kind of extraordinary quality cannot be inherited. I choose fusion, just like the fusion of soul and flesh."

"The divine blood in your body is the bridge connecting you and me. At that time, you will be me, and I will be you..."

Amaterasu lowered her head slowly, she and Ise Suzuka looked at each other with narrowed pupils, showing a faint smile.


"See you in the Yotsuya... see you in the Yotsuya..."

Misty and illusory prayers echoed in this boundless sea of ​​darkness.

Yulia wandered in the chaotic and deep place like a ghost, she explored endlessly downwards, chanting the name of Yotsuya Miko in her mouth.

In this most primitive secret place that isolates spirit, matter, and space.

Every time she uttered such words, a beam of light would shine down from nowhere and hit Yulia's body. The beam of light would turn into an invisible protection to isolate the outside world from intrusion, allowing her to explore this mysterious and treacherous place safely. The place.

Time, distance, and orientation all lose their meaning here.

The only constant is the dark haze that lingers like a dense fog.

Suddenly, Yulia stopped and stood still.

A tall figure wandered aimlessly, it staggered away, not far from Yulia.

In her perception, it was a giant more than ten feet tall, but without a head, with breasts as eyes, belly button as mouth, and carrying a corroded ax that didn't look like it, it just missed her.

Yulia looked at his back and knew in her heart that it was another ancient god who was lost here forever, and had already lost reason and sanity. In the words of the gods, he had degenerated into a demon.

Without further delay, she moved on.

"See you in the Yotsuya... see you in the Yotsuya..."

The voice of the prayer faded away.

All gods come to my aid, if not from the town of Fengdu: Chapter 99: Human beings are just phantoms

The face of the abyss is dark, and the chaos is deep.

Here, there is no direction.

She is both advancing and exploring downward.

Yulia is like a fish living in the shallow sea, and now it is diving into the bottom of the deep sea, resisting the pressure, and preparing to take a peek.

She didn't know what this place was, but it was absolutely inseparable from the spirit world, and it seemed to be the deepest place in the spirit world.

Even if the ancient gods stray into it, they will lose themselves here.Because it is full of a very strange secret power, which disintegrates everything, can affect the mind silently, and become a member of the devil.

However, she is a demon herself, but she has completely preserved the complete personality of human beings on the basis of demons.

Whenever she dives to a certain level, she always feels that her mind is crumbling like a rock on a cliff, and a tearing crazy idea climbs up in her heart. This is to remind her that she can't continue diving, otherwise she will maintain her sanity power will collapse.

But when she recites the real name of Yoshitani Jianzi, there will be a kind of power in the dark, which will be transmitted here to help her resist the mysterious power and make her mind much more peaceful.

And she also tried to pronounce other people's names.

For example, she heard that the leader of a certain society in Chiba was extremely fierce. He chased the hostile forces and chopped down two streets in broad daylight, accidentally injuring many people.

After she read that person's name here, she didn't find any abnormality, and she didn't get any protection from power.

But when she woke up the next day, the boss of the society disappeared without a trace. The place where he slept was a secret room with no windows, only a locked door, as if he had disappeared out of thin air. His confidants only found blood splattered on the wall and a mess of hair in the room.

Faced with this strange situation, his subordinates suspected that it was the work of ghosts and gods. When observing the room, one person had a mental problem. He seemed to be crazy, shouting, looking terrified, and claimed to have seen many people. An indescribable monster appeared from the void and took away the eldest brother.

Then after he finished speaking, five more members also gradually went crazy.

Things got so bad that the association had to ask the police for help, put those crazy people in a mental hospital, and at the same time claimed that the boss committed suicide.

Youlia knew the details of this passage, because she reached there with her tentacles, heard everything, and sensed the remnants left by the demon from that room.

Yulia finally decided that this place is very special. Even if it is a name, as long as it has a clear direction, it will also be transmitted to the ears of the demons wandering here and have corresponding effects.

Then, she experimented a few more times and discovered a terrifying fact.

If she hates someone, she doesn't even need to know the real names of those people, she only needs to have a basic understanding of that person, and she can use this to influence the future fate of those people.

This is a terrifying ability, just like the legendary Death Note.

She has come here many times, but every time due to various accidents, she could not reach the final place.

This time was no exception. Since she met the headless god, she met many other gods, and the number began to increase.

But now, she witnessed a huge shadow dormant in front of her, with an incomparable size, even the mountains were small in front of it.It has a hard shell, with thorns under its belly, like an ichthyosaur, but its size is majestic. With an unconscious movement, it swayed the thick fog-like darkness, and conveyed a suffocating sense of oppression.

It blocks here, and it is even more desperate than the world's highest peak, because for her, it is impossible to pass through.

If it touches, it will cause the power to maintain reason to collapse due to touching something that should not be touched.

And there was movement behind him, and another demon came here.

Yulia looked at this place full of gods, she gave up moving forward, she floated up quickly, the surrounding space changed rapidly, the original rich color gradually faded, and finally returned to the 'shallow sea area'.

This is where she should have been.

But this is not really a shallow sea, but the edge of the secret place, but this is very similar to an ocean, and the sea is dark.

"See you in the Yotsuya... see you in the Yotsuya..."

Youlia recited the name silently, and then she raised the angle of view, opened the chaotic and deep space, and countless figures floated in it, in different shapes and colors, turning into cocoons, filling the ten directions of heaven and earth, densely packed.

Among them, human beings only accounted for a very small part, but there were a lot of things that she couldn't recognize, and she couldn't even recognize what those things were.

At this moment, all life is sleeping in the cocoon, uttering unconscious ravings, forming chaotic and crazy sounds, and in this ravings, she has a feeling that the space is rippling, and those mist-like things that make up the space are naturally flowing like tides. move.

Yulia looked around, she was the only awakened person here.

While other lives are sleeping, countless cocoon-like lives spread to the end, which can be called boundless.

Billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, these numbers are not enough to sum up.It seems that in the entire universe, life from ancient times to the present is all ups and downs here.

This black ocean is illusory but real, making it impossible to determine whether it really exists here, or is everything an illusion?

She began to be confused, which side is real?

Is it the real world of singing birds and fragrant flowers, or this black ocean?

Is she not supposed to wake up?Should we go to sleep with all sentient beings?

"If it's a dream, please let this nightmare shatter!"

But no, the cruelty of this world is that it never changes according to individual will.

Her heart was cold and desperate, and she looked up, but she couldn't see the sky above, and there was only darkness in her eyes, without any light.

I don't know how many times I muttered to myself.

"Human civilization is just an illusion..."


Yotsuya's mother was cleaning in house clothes. Anyway, she had nothing to do, and she happened to see Miko coming down the stairs, all dressed up.

"Jianzi, do you still want to go out?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she feels that Jianzi seems to be more and more attractive. Although she still looks calm, getting along with her is different from before, but she can't tell the specific feeling.

Jianzi raised her hair and nodded slightly: "Well, I made an appointment with Hua." She planned to meet Tiandao Kagura today.

"It's very chaotic outside now, if you can go out or don't go out."

Yotsuya's mother is very worried. Recently, Jianzi is often away from home. She went to Tokyo again some time ago and came back after a long time. If Jianzi hadn't called every day to report her safety, she would have thought that something bad happened to her daughter.

Now, she also felt the need to talk to Jianzi about this issue.

"Miko!" Yotsuya's mother called Yotsuya Miko who was about to go out in a serious tone.

"Ah, Mom, Kyousuke hasn't woken up yet. I saw the light in his room was still on in the middle of the night last night. He must have been playing games until midnight." Jianzi suddenly screamed, and Yotsuya's mother froze for a moment, then shifted her attention.

It is okay to be tolerant towards daughters, but it is not acceptable to treat boys. You must be strict, otherwise you will not be able to cultivate a man.

Yotsuya Kyousuke, how can you sleep well at your age!

Wanshen is here to help me, if I don’t follow Fengdu: Chapter 100: If the price of appearing in front of you is death, then I will never regret it

Ding Dong!

"Here we come." Shizuka Hiratsuka called out weakly, and went to open the door.

Then I saw Yotsuya Miko standing outside the door lively.

"It's Miko..." Hiratsuka scratched her head, not knowing what to say.

Jianzi's demeanor is calm, she was caught off guard last time, and her mentality was a little out of balance, but now she has adjusted, so that she won't let Hei Jianzi out again.

no big deal!

She comforted herself, mainly because she has no position to be angry. What Hei Jianzi thinks has nothing to do with her. That personality is quite different from hers. Since she came back, she has never heard Hei Jianzi's voice again. I was hit, and now I am autistic...

She suspected that if it wasn't Shizuka Hiratsuka, she would have exploded long ago.That guy has been thinking about Tiandao Shenle for a long time.

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